My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 846: Corpse Controller

The zombies had no idea about the actions of the humans. They were running back at full speed and had no time to care about anything else.

If you look closely at the zombies, you can find that there are several mutant zombies surrounding a small circle at the left rear of the zombies. No matter how fast the zombies move, the mutant zombies here keep the same action.

Obviously, the mutant zombies here seem to be protecting something.

The zombie protected by the mutant zombies has a head that is four or five times larger than that of an ordinary person. It is bald without any hair, and various uneven blood vessels can be clearly seen on this huge head, which is very scary.

And this, which looks like a strange species, is actually the whole brain of this zombie group, and it is the culprit who has always controlled the zombie group.

This mutant zombie that can control other zombies itself has a weak combat ability. Even a young boy can take some steel pipes to fight it alone.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’πŸ†ƒπŸ††πŸ…Ίβ™¦πŸ…½.πŸ…²β™¦πŸ…Ό]

Because of its characteristics, it was later called the brain-controlling zombie.

Because it is very weak, it controls other mutant zombies to surround itself and prevent itself from appearing in front of any enemy. At the same time, in order to hide itself, it avoids exposing the target too early and being beheaded by the enemy.

The corpse controller, who was protected by various mutant zombies, suddenly looked up at the sky, or more accurately, at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that had been tracking them.

The ability of this corpse controller is very powerful, and it can control tens of thousands of ordinary zombies and dozens of mutant zombies at a time.

Originally, this alone would not be enough to control the entire zombie tide of tens of thousands, but the corpse controller cleverly took advantage of the blind obedience of ordinary zombies, and then relied on the ordinary zombies and mutant zombies controlled by himself, just like herding sheep, using limited zombies and mutant zombies to make the zombies of the entire zombie tide act according to his wishes.

This is the main reason why he can control the entire zombie tide.

But the originally powerful corpse controller and the zombie tide he controlled were immediately beaten back to their original form after encountering the real armored troops and mecha troops.

The zombie tide that he had worked so hard to accumulate was consumed in just two battles, and even the zombies and mutant zombies he originally controlled lost more than half.

Let alone ordinary zombies, the main thing is mutant zombies, and each mutant zombie is his treasure.

Controlling mutant zombies is different from controlling ordinary zombies. Each mutant zombie has its own thinking and ideas. If the corpse controller wants to control a mutant zombie, he must destroy the original thinking of the mutant zombie, otherwise it may be out of control at any time.

And destroying the spirit of other mutant zombies is not a good job, because each mutant zombie has its own weak thinking and can instinctively resist the control ability of the corpse controller. If you want to completely control a mutant zombie, then the corpse controller must maintain a high spirit for more than an hour.

Every time he controls a mutant zombie, the corpse controller has to rest for half a day before he can continue to control other mutant zombies.

Therefore, every mutant zombie controlled by him is his treasure.

But the problem is that the battle with humans just now and before made him deeply aware of what modern technology means to crush zombies.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for him to command the zombie tide to break through the sea of ​​fire and let the zombies rush up to bite them to death. On the other hand, the opponent can not only shoot them across the sea of ​​fire, but also use those huge military metal monsters that can fly in the sky to destroy them. It is simply too terrible.

If he hadn't hidden in the corners, he would have died long ago.

The wisdom of the corpse controller is no different from that of ordinary people, and even exceeds that of ordinary people by several times in terms of mental strength.

Because of this, he also knows how much he weighs, and he also knows that if he continues to fight, he will die sooner or later.

If he can't beat them, he can only escape.

However, there is something in the sky that has been monitoring them. The corpse controller knows that they don't need to ask this unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, otherwise they will definitely suffer in a while.

After thinking for a while, the corpse controller decided to use the terrain to pull down the flying object in the sky.

With a thought, a speed-type mutant zombie hiding around the ordinary zombies slowly raised his head to look at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, and then, with the cover of other zombies, quietly ran to the hills on both sides of the road.

This hill is not high, at most about 15 meters high, and various trees cover the entire hill. From the sky, you can't see what's inside the hill at all.

The speed-type mutant zombie took advantage of this and quickly ran to the top of the hill, then stared at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, and his body tensed up.

After the corpse controller hid the speed-type mutant zombie at the top of the hill, he immediately controlled several mutant zombies to kill each other not far away, and arranged several mutant zombies to surround a most ordinary zombie as if to protect it, as if he was alert that the mutant zombies over there would hurt his protection target.

The bait is ready and waiting for the fish to take the bait.

The fact that the zombie controller could set up such a trap in such a short time was enough to show whether zombies had thinking abilities or not.

The operator of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was no fool and immediately noticed the unusual scene on the ground.

Because the angle was really tricky, it was impossible to know what happened just by switching the camera, so after some thinking, the operator of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft immediately chose to descend.

Although the distance was close, the operator of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft not only saw the mutant zombies killing each other, but also found another unusual thing, that is, a group of mutant zombies seemed to be protecting something important, and they wrapped a certain zombie in three layers inside and outside.

"Could it be...!"

The operator of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft immediately thought of a possibility, and then he was a little excited by his own idea.

Now everyone knows that this group of zombies is controlled by some mutant zombies, but after several careful searches, it has not been found what kind of mutant zombies are controlling the zombies.

But now, he seems to have really discovered this possibility. Once he reports this matter, he will not be able to escape a second-class merit. If he captures this mutant zombie alive, even a first-class merit will not be a difficult task.

Because of this idea, the operator of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft immediately lost himself in his desire. In order to better confirm whether those surrounded by mutant zombies were the culprit, he chose to lower the altitude again. At this time, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was only 20 meters from the ground, and the distance was still decreasing.

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