My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 132 131 Spy Operation

Chapter 132 131. Spy Operation

In the ventilation duct, the little mouse walked and stopped. When it saw someone passing by, it would quietly stick its head out to look under the ventilation baffle, and would continue to move forward after the person left.

It was circling inside, and seemed to be very familiar with the structure and location of the shelter.

"This mouse is really smart." Su Hong said secretly.

The little mouse looked like it was looking for something, and its nose kept twitching, sniffing the faint smell in the air.

Su Hong followed it deep into the dormitory of the Knights Templar. He checked all the knights who passed by, but did not find anything unusual.

Just when he thought his guess was wrong, the little mouse led him to a room where miscellaneous items were piled up.

Strangely, in this ordinary room, a knight in tight pants and long clothes was holding a strange conch in his hand and muttering strange words.

The little mouse hid behind the ventilation baffle, and its big black eyes were watery and blinking, as if it was receiving information.

Su Hong was also intrigued by this scene. He had a hunch that the knight below might be the traitor he was looking for.

The knight half-knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly, "My Lord will always love the world and save all living beings with his true body."

"My lord, please listen to my response."

"Yang Minyi is leading the sanctuary army to clean up the city and plans to join the sanctuary army heading north."

"I have a way to offer the purest flesh and blood to my Lord."


The knight kept muttering for a few minutes. If ordinary people saw him, they would only think that he was not mentally normal, talking to himself in front of a conch.

But Su Hong knew that this guy was informing the believers of the Dawn Cult.

"Offer the purest flesh and blood..." Su Hong pondered the meaning of this sentence.

It seems that in the simulation game, those Dawn Cultists also have a kind of paranoid fanaticism for purity.

The pure flesh and blood here may very well refer to the knight reserve of the Knights Templar.

"That so-called god is eating people?"

Su Hong felt cold in his heart and extremely disgusted at the same time.

No wonder Anna in the simulation game said that many knights in the same period as her had died, and they were probably sacrificed by the Dawn Cult.

A few minutes later, the knight finished praying and put the strange conch back into his clothes. He opened the door and looked around, then his expression returned to normal and strode away.

Before he completely disappeared from Su Hong's perception range, Su Hong put a Philip sub-body into his body.

After the knight left, the little mouse on the ventilation duct squeaked a few times, stroked his beard, and returned to the original path.

"That knight should not have abnormal behavior normally, and it would be a waste of effort to follow him in the past."

"Anna seems to know that there is a ghost in the Knights' Temple. She should know some secrets of the Knights' Temple. Why not go and ask her."

Thinking of this, he followed the little mouse back.

Ten minutes later, the little mouse climbed into a room in a knight's dormitory. Its soft body squeezed into the ventilation baffle and struggled for a few times.

Su Hong originally thought that it could pass through this narrow gap, but it was stuck there and couldn't move.

"Squeak..." The little mouse shouted anxiously, as if asking for help.

"Shak, you should lose weight."

Anna's childish voice sounded from the room. She moved the chair in the room under the ventilation duct, then climbed up, tiptoed and stretched her hands up.

But she was too short, and there was still a long distance from the ceiling.

"Squeak..." The little mouse tried to stretch out its claws to touch Anna's palm, but its claws were too short, so it didn't matter whether it stretched out or not.

Su Hong felt a little funny and pushed it with his shadow.

In the eyes of the little mouse Shak, it seemed like someone kicked it and made it fall from above.

Fortunately, it was caught by Anna without any danger.

"What do you think, Shaq? Is Mr. Paris doing something bad?"

The little mouse waved its claws and squeaked non-stop, vividly describing the situation at that time.

Anna listened carefully to its words, as if she could understand mouse language.

"What should I do? Should I tell Professor Yang about this?" The girl showed a tangled look on her face.

The reason for her hesitation was that she was just a small figure in the Knights Templar, a reserve knight, and might not be able to contact a big figure like Professor Yang Minyi.

And Professor Yang might not believe her words, and might think she was a nonsense guy.

So tangled...

Su Hong quietly looked at Anna with a wrinkled face.

According to the original timeline, Anna should have tried to tell the Knights Templar high-level officials about the accomplices in the cult.

But judging from the result of the attack on the convoy, her warning did not seem to work.

Either the Knights Templar high-level officials did not listen to her words, or there was more than one accomplice in the Knights Templar...

Su Hong's mind moved, and thinking this way, everything could be explained.

He had just met the knight Yang Minyi, who acted decisively and looked like a man of action. There was no reason for him to ignore Anna's warning.

Unless there were enemies in the Knights Templar that he was careful about, so he dared not act rashly.

If that was the case, Yang Minyi might have already noticed the existence of the insider.

It's just that the power of this insider is greater than imagined. Even the Knight Paris he just met may just be a small fry lurking in the Knights' Temple.

It seems that only the first generation of knights can have more power than the Lord of a Temple...

"If that's the case, we can't let Anna go over to tip off the enemy, so as not to alert the enemy."

Thinking of this, wisps of shadows fell in the ventilation duct like smoke, gradually condensing into the figure of a knight in armor.

Anna noticed this scene, and her performance was far less calm than that of the future. Facing the unknown, she shrank in the corner next to the door with some fear.

"You... who are you?"


Su Hong recalled the first Templar Knight he met in the subway tunnel.

He extended his hand to the girl, "Scott Moffat, hello, the future little knight."

"Mr. Scott, are you a predecessor of the Templar Knight?" Anna asked while shrinking in the corner.

She was very smart and put Su Hong in the identity of the Templar Knight in advance. If he had any ideas about Anna, he would admit that he was even if he was not.

If he was from the Dawn Cult, he might play the role of a Templar Knight in order to get the truth out of Anna and give up the idea of ​​hurting her.

But what is a Templar Knight in the world?

Su Hong smiled slightly. He is the real inheritor of the power of the Paladin.

"Yes and no, I come from deeper in the Knights Templar. You can think of me as a person of a higher level than Yang Minyi."

"Ah?" Anna opened her mouth slightly.

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