Mortars and howitzers fired shells at the minefield non-stop, and the number of zombies dropped rapidly under the attack of shells. In just one hour, the zombies lost another 200,000.

So far, the number of zombies is at most about 500,000.

At this time, the barrels of mortars and howitzers have been seriously heated and can no longer continue to shoot.

As soon as the shelling stopped here, the zombies passed through the minefield again and came to the second line of defense.

Similarly, the cooperation of heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns caused the zombies who had just entered the second line of defense to suffer heavy damage again.

Unlike attacks such as mines or mortars and howitzers, the second line of defense used hundreds of heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and its firepower network has reached a crazy level.

Under this dense firepower network, let alone zombies, even mosquitoes can't break into the second line of defense from the front.

The zombies didn't get any benefit at all in the second line of defense. Every moment, dozens of zombies were beaten into pieces by heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns.

Even the mutant zombies were the same. Even the strong mutant zombies or shield mutant zombies with thick skin and flesh had no way to break through the firepower defense line under the direct fire of anti-aircraft machine guns.

The most important thing is that heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns are weapons with strong penetration ability. Often, one bullet can easily penetrate more than a dozen people, and the same is true for zombies.

Often, one bullet can make more than a dozen zombies see what "warming people's hearts" means.

These zombies are not fools. Seeing their counterparts in front being slaughtered like this, the zombies behind have been frightened by the fear of death and dare not move. If they could not resist the mutant zombie who secretly controlled them, they would have run away in a panic.

But since there is no way to escape, they can only find ways to survive.

They instinctively picked up the objects around them and used them as bulletproof shields, such as a road sign, a railing, a car door, etc.

There were also a few unreasonable zombies who directly grabbed their own kind and used them as shields to block themselves.

Unfortunately, these things were no different from toilet paper to heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and they would break with a poke.

This massacre continued until the sun went down.

However, it made no difference to the zombies whether it was day or night, and they still rushed forward recklessly.

Cai Wenjie had also made preparations long ago. With the operation of several high-power diesel generators, more than a dozen searchlights that had been installed long ago lit up at the same time, making the battlefield as bright as daytime.

Those zombies could not escape the eyes of the soldiers at all.

In these hours of fighting, on average, more than 20 barrels of each heavy machine gun and anti-aircraft machine gun were replaced. If these heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns did not use the latest alloy technology, which greatly increased the life of the barrels by several times, it would not be possible to have only these.

What's more important is the ammunition. The ammunition consumed in these few hours can be piled up into a small mountain. If Cai Wenjie, who is known as the mobile ammunition depot, hadn't been in charge of the battlefield, the consumption of ammunition alone would have dragged down the entire army.

However, there are still rewards for such persistence. The number of zombies is now less than 50,000. As long as the battle continues at this pace, the battle can be ended in about an hour.

According to tradition, there should be some accidents at this time.

"Report to the chief, the news from the Daqing gathering place! They lost! The zombies are moving towards us!"

"What did you say? Lost? I remember that the zombies there should not exceed 200,000 at most. How come they lost it?"

Cai Wenjie clearly remembered that there were only more than 200,000 zombies on the Daqing side, and according to the scale of ammunition that was previously provided to the Daqing gathering place, even if they couldn't eliminate this group of zombies, they could hold them off for several days, but Daqing's defensive position was actually lost, and it hasn't even been a day.

This is too...

But now is not the time to complain. Since the position on Daqing has been lost, the zombies will definitely come here to surround us.

The most important thing now is how to deal with the upcoming zombies.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie still has a trump card that he has not used. He originally thought that he would not need to show this trump card today, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, so he can only send out the mecha troops to deal with those zombies.

On the other side

About fifteen kilometers away from Cai Wenjie's position, a large number of zombies are moving towards Cai Wenjie.

Mutated zombies and mutant animals are also mixed in and rushing towards Cai Wenjie.

They are moving straight towards the target like this, and no one would believe that there is nothing controlling them.

In fact, this is exactly the case. All these zombies are controlled by a mutant zombie without exception. Otherwise, they can't even break through the defense of the local official gathering place by themselves, let alone break through their original city.

This is also the reason why the official gathering place in Daqing City was defeated so quickly.

The defense line of the official gathering place in Daqing City does not only need to defend the front and back passages like the defense line arranged by Cai Wenjie, but also needs to defend in all four directions.

This is inherently disadvantageous.

The zombie group, under the control of the mysterious mutant zombies, initially attacked the front of the defense line fiercely, which forced the officers of the official gathering place in Daqing to call on the defense forces in the other three directions to reinforce the defense forces in the front.

But just when the battle was in full swing, a commando team composed of mutant zombies suddenly appeared behind them and launched a surprise attack on the side and rear where the defense was insufficient.

With almost no resistance, the mutant zombies broke through the position behind them, and then drove straight into the Huanglong, killing the headquarters in one fell swoop.

Although the commanders and senior officers in the headquarters fought desperately, they still couldn't hold on until the arrival of support, and died in the northwest.

The soldiers on the front line did not collapse after losing the command of the headquarters. Instead, under the command of the basic officers, they continued to resist the attack in front, and separated a team of elite soldiers to form a reconnaissance and rescue team to investigate the situation in the rear.

But before they returned to the rear, the mutant zombies killed the officers and comrades who had just been transformed into zombies.

Fortunately, the heavy firepower on the front battlefield was complete, and these mutant zombies could not get any benefits at all. They could only flee in embarrassment after being concentrated by various heavy firepower weapons.

After driving away the mutant zombies, the officers in the front realized that if they continued to fight like this, they would be the ones to die in the end, so after a brief exchange, they used a large number of incendiary bombs and smoke bombs as cover and quickly fled the position with the front-line soldiers.

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