My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 110 110 Global Doomsday

Chapter 110 110. Global Doomsday

Su Hong smiled and said, "It's not even four o'clock yet. What if the doomsday doesn't come?"

Wei Qiang was about to speak, but felt a little offended. He leaned on the guardrail with his elbows and came over to whisper, "If the doomsday doesn't come, the alliance will have worked in vain. I guess someone will step down because of this."

After whispering, he said happily, "But brother, I still hope that the doomsday won't come."

"Otherwise, being an immortal is meaningless. It's better to live a comfortable life like a common citizen in peacetime. At least you don't have to hide in a shelter and worry..."

After listening, Su Hong nodded in agreement.

If possible, he didn't want the doomsday in the simulation game to be real.

But since there is such a possibility, he has to be prepared for the doomsday.

He glanced at the screen above. There was a shadow crossing the sky above the city and jumping on the ceiling of the building. This was his shadow clone.

Sheng City, Garden Community

Su Hong transformed into Sun Ye and descended into the apartment building. Wang Chengzhi waved to him downstairs.

After seeing Sun Ye coming, Wang Chengzhi, who was left alone in the garden community, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole city was empty, leaving him alone here. It would be a lie to say that he was not panicking. Fortunately, Sun Ye arrived as promised.

"Let's go, Junior Brother."

Shadows surrounded the young man and dragged him up. The two flew towards the city under the tracking of the drone.

People all over the world saw this scene in the shelter and whispered to each other.

"It doesn't seem like anything is going to happen now. Will there really be an apocalypse?"

"I don't know about the apocalypse, but the supernatural powers mentioned on the Internet are true."

"Alas, I just bought a new house, and fortunately I don't have to bear the mortgage. Should I say it's unlucky or fortunate?"

"I still don't quite believe in the so-called apocalypse. Just wait and see."

"How can it be said that the end of the world will come just for no reason?"

"Oh, you don't understand as well as the people above. It's better to say less."

The people were discussing it all at once, and even the residents of the foreign shelters were paying attention to this scene and sending out barrages.

"The Fire Spreader, Sun Ye, cool."

"Love comes from the Eagle Union."

"Brother, how can you believe the government's lies."

"This is a conspiracy of capitalists!"

"Fake news."

"CG, what you see is CG, this live broadcast is fake!"

In the main control room, Liu Zhifeng saw the English barrages popping up one by one, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"It seems that people in these places have suffered a lot."

The shelter manager laughed and said, "When I was studying abroad in the Eagle Union, the lizard man was still popular there."

"Maybe they regarded the members of the undead family as monsters disguised as humans."

Unlike the Huameng, most foreign countries' political power is controlled by the undead family. No matter how the puppet regime changes, they are always hidden in the deepest part of the country.

Ordinary people with keen senses naturally discovered these behemoths, but they are powerless to change the status quo. They can only package them with conspiracy theories such as lizard men, hoping to attract the attention of the people.

The situation on the Huameng side is very different. Although the power of the undead is also huge, fortunately ordinary people have seized the opportunity and successfully obtained the capital to sit on the same level with the undead.

Even most of the rules of the post-disaster Freemasonry Alliance were formulated by them.

It is normal for the public to question. Even they are not sure that the end of the world will come.

"Zhifeng, what do you think the world will be like after the end of the world?" The manager suddenly spoke.

Liu Zhifeng was silent for a moment, "It should be the same as the disaster in the history of disasters. The sun disappears and the world falls into darkness..."

"Then do you think we have hope of returning to the surface?"

"Maybe. If the cannon can't kill the monster, just use nuclear bombs. There will always be a way to solve it."


Sheng City, South District.

Su Hong and Wang Chengzhi landed on the rooftop of an office building.

Looking ahead, tall buildings stand tall, and green trees and grass extend along the road.

Without the care of workers, many trees have sprouted new buds.

A drone flew over from a nearby landing gear and hovered in front of Su Hong and the others.

A steady female voice came from inside, "Good afternoon, two fire bearers."

"I am He Xuemei, the general manager of the Southern Region of the Alliance, and I would like to greet you two."

"I wish you all the best."

Su Hong smiled and said, "Thank you."

"But the time is almost up, you should prepare for the end of the world."

After he finished speaking, the virtual clock above the dome of the global shelter started beating, and the minute hand just pointed to 12.

People around the world looked at the live screen together, and all the monitoring screens were calm, as if nothing had happened.

They were stunned, "Well, did something happen?"

"Is it a lie?"

There was an uproar in the crowd, and they began to get restless.

In a command room, a mature woman in professional clothes frowned.

"Director He..." The secretary next to him was about to speak, but suddenly there was a bang, the command room shook, and the coffee cup on the table fell to the ground.

At the same time, countless alarms sounded and red lights came on.

Red blood mist appeared in all live screens at the same time.

"Warning, a total solar eclipse is happening."

The crowd that was noisy just now was stunned when they saw this scene on the screen. Their bodies were still stiff and their eyes were fixed on the screen above their heads.

In the live broadcast, the sun went out, the Antarctic polar day was gradually covered by darkness, the glacier broke into countless pieces, and the camera was covered by the glacier along with the research station.

In the tropical forest, birds were frightened and flew densely to the blood mist. The towering rainforest trees fell down, and the flames shot up into the sky. A huge skeleton burning with soul flames walked out and turned the forest into a sea of ​​fire.

On the coastline of Aozhou City, the white sand beach was flooded by the rising tide of blood. The sky was gloomy, thunder flashed, and an island surrounded by darkness and blood emerged.

The crater of the island country erupted, and dust clouds covered the huge urban circle. The fiery red magma flowed on the land, galloping out thousands of troops, and flame creatures were born from it. This place became a paradise for magma.

In the southern area of ​​Huameng, a magnificent city was hidden in the black clouds, and only lightning could occasionally illuminate its thrilling outline.

Endless plains spread out on the land, undead nests, dilapidated prisons, chaotic swamps... recreating a corner of the history of disasters.

However, the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

On the screen, the lights representing the shelters began to go out one by one. In just one minute, 32 shelters fell.

Their managers could not even send out messages, and they were buried on the ground with the shelters.

"No. 703 Dongshan Shelter fell, and the death toll was 3 million."

"No. 843 Kalonga Shelter fell, and the death toll was 370,000."

"No. 178 Lorenzo Shelter fell, and the death toll was 4.12 million."


The death toll continued to rise, and it exceeded 30 million in an instant.

This was the number after they knew the end of the world in advance and hid in the shelter.

Seeing this, some residents of the shelter turned pale and murmured blankly:

"The end of the world is really coming..."

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