My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 108 108 Future Preparation

Chapter 108 108. Future Preparation

Two hours later.

"Simulation ends."

"Survival time: 2 hours."

"Evaluation: You have seen the world outside the frost, but there are things more dangerous than frost hidden here."

"You strayed into the treacherous sea, your knowledge increased, and your disaster potential +5."

"Note: You have seriously deviated from the anchor point, and your disaster potential cannot be recovered."

On the side of the country road, Su Hong's face turned pale, and he opened his eyes and gasped. The feeling of suffocation still lingered in his nerves.

"Where is that place?"

After taking a taxi on the street and spending some time, he finally returned to the cabin.

Looking at the disaster potential of only 5 points, he finally confirmed a fact.

The cost of anchoring the future one month later and the future ten years later is different.

The farther the time anchor point is from the present time, the more disaster potential you have to pay to enter the simulation. If you leave the anchor point too far, it is easy to deviate, and the reward of the simulation will also be reduced.

"Is it the ability of the simulation game that is limited..."

Just like loading a game map, the screen is rendered outward from an anchor point, all nearby areas are rendered, distant areas are rendered blurry, and further areas are not rendered.

The sea area where he appeared has obviously exceeded the rendering range of the simulation game, and it is good to have five points of disaster potential recovered.

"Sheng City is not close to the sea... I was deviated to a place hundreds of kilometers away in just a few dozen kilometers."

After thinking about it, Su Hong tested the limit of the simulation game.

He found that as long as the simulation is started within a kilometer of the cabin, the game will not pop up a deviation prompt.

Slight deviation may occur within one kilometer to ten kilometers, and ten kilometers away will be the same as the initial prompt.

Returning to the cabin, looking at the five points of disaster potential left, he shook his head helplessly.

When the disaster potential is restored, the end of the world should be coming soon.


On October 6, a violent incident occurred on the street, and the atmosphere in the city became more tense.

Good news came from Philip. He found a deeper and more hidden nest in the deep mountains in the wilderness. There was no trace of human beings there, which was just suitable as a new nest for the spider group.

In order to prevent the can from dying and losing contact again, Su Hong told it to shrink the spider group's range of activities after he and Philip disappeared, and wait for him to come back while growing.

With the blasphemer meat and the flesh mother tree, the spider group is not short of blood food. As long as they don't go out, no one knows that there is a huge spider nest hidden in the mountains.

On October 7, three riots occurred today, but the alliance found that the undead forces that caused the riots seemed to be manipulated by some behind-the-scenes black hands.

On October 8, a bloody post appeared on the undead forum, and the murderer behind the undead forces was found...

They were a group of doomsday believers in Haiqing City next to Sheng City. They grew stronger after eroding the power of the divergent knights.

After being hunted by the undead team of the alliance, the leading doomsday believer even lost one ear, and other believers were even missing arms and legs.

However, it was precisely because of the bloody pursuit here that the forces hidden in the dark finally woke up and no longer dared to take action.

Sheng City returned to its former tranquility.

On October 10, the number of residents in the Garden Community was significantly reduced, and the lively square where aunts and uncles usually chatted became cooler, and many nearby shops were closed.

Most of the goods were concentrated in some specific supermarkets for unified purchase and sale, and Su Hong had to run farther to have breakfast.

On this day, he used the Fire Spreader vest to find Li Dian, who had just been released from prison, and asked him about the organization called the Dawn Cult.

Li Dian was confused at first, then shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

"By the way, boss, there are no more differences, I can retire now."

Su Hong sighed, "Xiao Dian, why retire when the end of the world is coming."

"I have a task for you to do, of course, you can refuse."

Li Dian also sighed, "Boss, I am very grateful for your appreciation, but the power of differences is draining away in my body, and my rank has long fallen. I am afraid I can't complete your task."

Su Hong smiled, "So you refuse?"

Li Dian wanted to say yes, but after seeing Su Hong's half-smile, he sighed even more heavily.

"Boss, just tell me, who to kill?"

Su Hong shook his head, "You don't have to kill anyone."

"Remember the Dawn Cult I mentioned just now? One day in the future, they will surface."

"Your mission is to get close to them and become them."

Li Dian touched his chin, "Boss, can you predict the future?"

"No wonder Divergence lost..."

Su Hong didn't explain, he just said lightly: "Master Shadow Demon appreciates you very much and thinks you have the potential to become a Firebringer. From today on, you are also half a Firebringer."

"Don't let him down."

Li Dian's psychological pressure suddenly increased, and he could only agree bitterly.

After Li Dian left, Su Hong looked at the game panel.

[Li Dian]

[Faction: Firebringer]

[Disaster Level: 12]

[Disaster Item: Iron Heart]

Of course, he invited Li Dian to join the Firebringer.

Only when Li Dian becomes a Firebringer can he monitor Li Dian's panel in real time and understand how far he has grown in the future.

The move of planting Li Dian was just a matter of convenience. If it can bear fruit, it would be great.

After meeting Li Dian, Su Hong found Xu Yanrui, who was sent by the Protz family to guard the city.

At this time, she was patrolling the situation in the southern part of the city with Li Jian and other family members.

After she entered the mall alone to check, Su Hong turned into a shadow and found her.

The world was blinded by the shadow, and Xu Yanrui was shocked at first.

But when she thought that this was the shadow ability commonly used by the fire spreader, she relaxed a little.

Since joining the Protz family, she gradually learned about the information of the fire spreader from various undead people.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Wang Chengzhi and Sun Ye, who flew in the video, and she, an ordinary undead who was still training hard in reality, were indeed fire spreaders.

Su Hong looked at Xu Yanrui and recalled Xu Yanrui's future title.

"Dawn Manager..."

In fact, he was very curious about what relationship Xu Yanrui had with Dawn City, and how she got the position of manager.

You know, he had left these firebenders alone and had no time to manage them.

Wang Chengzhi had the remains of the Shadow Demon, and his future was bright. It was normal for him to reach the height in the simulation.

Xu Yanrui only had the hand of curse he gave to the dead apostles, and that was not all, only one.

She could become a manager, Su Hong admitted that he seemed to look down on her a little.

This firebender of his not only had big breasts, but also had a good brain.

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