My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 866 Confession

Although he didn't know what happened, the pilot of the J20 fighter still reported everything he saw.

When the people at the base heard the report of the J20 fighter pilot, they were a little surprised, but they still chose to believe him.

"I understand. We will send ground troops to investigate the scene. You come back first."

"I understand!"

After hearing the order to return, the pilot of the J20 took a last look at the huge pit below, and then drove the fighter back to the base.

Cai Wenjie and others below, after confirming that the giant blood plague heart was definitely destroyed, also began to return with their own people.

As for whether to care about exposing this new type of equipment, Cai Wenjie himself doesn't care at all. In fact, Cai Wenjie is ready to wait until the power and function of all enchanted weapons are confirmed, and then he is ready to pick some and turn them over to the treasury.

As for how to explain the magic patterns on these weapons that do not belong to this world? Whether to expose the facts of the other world, Cai Wenjie doesn't care at all, just tell the truth directly.

Because he knows that the resources in the other world are not something he can swallow alone. He knows how much the country has taken care of him over the years, and he is very grateful for the country's help. Therefore, Cai Wenjie is willing to cooperate with the country in the other world, and then win-win.

Even in the future, Cai Wenjie can reveal part of the system exchange ability, but the ability of the clone is impossible to reveal. Apart from anything else, just a function of possessing and descending is a bit too much. After all, once converted into a clone, you must be unconditionally loyal to Cai Wenjie, which is unacceptable to anyone. Cai Wenjie knows it best.

Therefore, even if part of the system content is revealed, it will only reveal weapons related to future technology.

For example, aerospace motherships, Gundam, and other high-tech weapons and equipment.

When Cai Wenjie produces the finished product, the country will be responsible for providing points. After the finished product comes out, reverse engineering will be carried out to thoroughly understand the technology of these finished products, and then mass production will be carried out.

After all, this is what we did before, so we can catch up with developed countries quickly.

However, the most important thing now is to develop the other world, so Cai Wenjie decided that after returning to the Xinguang gathering place, he would immediately tell the central government about the other world and the enchanted weapons and ammunition.

Let them send professional researchers and weapons experts to study the enchanted weapons and the other world, and as for the armed personnel, they can provide them.

Especially the magic in the other world, even now Cai Wenjie has no way to cultivate magic power. He even asked the mayor of Mu Yue City to find a real magician to teach him magic.

However, even under the guidance of the magician, he could not cultivate his own magic power. So far, Cai Wenjie has been using the magic power provided by the black dragon girl Wei'er.

Obviously, when he was tested for magic power, he was tested to have extremely high mental power and good magic affinity, but he could not cultivate his own magic power, which made the magician who taught Cai Wenjie very confused.

In fact, not only Cai Wenjie himself, but also no one in his clone army successfully cultivated magic power.

Since his rebirth, Cai Wenjie felt this kind of powerlessness for the first time, which made him very frustrated and a little unconvinced.

Since he couldn't find the reason, he would find someone who could find the reason. If it was a peaceful time, it would be difficult, but now it is the end of the world.

A large number of senior and top talents of the country gathered in the capital for safe protection. As long as they were asked to study, they would definitely find out the problem. This is also the main reason why Cai Wenjie chose to cooperate with the country.

He never thought that the country would reject him, especially when he revealed that he had a channel to another world.

A few hours later, Cai Wenjie, who returned safely to the Xinguang gathering place, immediately contacted his immediate boss in his office, the biggest boss in the northern theater.

"Hello, chief, I am Cai Wenjie from the Xinguang gathering place. I have something to report..."

Cai Wenjie reported in detail how he went to the other world and had established a military base and an outpost in the other world.

Of course, the most important thing is that regarding the space-time tunnel connecting the two worlds, Cai Wenjie emphasized that the control of the space-time tunnel is in his hands, and he can open and close the space-time tunnel freely.

This is the most important bargaining chip when cooperating with the country. Although Cai Wenjie believes in the credit of the country, the necessary trump cards must still be available.

After Cai Wenjie reported the details about the other world, the highest leader of the northern theater was stunned. To be honest, decades of military career made him have to pay attention to every word Cai Wenjie said.

"In short, you accidentally went to the other world when you were sweeping the three northern provinces, and you have established an outpost in the other world. At the same time, you also found the space-time tunnel connecting the two worlds, and you also controlled the control of the space-time tunnel, right?"

"Yes, and there are also test results about magic, enchanted weapons and equipment, and the test products have been initially mastered in my hands"

Cai Wenjie looked at the big boss on the other side of the screen and nodded slowly. At the same time, he took out an enchanted long sword and pressed the button on the hilt. Instantly, a blue air ball began to appear on the blade.

Afterwards, Cai Wenjie swung his enchanted long sword and slashed at the steel ingot that had been prepared for him. The green air ball attached to the blade of the sword was like cutting tofu with a knife, cutting through it without any hindrance. The middle of the steel ingot was scratched.

The steel ingot, which was as thick as a thigh, was instantly split in two from the middle, and the table on which the steel ingot was placed was also cut in half.

"This is an enchanted weapon that I have just successfully tested here. After simple enchantment, this long sword can easily cut off a diamond without any damage. I have sent a transport plane to pick up such an enchanted weapon. I sent it along with firearms and other enchanted weapons. Chief, you can judge whether I am lying after you check it in person."

After showing off the power of the enchanted sword, Cai Wenjie called over the black dragon girl Wei'er, and then solemnly introduced her to the boss in the video.

"This is Kovisk Yuanling Stuwell. She is the giant dragon I invited from another world. Yes, it is the kind of dragon you imagined. She is now in human form, but her body is a The black dragon..."

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