My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 879 Success

When Yuan Di, the commander of the armored infantry company, reported what happened to Cai Wenjie without any concealment, he immediately asked for instructions whether he should dig three feet into the ground to find the gang boss.

"Forget it, no need. Our mission is to recover system plug-ins, not to destroy gangs. If these guys hadn't dared to confront me, we wouldn't have ended up like this."

Cai Wenjie waved his hand and replied nonchalantly.

Yuan Di, the commander of the armored infantry company, just nodded silently after hearing Cai Wenjie's words, and then stepped aside.

The most important thing now is to get the system plug-in. It doesn't mean much to them whether to eliminate the gang boss.

Cai Wenjie looked at the hundreds of islanders in front of him, and then looked at the locations marked on the mini map. He was pretty sure that the system plug-in was on one of these people.

He had asked the system before that in order to conceal the true appearance of the system plug-ins, the system plug-ins scattered outside would automatically change into something familiar to humans.

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It can be pencils, erasers, purses, wallets and other items, but it will never change into some kind of food or fruit to avoid being accidentally swallowed.

In other words, the current system plug-in has changed into some kind of item and is carried by one of these people.

This is why Cai Wenjie had to work so hard to get these people to gather.

"Tanaka, I said, you translate"

"Yes! Your Majesty General"

Facing a person like Cai Wenjie, Tanaka didn't dare to have any thoughts at all. He straightened his back immediately and answered respectfully.

Later, Cai Wenjie said something in Chinese, and Tanaka translated it in island dialect, so that the people below gradually understood what Cai Wenjie said.

"From now on, everyone will be divided into two teams based on men and women. They will come forward to register their information in turn, and hand in their personal belongings for inspection. We will assign tasks and positions to you based on your personal information. Food and accommodation will be provided during the work. I will also ensure your safety..."

Originally, Cai Wenjie just wanted to take the system plug-in and leave, but he suddenly thought that the island country had certain rare mineral resources. In this case, why not organize these people to dig these ores to support the motherland?

This is much more useful than killing them directly.

As for assigning tasks according to occupation? It's just an excuse. Everyone, male, female, old and young, has to mine for him.

Under Cai Wenjie's words and the threat of force, everyone could only cooperate obediently.

Soon, all the living people in the underground air-raid shelter were divided into two lines, and then lined up in an orderly manner to investigate one by one.

Of course, it was impossible for Cai Wenjie to do this kind of questioning. In fact, he was just standing aside and staring at the red dot marked by the system while looking at the real situation to confirm the location of the system plug-in.

This thing was not difficult. Soon, a little girl who looked like she was only about five or six years old followed her mother to the registration gate.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie's system also issued a prompt.

"System plug-in found! Please recycle it immediately!"

Because the distance was very close, and the little girl only had a box that looked like a music box, Cai Wenjie could conclude that the box that looked like a music box was transformed by a system plug-in.

Seeing that the target was right in front of him, he walked up directly and came to the little girl. At the same time, he stretched his right hand behind his back, as if he wanted to take out something, and began to move slowly.

After the little girl's mother saw this scene, she instinctively began to feel fear. She quickly stood in front of the little girl, and then kept saying apologetic words in the island Mandarin, for fear that she would inadvertently offend the person in front of her. The officers bowed differently and apologized.

Some younger men from the island country nearby saw this scene and instinctively wanted to use their hands to stop them. However, when they saw the soldiers wearing enchanted exoskeleton armor around them, the words "Stop" rushed to their throats. But I couldn't say anything.

Because they had no face and didn't want to see various scenes that might appear in the next second, they could only turn their heads slightly and shift their gaze from here to the side, pretending that they had never seen it before, deceiving themselves.

You can't blame them for thinking so, because this little girl's mother looks very beautiful, no worse than those popular celebrities before the end of the world.

If she had this appearance before the end of the world, maybe she would live a good life, but in the end of the world, beautiful women can only be some... I understand.

Obviously the little girl's mother also knew this. She knelt down and gently comforted the frightened little girl. Then she stood up with sad eyes, looked at Cai Wenjie fawningly with a forced smile, and then prepared to take off her clothes. The clothes on the body.

"Stop, I'm not interested in you."

Really unable to stand it, Cai Wenjie spoke directly to the mother of the little girl in front of him in pure island Mandarin.

Originally, he thought his words would calm the woman down, but when she heard these words, her first reaction was panic.

"No! Please don't do anything to my daughter! I can serve you as much as you like, so please don't do anything to my daughter. She is only six years old."

Cai Wenjie:? ? ?

"Shut up! I'm not a beast, and I have no interest in your daughter. What I want is the music box in your daughter's hand!"


The little girl's mother was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red at a visible speed. Cai Wenjie didn't care about her. Instead, he squatted down facing the little girl and asked her in the gentlest tone possible.

"Little friend, don't be afraid. Brother is not a bad person. Come and eat candy first."

Facing the child, Cai Wenjie used his usual method, stuffing candy!

Although the children of the new era mature faster than the children of the past, they generally still like fixed things, such as sweet, beautiful, and delicious.

Especially for children like them who have been locked up in the underground air-raid shelter for months and can only eat the most basic food to fill their stomachs every day, and have no other snacks to eat, a candy is simply a killer.

Soon, the little girl who was originally trembling with fear fell directly into it under the sweet candy. In the end, Cai Wenjie exchanged a bag of fruit candy for the music box in the little girl's hand.

Cai Wenjie looked at the music box in his hand, smiled and touched the little girl's head, and then stood up.

Before he turned and left, Cai Wenjie took out a large bag of chocolate and threw it to the girl's mother. If used well, this bag of chocolate could be used as gold of equivalent value, which was Cai Wenjie's reward to them.

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