My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 114 113 Human Counterattack

Chapter 114 113. Human Counterattack

On the second day of the apocalypse, the remaining shelters were running stably, as if the disaster had passed.

But through the cameras and drones outside, we can know that the outside has become a paradise for monsters.

Humans can only hide underground and survive, and dare not go out.

However, there is an exception.

In the South District, known as the Land of Hope, General Manager He Xuemei gave a speech, announcing the formal establishment of the Sword Holder Department, calling on all the major undead strongmen to join.

And the South District Alliance will launch a pioneering movement in ten days.

The goal is to recapture the surface and return home.

After listening to the speech, Wei Qiang immediately took Su Hong to find Sun Hang to sign up to join the Sword Holder.

Unfortunately, Sun Hang made it clear that it was impossible.

He said at the time: "Those who can join the Sword Holder Department are at least the elites among the undead, and they are also one of the best in the shelter."

"I am not qualified to join, let alone you."

However, Wei Qiang was not reconciled, and he also specifically asked about the possibility of joining the army.

Sun Hang: "Joining the army is possible."

"Undead people have much better physical fitness than ordinary people without training. Even in the army, they are super special forces. The South District Army Commander will not refuse your request."

"But the army does not have a special organization of undead people. The soldiers in the army are almost all ordinary people. If you two undead people go there, you can integrate into it with good luck, but you will be excluded if you are unlucky."

"Joining the army is not the best choice."

Su Hong understood that Sun Hang had something to say when he heard this, and immediately asked: "So what do you mean, Captain?"

Sun Hang: "In order to get a piece of the pie, I and the former undead The brothers of the human team discussed it and proposed to the military district to set up a corps that was affiliated with the military but had a certain degree of autonomy. "

"You can think of it as mercenaries."

"In the future, we can get commissions by completing the tasks entrusted by the military, and we can also get equipment and technical support from the military, which can make up for our shortcomings in strength."

"You want to return to the surface, joining our corps is the best choice."

Su Hong asked: "What is the name of the corps?"

"Immortal Blade."


On the third day, after the establishment of the Immortal Blade, the undead in the major shelters in the southern district followed suit and established their own undead corps.

Overnight, the southern district corps blossomed everywhere, and even corps composed of ordinary people appeared.

These corps are not all affiliated with the military, there are also some completely free corps, and they have also obtained passes to go out of the shelter.

Three days later, the alliance and the military finalized the route and specific combat plan of the development plan.

Recovering the city is not a top priority, they have more important tasks to perform.

The first pioneering mission was to open up the passage between the south and north, and to open up a safe road for the evacuation of the shelters in the north.

Sheng City happened to be on the only way to this route, so it naturally became the first target of the alliance.

At the same time, the shelter engineering team recruited people.

The alliance was going to build a temporary survivor gathering place on the dangerous ground after the pioneering army cleared it, to accommodate the survivors coming from the north.

It can also provide supplies for the major pioneering corps to improve the efficiency of the development.

After unanimous agreement by the alliance members, the name of this survivor gathering place was called Dawn.

When Su Hong saw the notice issued by the alliance, he suddenly realized.

"The predecessor of Dawn City should be this Dawn gathering place. Did it appear at this time?"

Soon, ten days passed, and it was time for the human counterattack.

Under the attention of the world, the shelter channel was opened, armored vehicles and tanks were dispatched, and ground forces coordinated the attack.

At the same time, missile vehicles and radar vehicles were deployed in safe areas to be alert to special situations at any time.

Su Hong and Wei Qiang were also inside. They were wearing special bulletproof vests, holding submachine guns in their hands, sitting behind the armored vehicles, and following the members of the Undead Blade to advance with the armored forces and look after the army to prevent the disaster monsters from attacking.

Sheng City has dense buildings, and the streets and alleys are full of traces of monsters. If the army directly steps into it and fights street battles with monsters, it is easy to suffer heavy losses.

The solution is also very simple, that is, full firepower.

Because of Su Hong's apocalyptic warning, the army completed the evacuation before the apocalypse and hid in underground facilities, preserving the living force to the greatest extent.

Humans can also face disasters more calmly.

The missile production line and gun assembly line in the rear area are running uninterruptedly. Small missiles are sent into the battlefield one by one. The radar locks on the conspicuous target, and the bombers launch shells to continue bombing.

A day later, the Qinghai District of the city was bombed by shells, and the smoke was everywhere, and the scene was devastated.

However, the army was still able to keep its composure. On the second day, it sent drone troops to enter the city to look for traces of monsters and carry out suicide bombings.

On the third day, tanks and armored vehicles rolled over the ruins and walked through the streets. Special operations forces cooperated with drones and mechanical dogs to clean up the remaining monsters in the city.

After the danger factor in the city was reduced, the engineering team entered the scene. They drove bulldozers to clean up the debris on the road and repair the damaged roads.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. On the fourth day, the alliance announced the recovery of Qinghai District in Sheng City.

This war was swift and efficient.

The army continued to advance, and the members of the Undead Blade Corps followed the army's attack and gained a lot of good things.

The undead in the corps increased one disaster level on average.

In order not to be exposed, Su Hong also appropriately released some forces.

On the fifth day of the pioneering operation, the army bombed the entire Sheng City in the same way and sent drones to clean up.

After the dragon corpse giant vine entrenched in the black forest left, there were few things that could threaten the army, and the army entered the city smoothly.

During this period, the chief personally went to the front line, met Wang Chengzhi who was still in the garden community, and invited him to the shelter.

However, Wang Chengzhi remembered Su Hong's instructions and did not leave immediately, but said that he had things to do and needed to stay in the city.

The alliance did not force it, and could only send troops to guard around the garden community.

On the tenth day of the pioneering operation, the alliance announced the recovery of Sheng City.

The mission of the Undead Blade was also much easier, and Su Hong asked Sun Hang for a leave, saying that he wanted to go home to see.

Since the Garden Community was currently under military guard, he did not go back directly, but found a toilet within ten kilometers of the anchor point, pretended to have a stomachache and walked in.

Su Hong stood in front of the sink and opened his palm, in which lay a ash fire and a brass ring emitting a strange red mist.


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