My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 848 Loss of Control

The Corpse Controller was horrified when he saw this scene, but he also felt a little relieved. ♦♦  ♦♦

If it hadn't been more cautious, it would have been him who had turned into a skeleton.

After confirming that the bee swarm on the opposite side hadn't discovered them, the Corpse Controller would definitely go back to where they came from. These things were simply not something it could deal with.

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Although the Corpse Controller felt that he couldn't afford to offend these bee swarms and wanted to retreat, the bee swarms didn't seem to want to let them go.

Although they hadn't found their traces for the time being, they could fly. The bee swarms that had originally gathered into a black cloud immediately dispersed into dozens of small bee swarms and began to search in all directions.

Although the Corpse Controllers retreated at a very fast speed, they still couldn't get rid of the bee swarms' search and were discovered by them.

Looking at the mutant bees gathering more and more behind him, the corpse controller clearly felt that his life was in danger. In order to avoid dying here, the corpse controller decided to use extraordinary methods. He controlled the few speed-type mutant zombies to carry him and quickly escape, while the remaining mutant zombies stayed to delay time and create time for him to escape.

It must be said that the corpse controller has a very strong ability to respond on the spot, and his method really played a corresponding role.

The power-type mutant zombies and shield zombies, such thick-skinned mutant zombies, took the initiative to become bait, attracting the attention of the bee swarm behind, and he took the opportunity to ride the speed-type mutant zombies and escaped from the villa.

Those mutant zombies abandoned by it turned into bones one after another. Even the power-type mutant zombies and shield-type mutant zombies were eaten up in just half a minute under the siege of the bee swarm, and turned into brand new skeletons. It can be seen how outrageous these bee swarms are.

Not long after the corpse controller left the villa, a returning armed helicopter discovered the small villa and the bee colony that was eating the mutant zombies and the mutant zombies being eaten.

Faced with the sudden armed helicopter, the bee colony stopped eating the mutant zombies, and then fled the scene as quickly as possible and returned to the nest in the small villa.

The mutant zombies that had half of their bodies eaten could not stand up because they lost their supporting legs, so they could only lie on the ground and wait for death.

The armed helicopter that did nothing from beginning to end just watched the half-dead mutant zombies below waiting to die.

"I remember this is the largest bee breeding base in the Qian Province in the end of the world. I didn't expect that there are still bees alive after so long, and even their eating habits have changed."

"Indeed, fortunately these mutant bees are timid and don't like living things. They only like the flesh and blood of biological organisms infected by viruses, otherwise we would have new troubles."

The two armed helicopter pilots and weapon operators controlled the armed helicopter to leave the small villa while chatting, but the armed helicopter that had just left not long ago suddenly hovered in place. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×

“No! Those bees were eating shield-type mutant zombies just now. I remember that shield-type mutant zombies are not mutant zombies that act alone, unless something controls them... Could it be?”

“Fuck! Fly back quickly!”

“I know”

The two finally realized that something was wrong, and then turned the armed helicopter around at the fastest speed, preparing to return to the villa to investigate the situation and verify their guesses.

A few minutes later, the armed helicopter that returned was hovering only ten meters above the ground, and then used the high-definition camera in front of the armed helicopter to investigate the situation on the ground.

At this glance, they did find some problems, that is, all the fresh bones on the ground were the bones of mutant zombies, and most importantly, these bones appeared on the ground at intervals, very regularly, as if they were deliberately sending themselves to death.

"That's right, these mutant zombies must be controlled by something, and for some unknown reason, they took the initiative to come and feed the bee colony."

"I think so too."

"In that case, let's look for them in the direction indicated by the bones left by these mutant zombies, and maybe we should find something."

"I agree, but before that, I will report the situation here to the headquarters. If we really find the mutant zombie that can control the zombie group, let the headquarters send some support. After all, our first task is to capture it alive."

After a simple handover, the two helicopter pilots and weapon operators reached an agreement. While reporting intelligence to the headquarters, they drove the helicopter to chase.

The speed-type mutant zombie who ran for several kilometers with the corpse controller on his back had his thigh muscle tissue automatically broken due to a long-term outbreak.

The speed-type mutant zombie, which was originally moving fast, directly lost control of its legs. In addition, it was carrying another mutant zombie on its back, so it fell down and broke when it lost control of its legs.

Not only did he fall badly, but the corpse controller he was carrying also had a close contact with the ground.

Especially its head, which hit the hard concrete road head-on, and it was almost dead.

However, although the corpse controller did not die on the spot, it suffered a slightly more serious concussion due to the violent impact on its head, and now it is dizzy and can't stand up at all.

What's worse is that because of the concussion, he couldn't control the speed mutant zombies around him to help him up. He could only lie on the ground and endure the dizziness, trying to stand up.

After regaining their thinking ability, the speed mutant zombies that broke free from control instantly picked up the stones beside them without hesitation and smashed them hard at the corpse controller who was still struggling on the ground.

It seemed that they were very angry about being controlled.

The corpse controller who was still struggling on the ground had no way to avoid the stones that were thrown at him, and could only use his head to catch the stones that were thrown at him.

Although the power of the speed mutant zombies was not as strong as other mutant zombies, it was a little stronger than ordinary zombies, and the strength of ordinary zombies was almost the same as that of a strong adult.

Therefore, the stone thrown by this speed mutant zombie was relatively powerful, enough to open a hole in the corpse controller's head and bleed.

The corpse controller, who was already dizzy, closed his eyes and lost consciousness after being attacked by the stones of the speed mutant zombies.

It was knocked unconscious.

As mentioned before, the corpse controller took all the speed mutant zombies with him when he escaped, so in addition to the one speed mutant zombie that had become disabled, there were still three speed mutant zombies.

And this stone was also thrown by the speed mutant zombies that were still intact.

. :

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