My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 88 Police and Death Row Prisoners

Strangely, although he was shot, his colleagues around him were trying not to laugh. •

He finally found out why his colleagues were laughing at him. It turned out that the bullet had hit him. Instantly, a strong sense of inferiority surged into his heart. The gunshot wound could be healed, but the inferiority complex always surrounded him.

And as long as people who knew his situation, men would sympathize with him, but most women would laugh at him. This caused Shen Jialong, who was already inferior, to become even more inferior. Finally, under the constant ridicule, the inferiority complex in his heart slowly turned into a distorted personality.

His personality became manic and moody, and in the end he even began to hurt those who laughed at him. As mentioned earlier, men would only sympathize with him and not laugh at him, but women were different. Although there were some who comforted him, there were more ruthless laughs.

This led to Shen Jialong's revengeful mentality. He would torture the women who laughed at him in various ways, and finally ruthlessly ended the lives of the victims. Because what he did was too ostentatious, Shen Jialong was arrested by the local police after killing nearly ten people in a row.

There is no doubt that he will be sentenced to death, but because of his citizenship, his death sentence will be carried out in Country Z. So he returned to Country Z before the doomsday outbreak, and when the zombie virus swept Country Z, he was being escorted to the YJ execution ground.

Unfortunately, they met a small group of zombies on the way, blocking their way, and they couldn't rush through at all. They had no choice but to rush to the nearest rest stop. Fortunately, there were no zombies at the rest stop for the time being, and because of the first-level combat readiness, the rest stop here was also directly closed.

Among the criminal police escorting Shen Jialong, some were proficient in lock picking skills. They unlocked the locked door in a few moves and quickly called everyone in. After all the criminal police and criminals came in, Deng Jie ordered all the surrounding doors and windows to be sealed, and the zombies in the house broke in.

There were twelve police officers escorting this time, and there were three criminals escorting. In addition to Shen Jialong, there were two death row prisoners, both of whom were guilty of heinous crimes. One was arrested for armed bank robbery and the other was arrested for drug smuggling.

Among the fifteen people, only Deng Jie and another policeman are female, and the rest are all male.

From the first day of being trapped, he commanded the rest station and kept sending distress signals to the outside world.

Fortunately, because the rest station was closed too hastily, the food and other things here have not been moved yet, and all of them have been left in place, which means that there is no need to worry about food problems for the time being.

"Captain Deng, Shen Jialong and the other two prisoners are making trouble again."

While Deng Jie was still asking for help from the outside world, a young policeman who looked young walked up to Deng Jie and said bitterly that this was the seventh time.

When they were trapped at the beginning, Shen Jialong and the other two criminals made a fuss, saying that they wanted to untie him, and that the end of the world had come and there was no need to die. In short, they wanted freedom.

Deng Jie frowned, put down the things in her hands and stood up.

"How many times has this happened? Don't they know what crime they have committed? They still dare to ask for freedom. I will beat them to death today!"

Due to the delay in responding to the rescue information and the actions of Shen Jialong and others in the past few days, Deng Jie's temper also rose. She stood up and walked towards the room where Shen Jialong and others were temporarily detained.

The young policeman followed behind Deng Jie.

When she came to the place where several people were temporarily detained, Deng Jie saw at a glance that the three people who kept talking nonsense were surrounded by a group of policemen who were scolding the three people. Of course, it would not be like this at ordinary times. It was mainly because of the pressure of zombies in the past few days that every policeman was holding his breath.

At this time, Shen Jialong and the other two were still annoying them. It was the highest quality education of the police to only scold people and not beat them. If it were an ordinary person, when encountering this situation, he would just say one word, beat!

The police and criminals who were still arguing did not see Deng Jie coming. Deng Jie did not care. After a few simple warm-ups, she rushed directly to Shen Jialong and the others, then jumped and stretched out her foot to aim at the criminal's head, which was a heaven-sent justice.

The one closest to Deng Jie, the drug dealer, was kicked by Deng Jie and flew away. His face hit the surrounding stone pillars and he fainted.

In an instant, the people who were originally noisy were stunned on the spot as if the pause button was pressed.

But Deng Jie did not want to let the rest go. Another beautiful side kick directly kicked another bank robber in the neck, knocking another one unconscious on the spot. Before others could react, Deng Jie turned and kicked again, and Shen Jialong fell down without any surprise.

Just as Deng Jie was about to kick people to vent her anger, the police behind her finally reacted and stopped Deng Jie from kicking people.

"Captain Deng! Calm down! Calm down!"

"Don't do it again! If you kick them again, they'll be dead!"

"Captain Deng! They can't die in your hands. They're not worth you destroying your future!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Captain Deng did a good job! I've wanted to beat them up for a long time!"

The police officers who were trying to persuade people suddenly focused their attention on the last person who spoke, which scared the young police officer who had just notified Deng Jie to come over so much that he broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly explained.

"I mean they are not worth Captain Deng's anger."

The crowd let him go, and Deng Jie finally vented her anger and calmed down.

"If these guys make trouble again next time, I will allow you to vent your anger on them. If they ask for punishment in the future, I will answer! Do you hear me?"

"Okay, okay!"


"Captain Deng! Awesome!"

The young policeman was once again looked down upon by others.

After Deng Jie finished speaking, she left the room and returned to her temporary residence.

The remaining policemen began to wipe their sweat and started to communicate

"Captain Deng, is your period coming? You are more irritable today than before."

"Nonsense! Is Captain Deng the kind of person who takes his temper out on others? It's obviously the fault of these three people."

"That's right. If it weren't for the three of them, it wouldn't be like this now!"

Just as several policemen were communicating, Deng Jie returned and came back here.

The policemen who were communicating just now shut their mouths directly, and the policeman who just mentioned his period even hid behind the others.

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