My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 141 140 Bloody Sea

Chapter 141 140. Blood Sea Wild Waves

Yang Minyi left worriedly. Tonight, he planned to secretly summon some trustworthy knights to strengthen vigilance to prevent the convoy from being attacked.

Anna stayed alone in the carriage and got into her sleeping bag in the dark.

"Shaq, you stay awake tonight and let me get some sleep."

The little mouse stroked his beard and made no objection.

After Anna fell asleep, it crawled along the gap to the windshield of the cab, stood half upright, and looked ahead in a daze.

The driver in the cab seemed to be used to its existence, just glanced at it and ignored it.

The convoy drove forward smoothly, and the surroundings were extremely quiet, but there were turbulent waves hidden under the calm water. Someone would stay up all night tonight because of the spy incident.

In Wangchuan City, the army camped, and Su Hong took a rest early.

His consciousness crossed mountains and rivers and established contact with the giant puppet bird.

The giant bird looked up. The blood mist not far away was stirred by unknown creatures. Several giant birds that looked almost exactly like it fell down, and a dozen Original Sin cultists walked down from above.

Su Hong counted them carefully and found that there were more than twenty Original Sin Cultists at the scene alone. Most of their powers were above Immortality Level 1, and the disaster items they used were surprisingly similar. They were all a glowing blood-colored crystal. .

"Could it be said that the cult has mastered the technology of stably manufacturing disaster items?"

Su Hong fell into deep thought. If it were true, the Original Sin Order would be filled with undead people and would be more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

But as long as he can control the manufacturing process of such disaster items, wouldn't he be able to mass-produce disaster items in the Alliance and transform all humans into undead?

The future population of Dawn City alone would be hundreds of millions. If everyone could become immortal, he could not imagine how terrifying this force could be.

At least every soldier in the Southern District Army can become a being like a super special forces soldier. The combination of technology and disaster power is terrifying just thinking about it.

"We have to find a way to infiltrate the cult."

Su Hong originally had the idea of ​​​​killing these believers in advance to prevent them from posing a threat to the convoy.

Now that he has changed his mind, it would be best to identify a cultist as a target, transform him into a shadow puppet, and let him retreat with the retreating cultists and blend into the cult base.

At the same time, he can also find out the spies hidden in the temple through the Templar Knights' response to the original sin cultists' attack.

"It's not too late to take action tomorrow."

Thinking like this, the giant bird slowly closed its eyes.

Early the next morning.

In order to devote himself to the attack, Su Hong said that he was not feeling well and stayed in the carriage to rest instead of following the Immortal Blade's accomplices out on patrol.

In a corner that no one could see, a shadow flashed past the truck and merged into the ruins.

It took him two hours to catch up with the evacuating shelter convoy.

Compared with yesterday, Su Hong saw that the vigilance around the convoy had been tightened a lot, and Anna was also arranged to enter the medical car where the first-generation knight was.

"It seems that Yang Minyi is aware of the spy's actions."

However, he did not know the specific strength and attack location of the Original Sin Cultists, so he seemed very passive and could only arrange for knights to patrol the surrounding area intensively.

"It's not far from Yantang Village. There are still about three hours..."

He could see from the perspective of the giant bird that the number of Original Sin Cultists was still increasing and had exceeded fifty.

Not only the original sin cultists, but also an undead level two-blood beast exuding a strange aura was hiding in the village.

The blood beast has a huge body, one story high. The chaotic plasma covering its body makes it difficult to see its true face. It looks like a monster born from blood, giving Su Hong a familiar sense of déjà vu.

"It is indeed a combination of ancient times and the modern world. This lineup is so luxurious that it feels exaggerated."

Even if it is a frontal attack, the knights of the Knights Templar may not be able to stop it.

Just to deal with that blood beast would require several first-generation knights to take action together.

At least one action by the Original Sin Order was enough to defeat the different forces he faced before.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a behemoth hidden at the bottom of human society.

It was afternoon, and the armored vehicle smashed through the blood mist that filled the highway. The car lights shone from a distance, like rows of giant beasts with their eyes open.

The diesel engine roared, and trucks emerged from the blood mist, and then disappeared in front of them.

Yang Minyi drove a motorcycle through the group of trucks, exchanging information with the patrolling motorcyclists.

"Professor, be safe."

"Professor, no abnormalities found."


The knight's report came one after another from the intercom. Yang Minyi raised his wrist and glanced at the time. The time was now about two o'clock in the afternoon.

The calmer the surroundings, the more intense the storm hidden in the darkness.

The man frowned and looked at the blurry road ahead. He was feeling uneasy, but he didn't have a good way to deal with it.

While he was still having a headache from the attack, a knight figure quietly appeared on the roof of a truck transporting supplies.

"Yang Minyi."

Hearing the call coming from above his head, Yang Minyi trembled first, and then raised his head suddenly.

"Senior, are you here?" There was a touch of surprise in his tone, as if he had found a life-saving straw.

Su Hong lowered his head and looked at him, "Notify the knights and alert the villages ahead, they are coming."

After saying that, he jumped forward and was gradually submerged in the blood mist.

Yang Minyi hurriedly asked: "Senior, where are you going?"

"Come on." Su Hong's faint voice sounded from the front.

Yang Minyi stepped on the throttle and accelerated forward. He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to talk to everyone.

"I am Yang Minyi. All riders gather at the front of the convoy and be alert to the surroundings."

The motorcycle broke through the blood mist and followed Su Hong's footsteps. The two came to the front of the convoy in a short while.

"Professor?" The rider on the armored vehicle was stunned when he saw Yang Minyi and Su Hong standing on the roof behind him.

Yang Minyi looked forward and clearly saw the outline of the village. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The whole convoy slows down, and the rear car slows down first!"

"Stop the convoy!"


Three or four motorcycles roared, came out from the back, and followed Yang Minyi.

More car lights lit up in the hazy blood mist, and the motorcycle riders passed through and gathered one by one.

The original sin believers who were ambushing in Yantang Village seemed to have discovered the strange behavior of the convoy. Instead of retreating, they took action in advance.

Just as the Knights had assembled, a Sinner stood on the roof, holding a cannon and pulling the trigger. An RPG rocket penetrated the blood mist and rushed towards the armored vehicle in front, dragging a smoke tail.

"Get out of the way!"

Yang Minyi opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily. He wanted to deal with the rocket himself, but Su Hong was faster than him.

He jumped down from the roof of the car in heavy armor, hit the ground, and punched his side. The strong wind disturbed the wind duct, and the rocket's trajectory deviated, falling uncontrollably into the abandoned farmland, exploding, and sparks and heat waves rose.

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