My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 823 Three Moons

"Magic Stone? How many do you want? I have plenty here, you can spend it."

She took out another space ring from her space ring and handed it to Cai Wenjie.

"This is the pocket money my dad gave me, I'll give it all to you."

The black dragon girl Wei'er handed the ring with magic stones to Cai Wenjie without any care, and then continued to eat her cake.

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"Thank you, these are just what you lent me, I will pay them back later."

Looking at Wei'er who trusted him so much, Cai Wenjie smiled unconsciously, and then used magic power to open the space ring, ready to convert the magic stones inside into his own energy points.

But when Cai Wenjie opened the space ring, he was shocked by the scale of the magic stones inside.

Tens of thousands of golden magic stones were piled up into a hill more than ten meters high, and the worst quality of these golden magic stones had more than 10,000 magic power, and there were even dozens of top-grade golden magic stones with full magic power.

If all these magic stones were really exchanged for energy points, Cai Wenjie could even directly buy a set of top-grade magic equipment.

With this set of top-grade magic equipment, Cai Wenjie could completely squeeze into one of the strongest combat forces in this world.

"This! It's really too..."

Cai Wenjie, who originally thought that he would only owe a huge sum of money to the opponent, now owes more than a huge sum of money, and can be regarded as owing a huge favor.

However, Cai Wenjie would not give up the opportunity to get rich overnight. After silently thanking the black dragon girl several times in his heart, Cai Wenjie did not hesitate to exchange all the golden magic stones except the dozens of top-grade golden magic stones for energy points.

The energy points that were originally only one zero egg instantly became nine digits. The energy points that the system now has have reached an astonishing 400 million. You should know that Cai Wenjie has not been able to obtain more than 100 million points in the battle with zombies until now, but now after coming to the other world, he has obtained an astonishing hundreds of millions of energy points in less than half a day.

This has to make people sigh at what kind of shit luck Cai Wenjie has. He can actually meet a black dragon of a rich lady casually after crossing the other world, and successfully sign an alliance contract.

This is just like cheating. Cai Wenjie, who has obtained hundreds of millions of energy points, did not start to squander them with a big hand, but first exchanged some magic weapons and equipment to start arming his subordinates.

For the soldiers who are already accustomed to firearms, Cai Wenjie naturally will not exchange them for Western cold weapons, but directly exchange them for various hot weapons with different attributes. In order to take care of the habits of the soldiers, Cai Wenjie exchanged firearms that the soldiers are familiar with.

For example, 191 assault rifles, 10-type anti-material sniper rifles, sniper grenades, and rocket launchers that can fire various magic bullets to deal with enemies of various attributes.

Seeing Cai Wenjie continuously distributing various magic weapons, the black dragon girl beside him couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that in her worldview, magic weapons are basically difficult to make. Every basic magic weapon requires huge money, time, energy, and magic materials to be successfully made, and the success rate of making magic weapons is only 20%. Many times, as long as there is a slight mistake or lack of concentration, a magic weapon will be destroyed and turned into a piece of scrap copper and iron.

A sophisticated magic weapon can even be sold for ten golden magic stones. Don't look at the space ring that the black dragon girl holds. There are so many golden magic stones in it, but these are treasures passed down from generation to generation by the dragon clan. In ordinary human empires, except for those nobles and royal families, ordinary people can only see green magic stones at best. Getting a golden magic stone is no less than winning the first prize in the lottery for ordinary people. It is not realistic at all.

Only those princes and nobles with huge financial resources can use golden magic stones to deal with large transaction payments.

Therefore, magic weapons are very rare on the entire continent, but the problem is that the man in front of him actually took out various magic weapons and equipment continuously.

And from the looks of it, the quality of these magic weapons is not low, and can even be said to be perfect.

Watching it, the black dragon girl Wei'er also wanted a magic weapon. She didn't hesitate at all and directly reached out to ask Cai Wenjie for a magic weapon.

"Give me one too"

"You want it?"


"Okay, but you can't hurt others with this"

"Don't worry, I'm a black dragon, and I'm the best at magic"

As the only person/dragon who can be trusted in this alien world, Cai Wenjie did not refuse her request. He directly took a 191 and gave it to her, and taught her in detail how to open the safety, shoot, and change the magazine.

As expected of a dragon clan, Cai Wenjie only taught her once, and Weier completely mastered the use of the gun. In addition, she already had the skills to use magic, so she mastered the use of this new weapon faster than ordinary warriors.

"Well... the power of the magic circle engraved on it is a bit weak. Do you want me to help you increase the power of the magic circle?"

After playing with the magic weapon in her hand for a while, the black dragon girl kindly proposed a modification, wanting to strengthen the magic circle on the gun.

"Can this thing be strengthened?"

"Of course, it's OK. It just requires a little bit of magic power and a wealth of knowledge of magic arrays. I happen to have both of these, so I can certainly make modifications on this basis."

"That's amazing. Please modify this weapon and let me see the enhanced version of 191."

"Leave it to me."

When the black dragon girl Wei'er began to tinker with the magic weapon in her hand, the temporary camp was almost built.

Although it was a temporary camp, everything that should and shouldn't be built in the camp was built. Because there were no suitable materials, the trees in the surrounding woods suffered a great disaster. The soldiers directly cut down hundreds of large trees to build temporary walls. Although there would be no zombies in their world in this world, in order to avoid attacks from other unknown things, walls are indispensable.

Because it was a temporary camp, the area of ​​the camp was not very large, only the size of four football fields.

When the temporary camp was completed, the sky also darkened. Unlike the moon in their world, the sky of the other world was hung with blue, red, and purple natural satellites similar to the moon.

Just as Cai Wenjie was sighing at the beauty of the moonlight tonight, a horn suddenly sounded, bringing him back to reality.

"Enemy attack!"

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