My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 830: The Difference Between Dragons

"Sure enough, these people are very alert and can actually detect the unmanned reconnaissance drone."

Cai Wenjie saw these people suddenly shrinking back, and immediately realized that these people must have discovered his unmanned reconnaissance drone.

You must know that it is dark now, and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is at an altitude of thousands of meters without turning on any lights. According to common sense, unless there is the latest detection radar, it is impossible to detect the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Especially these aliens without any modern equipment, it is impossible to detect unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

But these people discovered the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and probably knew that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was in the sky.

People from these other worlds actually started to smear mud on their bodies, and while wiping the mud, they sprayed their bodies with some unknown liquid.

Cai Wenjie estimated that this should be some kind of deodorant, or something with similar functions.

"Now that they have been discovered, let's communicate directly. Let the unmanned reconnaissance drone descend to about fifty meters above the ground, and then use the loudspeaker to talk to them."

"Yes! Chief!"

"Go and invite Wei'er over. We don't understand the human language in this world yet, so we can only ask her to communicate with these people for me."


Soon, the black dragon girl Wei'er was approached by the guard. Although the guard didn't know how to communicate verbally with the black dragon girl, fortunately, some simple body language was still connected, so the guard succeeded in the end. Invited the black dragon girl Wei'er into the temporary command room.

"Weier, I need your help. Can you communicate with these people for me?"

"Huh? Are you talking about these humanoids? But I don't know the language of clay figures."

The black dragon girl pointed at the group of clay figures on the screen and asked doubtfully.

"Well, they are humans, not humanoids and not clay figures. They must have discovered my reconnaissance plane and wanted to avoid my detection, so they dressed up like this..."

"That's it, okay then, I can still speak human languages"


At this time, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft also quickly landed from an altitude of hundreds or thousands of meters, reaching a height of about fifty meters above the ground, and then revealed the loudspeaker hidden under the belly of the aircraft.

"Excuse me, Wei'er, help me say hello to them."


The black dragon girl Wei'er curiously held a microphone and tentatively said a few words in the human language of another world.

Alien World Language: "Hello? Hello? Hello? Those humans below, can you hear me?"

The leader of the Hurricane Knights, who was the first to discover the unmanned reconnaissance drone, asked the others to prepare for battle while tentatively answering a few questions loudly.

"I am the leader of the Hurricane Knights. Who is your Excellency?"

"Oh, I'm just a translator. The person I want to talk to you is another person. He doesn't know your language, so let me translate for him. Okay, human being, I'll ask you questions from now on. As for the rest later, Say it again"

After hearing the answer from the Black Dragon Girl, not to mention the reaction of the leader of the Hurricane Knights, the other members of the Hard Team became extremely angry. You must know that the leader is the spiritual support of all of them, and can even be said to be their A parent-like presence in my heart.

But now that someone dares to despise the spiritual pillar in their hearts, they will naturally feel angry. One of the team members with poor control ability has already drawn his weapon and stared fiercely at the unmanned person about fifty meters away from the ground. reconnaissance aircraft.

If not, the unmanned reconnaissance drone was too high from the ground, otherwise they would definitely try their best to split the rude thing in half to vent their anger on the group leader and themselves.

Compared to the angry team members, the leader of the Hurricane Knights seemed unusually calm. After hearing the reply, he nodded slightly to express his agreement with the other party's request.

"You have a good attitude, human being. For the sake of your good attitude, I won't care about other people's unreasonable treatment of the Yuanling Dragon Clan."

The black dragon girl said something like this arrogantly, and then looked up at Cai Wenjie.

"Okay, what do you want to tell them?"

Just when Cai Wenjie was thinking about where to start, everyone in the Hurricane Knights, including the leader, without exception, felt a chill in their backs and broke out in cold sweat.

The reason for this was because they heard the person speaking on the other side, no, it should be a dragon, whose identity was the giant dragon of the Yuanling clan.

You must know that there are thousands of races in this world. There is not only one race of humans living on this continent, but many various races living together.

Among all the clans, the dragon clan is the same existence at the top of the top pyramid. They can cross the abyss and sea between the five continents at will, have a lifespan as long as the elves, have perfect magical affinity and great power. Dragon language magic, if it weren't for the poor reproductive ability of dragons, this world would definitely be the world of dragons.

And there are also differences between the dragon clan. For example, the descendants of the dragon clan and other races, these people with half dragon blood are called sub-dragon clan.

There is a huge gap between the sub-dragon clan and the pure-bred dragon clan. It can even be said to be a world of difference. For example, if the magical power released by the pure-bred dragon clan can be converted into numbers, it can reach about 100, while the magical power released by the sub-dragon clan is only 1 , the hundred-fold difference can really be called a world of difference.

Moreover, pure-blooded dragons have their own inheritance, which means that they can use all kinds of dragon magic and abilities as soon as they are born.

However, the sub-dragons do not have this inheritance. If they want to learn dragon magic, they must learn it themselves, but no pure-blooded dragon will pass on their dragon magic to a sub-dragon, so it is impossible for a sub-dragon to know dragon magic.

And because they are mixed-blooded, the magic affinity and long life of the dragons will be greatly reduced.

However, even so, after adulthood, sub-dragons can still use their bodies to match high-level human warriors. Some with higher blood concentrations can even reach the epic level, but epic sub-dragons are as rare as winning the lottery.

After talking about sub-dragons, there are also great differences between pure-blooded dragons. The dragon race is the top of the pyramid among all races in the world, and the dragons with ethnic names are the ceiling among the dragon races.

For example, the Yuanling in the name of the black dragon girl Wei'er is a symbol of identity among dragons. Dragons with this ethnic name are not only more noble than ordinary dragons, but can also use ethnic-specific dragon magic.

Let’s take the black dragon girl Wei’er as an example. In addition to being able to use ordinary dragon magic, she can also use spirit dragon magic. The most typical one is the dragon breath she used when she destroyed the monsters in the deep forest.

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