My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 134 133 Knights Meeting

Chapter 134 133. Knights Meeting

Yang Minyi turned around and changed his route, heading towards the core area of ​​the Knights’ Temple in the Sanctuary. Just as he passed the Merit Wall Corridor, medical staff rushed in and out, pushing carts, leaving behind the smell of disinfectant.

"Hello, professor." The knight guarding the gate at the end of the road saluted him.

"What happened in the courtyard?" Yang Minyi asked.

"Mr. Martin has just had his blood replaced and is recovering."

"I understand."

Martin Compston, one of the four existing first-generation knights, has a body that has decayed to the point where some of his functions have died, and he can only maintain his combat effectiveness with medical treatment.

As for the other three first-generation knights, they are not much better, and they have to deal with disinfectant and surgical forceps for many years.

However, when the end of the world comes, the immortal limit is broken, and this desperate life seems to have a new change.

The first-generation knights are being reborn.

Yang Minyi took a deep breath and pushed the door into the courtyard with a nervous mood. The first thing that caught his eye was the colorful flowerbed. An old man was sitting in a wheelchair, enjoying the flowers under the light of a human.

The nurse behind him saw Yang Minyi coming and hurriedly greeted him. Yang Minyi greeted her in return.

The old man in the wheelchair smiled and said, "What problem have you encountered that you can't solve?"

Yang Minyi nodded, "Good evening, Mr. Xu."

"I have something important to report this time. By the way, Teacher Martin should be fine."

Xu Huaqing asked the nurse to push the wheelchair towards the courtyard, "What can happen to him? The immortal limit has been broken, and the old guy is also welcoming his new life."

"It seems that he is not far from breaking through the second level of immortality."

Yang Minyi was shocked, "Congratulations to Teacher Martin."

He hesitated, paused, and began to ask, "Teacher, do you think there is another Knight Temple in the world?"

"Another Knight Temple?" Xu Huaqing showed a surprised look, "Minyi, why do you ask this?"

Yang Minyi took a deep breath, "I met a knight who claimed to be from another Knight Temple. His strength is quite terrible, and his swordsmanship completely crushes me..."

"Impossible." The old man's first reaction was to deny it. He had lived for so long and had never heard of the existence of another Knight Temple. The old guy who founded the Knight Temple together should not have secretly founded another Knight Temple behind his back.

However, as soon as he said this, he felt that he was too arbitrary.

Yang Minyi grew up under his care, and three sword masters personally taught him swordsmanship. Logically speaking, his swordsmanship should be unmatched by anyone below the sword masters.

The knight who could crush him in swordsmanship was very likely to have reached the level of sword masters.

"An unknown sword master?" The old man's face became solemn, "Minyi, does he show any characteristics?"

"Flame." Yang Minyi answered immediately, "The flame in his hand is not just a flame, it seems to be able to touch the soul and burn the soul."

"Even my knight sword voluntarily surrendered to him after sensing the existence of the flame."

"Flame?" The old man seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank slightly, and his breathing became rapid.

He arranged for medical staff to call the other three first-generation knights over, and he was pushed into a meeting room with a simple long table by Yang Minyi.

"Old Xu, do you have any clues?" Yang Minyi asked tentatively.

Xu Huaqing said in a heavy voice, "If the knight you are talking about is real, I'm afraid he has a great background."

"I need to confirm with the old guys."

The two waited in the conference room for a few minutes, and the other three first-generation knights were sent in by medical staff.

One of them was a blond and blue-eyed old man sitting in a wheelchair, with a ventilator in his mouth, and a catheter connected to his withered arm, and he was receiving an IV drip.

"Teacher Martin." Yang Minyi came forward to greet.

"Well, I'm glad you're here." Martin nodded slowly.

"Minyi, how come you have time to visit us old guys." An old man with bald hair and green eyes declined the help of medical staff, pushed the wheelchair alone, and walked over with a smile.

"Haha, it's been a long time since we had such a solemn gathering. He should have something to say." The last kind old man was pushed to the conference table. She was also the only female knight among the remaining four first-generation knights.

"Teacher Levi, Teacher Leslie, students come to greet you."

After all the first-generation knights gathered, Xu Huaqing dispersed the medical staff waiting around. The old man sat upright and said seriously: "Everyone, is the knight inheritance still in your hands?"

Several old men had just finished chatting with Yang Minyi. After hearing Xu Huaqing's words, their eyes changed.

Martin stared at Xu Huaqing and whispered: "Did you see the birth of the new knight inheritance?"

Levi and Leslie also set their eyes on Xu Huaqing, waiting for his answer.

Xu Huaqing said in a heavy voice: "It's not a new inheritance."

"It's the Blazing Heart inheritance that you and I have seen."

"What?!" Levi was the first to get restless, "Xu, you are not kidding."

Xu Huaqing coughed a few times, "Minyi saw with his own eyes that a strange and mysterious knight showed him the power of the Blazing Heart."

Yang Minyi nodded seriously, "Teacher, I saw with my own eyes that his power is quite terrifying, even more than you..."

Leslie seemed to be thinking, "So, Xu, do you mean that the leader is not dead?"

Yang Minyi was stunned, and his mind recalled the history of the Knights Templar.

Lip, the leader of the Knights Templar, was the first initiator of the Knights Templar. This man was revered as the Fiery Knight in history. He once fought against three sword masters alone and was an absolute strong man.

If he had survived until now, he might have broken through the second level of the Undead and reached a new realm.

Unfortunately, this most powerful knight did not wait until the arrival of the new century and disappeared with his knight heritage.

Now that the Blazing Heart Heritage has been born again, how can we not be excited?

Xu Huaqing whispered: "That knight should not be Li Pu, but he is very likely related to Li Pu."

"Lip disappeared too suddenly back then, no one could have predicted it."

"Now that I think about it carefully, there are too many strange things."

"There are two possibilities in front of us now. First, Li Pu may still be alive, and the mysterious knight is his apprentice."

"Impossible." Martin directly objected, as if he felt that his objection was too sudden. He coughed and explained: "If the knight is really the leader's apprentice, why didn't he tell us and hide."

Xu Huaqing glanced at him, "So there is a second possibility."

"Lip and the knight have the same master and come from the same place."

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