My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 841 Joint Operations

After formulating how to clean up the zombies in HLJ, Cai Wenjie ran directly to the garage, selected more than a dozen engineering vehicles from the garage, stuffed them all into the system space, and then went to the Civil Affairs Center to summon all the engineers.

Then he took this group of engineers and more than a dozen engineering vehicles and traveled through the time and space tunnel to the other world.

"Let me make a long story short. I want you to clear this deep forest and build a military base that can accommodate 10,000 people. Do you know how to do it?"


"Okay, you first plan how many materials and workers are needed, and then give them to me after the statistics are completed."


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Cai Wenjie successfully converted all the high-level warriors in Muyue City into his people, and all the materials and workers arrived within three days.

The development work of Muyue Deep Forest also officially started.

During these three days, Cai Wenjie brought hundreds of engineering vehicles and thousands of young and strong workers from the real world to the other world.

In order to keep it secret, the workers here are all newly exchanged clone soldiers by Cai Wenjie. After completing the construction of the barracks, they will be stationed here permanently to complete the strategic goals assigned by Cai Wenjie.

Of course, relying on these 1,000 people alone, it is still impossible to transform the Muyue Deep Forest into a military base within the time limit, so Cai Wenjie asked Turshen to use his status as the city lord to summon workers to build the barracks together.

Of course, these workers recruited from Muyue City are responsible for the early digging of foundations and shoveling of trees, and the later construction is what the workers in the real world are responsible for.

As for the magic beasts and large animals living in the Muyue Deep Forest, Cai Wenjie did not kill them all, but asked the black dragon girl to use the pressure of the giant dragon to drive all these magic beasts and large animals away.

As for those magic beasts who dared to stay despite the pressure of the dragon clan, their fate was not very good. Basically, they were burned to ashes by the dragon breath of the black dragon girl, without exception.

And according to intelligence, somewhere in the Muyue Deep Forest, there is a magic stone mine of green magic stone level. The scale of this magic stone mine is not very large, but it is not small either.

At least hundreds of millions of energy points should be mined, so the workers must pay attention to the information of the ore while clearing the forest.

While the construction was underway in the Mutsuki Forest in the other world, the real world also began to clean up HLJ.

Because the drone bombers were restricted, this clearing mission was mainly carried out by a large number of armored vehicles and tanks.

A large number of armored vehicles set out from the Xinguang gathering place and headed for HLJ Province.

Other official gathering places were also trying their best to send their army troops to the destination.

Because it was a joint operation, Cai Wenjie learned about the situation of all friendly forces, and then allocated the cities to be attacked according to the military strength of the friendly forces.

The most powerful Xinguang gathering place naturally had to be responsible for the largest city, that is, HEB.

Other cities were under the responsibility of other official gathering places.

When the army of the Xinguang gathering place arrived in this city, the first thing was to build a heavy firepower defense line on the spot. To deal with these large numbers of zombies, taking the initiative to attack was basically seeking death.

Therefore, in order to consume the opponent's manpower, it is necessary to build a heavy firepower defense line and wait for the zombies on the opposite side to come to the door and die.

When a certain number of zombies are consumed, it is time for them to attack.

However, the zombies are not deaf. The sound made when building the defense line attracted the attention of some zombies, but before these zombies could react, a louder sound appeared behind them.

In order to prevent the soldiers who were building the defense line from being attacked by zombies, Cai Wenjie's side gave priority to releasing drones that could attract the attention of zombies.

This drone is a civilian drone, so it does not carry any weapons, only a strange-shaped loud speaker.

This strange-shaped loud speaker is now playing various rock music to attract the attention of zombies and buy time for the troops behind.

There are a total of thirty drones like this. Thirty drones began to wander around the city, consciously leading the zombies to a distance, and at the same time attracting as many zombies as possible.

According to the current development, these thirty civilian drones should be able to gather a large number of zombies soon.

But for some unknown reason, the zombies that were supposed to gather under the drone began to dissipate little by little, and those zombies actually ran wildly towards the defense line without hesitation.

No matter how much the drone amplified the sound of the music, it could not retain those zombies.

Cai Wenjie came to command this battle in person, so Cai Wenjie could immediately know the situation on the drone side.

"Something is wrong, these zombies should be controlled by some mutant zombies, otherwise this would not happen."

Cai Wenjie, who roughly guessed the reason, immediately asked the armed helicopter on standby in the air to check the situation. If mutant zombies were found there, there was no need to ask him, and he could directly open fire to eliminate the mutant zombies.

Although it was said before that for the safety of the city, drone bombers would not be allowed to participate in the battle, but special cases should be handled specially. Mutated zombies like this that can control other zombies to attack are their priority targets to kill, and they must not be given the opportunity to grow stronger.

Soon, the armed helicopter arrived at the place where the accident happened just now.

Unlike the buzzing sound of civilian drones, the sound of the armed helicopter's propellers turning was like hundreds of horns honking together, making all creatures feel very uncomfortable.

For the zombies, the sound of the armed helicopter's propellers was like a light in the dark night, firmly attracting the zombies below. Even the controlled zombies returned to their original places because of the huge noise of the helicopter.

"Calling the headquarters, this is Falcon One. No targets were found in the zombie group below. Requesting a cruise search"

"The headquarters received it and allowed a cruise search"


After getting permission, the armed helicopter began to conduct a carpet search nearby. As long as it encountered something similar to a mutant zombie, it would use the 23mm aircraft cannon on the armed helicopter to strafe.

As long as it was swept by the machine gun, whether it was an ordinary zombie or a mutant zombie, there was only one end, that is, being smashed to pieces.

Unfortunately, in just over ten minutes, although the armed helicopter eliminated more than twenty mutant zombies, it did not find the real owner.

Fortunately, although the armed helicopter did not find the mutant zombie that could control the zombies, it also bought enough time for the personnel in the rear to set up a heavy firepower defense line, which can be regarded as an unintentional benefit.

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