My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 874 Internal strife

After the gangster subconsciously provoked Cai Wenjie in front of him, he immediately regretted it because he saw countless guns that he had never seen pointed at him.

Faced with such a situation, the originally arrogant and domineering little gangster turned into a groveling little Karami in the next second. He threw out the machete in his hand with a smile on his face, and then directly raised his hands and knelt down.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, don't kill me"

Facing the heavily armed soldiers, the gangster couldn't resist at all, so he just accepted his fate.

Facing such a timid little gangster, Cai Wenjie felt very bored. Didn't he agree that all members of the island country's underworld should have the spirit of Bushido? Is this the result?

Seeing the little gangster kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, Cai Wenjie lost interest again and waved his hand directly for the soldiers to tie him up.

Then, he turned and looked at the tall man with glasses.

"Tanaka, right? You should immediately notify the other two forces and ask them to gather here within three minutes. If anyone is late or doesn't come at all, then let them bear the consequences. Do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand."

"Go ahead"


The tall man with glasses supported by Cai Wenjie, the man named Tanaka, had a sickly blush on his face. He trotted over excitedly while feeling anxious.

He first went to the armed police, conveyed Cai Wenjie's words in a tactful tone, and explained as much as possible how strong Cai Wenjie's side was, and that there must be no resistance.

Tanaka tried his best to convince the armed policemen that the other party was very strong. Not daring to neglect them, they immediately put on their cleanest clothes and followed Tanaka, wearing all their weapons and ammunition. If you don't care about anything else, even if you want to do some psychological comfort for yourself, that's fine.

Different from his dedicated efforts to persuade the armed police, when Tanaka came to the place where the gang was, he just stated his purpose of coming and conveyed Cai Wenjie's order.

Obviously, how could these gang members allow outside forces to have the right to speak here? Not only did they not follow Tanaka's advice, they were also prepared to arrest Tanaka, who was arrogant, and light up sky lanterns.

Fortunately, there are heavily armed policemen around Tanaka, otherwise he might really turn into a sky lantern.

"I have said everything that needs to be said. Since you are going to disobey that adult's order, then be prepared to be destroyed! Let's go!"

Tanaka deliberately concealed the strength of Cai Wenjie and his group, causing the gangsters on the opposite side to think that these outsiders were not very strong. This was also the main reason why the gang members dared to ignore Cai Wenjie's orders.

It is obvious that Tanaka wants to use Cai Wenjie's hands to get rid of these gangsters who do all kinds of evil.

But Tanaka's thoughts couldn't be hidden from Cai Wenjie. After all, whenever this tall man with glasses mentioned the gangster forces along the way, there was unconcealable hatred in his eyes. You didn't need to think about it to know that he had a grudge against those gangsters, and this The hatred is not small, at least it is about family members.

But what does this have to do with him? What he wants is system plug-ins. This has not changed from beginning to end. Since Tanaka can listen to him and is of some use to him, he doesn't mind killing the gangs here. After all, dealing with these ordinary people who work part-time is like stepping on ants. Simple.

On the other side, after Tanaka left the gang's territory with the armed police, the current gang boss gathered some small leaders and held a simple meeting.

The content of the meeting was how to deal with the sudden intrusion of a third party. As for why it was not a fourth party but a third party? The main reason is that they don't pay attention to groups composed of ordinary people at all. To them, these ordinary people are no different from slaves. Who would regard their slaves as a force?

"Okay, let's think about what to do. Although the group that suddenly appeared is certainly not strong, it cannot be said to be weak. Otherwise, those armed policemen will not follow that Tanaka back. I guess that group of people There should be a lot of weapons in his hands, and there must be a lot of people..."

"Boss, don't we have a heavy machine gun? If we just pull it out, the momentum alone will scare the opponent back. Then we can charge directly and kill them all. I just don't know this. There is no beauty among the crowd, hehehehe."

"Do you only have women in your mind? Since we entered the air raid shelter, you have tortured and killed so many women! You also specially picked young and beautiful ones to kill. Let me tell you Kameda, if you can't control your lower body this time, "Two taels of meat, I'll chop that thing of yours up and feed it to the zombies. I'll do what I say."

No wonder this man is so angry. This man named Kameda is really not a human being. As long as the woman he falls in love with will basically end badly, the lightest one will leave a complete corpse, and the worst one will be cut into pieces. He spent several hundred yuan to feed his dog.

So far, there are at least 20 women who have been murdered by him, and all of these 20 or so young and beautiful women have died in his hands, which makes the other little bosses very unhappy.

They also wanted to play with those young and beautiful women, but because of Kameda's damn thing, they could only find some women in their forties or fifties.

If Kameda hadn't been someone like the boss's aide, he would have been secretly killed by other little bosses.

However, in a meeting like this, this guy actually dared to mention women, which made many of the already angry little bosses explode with anger.

A small leader with high status and position suddenly slapped the table in front of him, then stood up and scolded Kameda.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the people who were still enduring could no longer bear it. They followed the small leader and stood up, then cursed and threatened Kameda together.

"Kameda! I warn you, if you continue to hurt young and beautiful women, I will twist your head off and use it as a chamber pot!"

"Kameda, I ***..."


A good meeting turned into a noisy bar in an instant, and all kinds of dirty words jumped out of the mouths of these gangsters one after another.

Kameda had never suffered this anger, so he drew out his saber and shouted back at everyone.

However, Kameda's action was like lighting the fuse of explosives, making everyone more violent.

A strong little leader drew out his mace and hit Kameda.

This action escalated the situation again. Everyone was not a good person, and when they saw someone starting to fight, they immediately started to riot.

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