My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 147 146 The Origin of Icefield Mice

Chapter 147 146. The Origin of the Ice Rat

The temporary headquarters of the Knights Temple is not big, and it looks unremarkable even in this tent.

The four first-generation knights still need further treatment. Yang Minyi is busy managing the gathering place. Anna is left alone and goes to a deserted corner of the gathering place to practice swordsmanship secretly.

Today she was wearing a short-sleeved training uniform, wielding a wooden sword, sweating profusely, and her eyes were extremely serious.

The little mouse was lying on the ground, gnawing potato chips, scratching its belly, and squeaking, as if cheering Anna up.

Shadows gathered, and Su Hong appeared in this clearing.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Anna was stunned and was about to put down the wooden sword.

"Keep practicing." Su Hong sat down next to the little mouse.


The girl quickly calmed down and tried her best to swing the sword conscientiously. However, when she thought that there were people watching, her heart became confused and she was no longer as smooth as before in wielding the wooden sword.

Su Hong shook his head, "Your mentality is still too bad and you are easily disturbed by external objects. Come back, I have something to say."

After saying that, he handed the towels neatly placed on the ground to the girl.

"Thank you, Master." Anna took the towel with both hands and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Su Hong said: "I will not stop you from investigating spies in the future, but you must understand that your own safety is the first priority."

"Don't say you are my apprentice. Even if you are the chief of the Southern District, once the enemy is exposed, they may take action against you."

"Yes, Master." Anna sat opposite Su Hong and nodded obediently, "Shaq and I will be careful and never act on impulse when you are away."

Su Hong's tone was a little more relaxed, "Anna, I know you are very smart, but we are not playing house when dealing with the enemy."

"These guys are more powerful than you think. One day you will understand."

Anna seemed to understand, and nodded confusedly.

"If you are at the end of your rope, remember to wait for me where there is fire."

The fire Su Hong refers to is the fire shelter.

If Anna really joins the resistance, he hopes that Anna can survive and meet him in the Fire Sanctuary.

Anna suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart and asked uneasily: "Master, are you leaving?"

This was the first time that she saw her mysterious master say so many words, as if he was delivering his last words.

"It's okay, it's just a precautionary measure." Su Hong took out a few disaster treasures and said, "Work hard to improve yourself. I will come to test your cultivation results at any time."

"Yes." Although it is scary to test something, it is better than something bad happening.

Su Hong spent several hours instructing Anna in swordsmanship. He didn't say goodbye to Anna until the sun went down and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the gathering place.

Garden area.

Su Hong moved the bedroom furniture to the storage room and completely emptied the bedroom, which had a big hole blown by the shell.

“Everything is ready to start the next round of simulations.”

He returned to the storage room, put on his armor, and sat on the edge of the bed.

This time, he did not plan to continue a head-on confrontation with the Shuguang Cult. Instead, he planned to bypass the Han Feng group who were about to arrive in Sheng City and go directly to Qinghai City to find a fire shelter.

"Meeting with the rebels, we may be able to learn from them the distribution information of the Order of Dawn, and then there will be ways to avoid or deal with Melanie."

With his current strength, he can indeed run away when he meets Melanie, but the Dawn Order does not only have one holy envoy.

Being entangled with Melanie for a long time might attract the attention of other holy envoys, leading to disastrous consequences.

How to deal with this old witch will have to wait until he goes to the Fire Sanctuary in person before he can plan it. It is useless to think about it now.

Su Hong opened the game interface and muttered silently, "Start simulation."

"The current disaster potential is 103/103. The disaster potential will increase as the number of times you are exposed to disasters increases. Do you want to consume 100 points of disaster potential to start the simulation?"


"The simulation begins, good luck."

The potential for disaster disappeared, a bang shook the eardrums, the screen in the storage room shook rapidly, and the originally bright room went out due to a power outage.

It must be that Wang Chengzhi left the community and the alliance stopped power supply, Su Hong thought.

The world fell into darkness, and only the faint light leaking from the crack in the door allowed Su Hong to barely see some things in the storage room.

I don't know how much time passed, but wisps of white frost spread in from the outside, dyeing the floor and walls of the storage room white.

However, compared to the frost hell outside, the storage room was much warmer, and there were even a lot of canned goods stacked together.

Soon, Su Hong saw a hole opened in the wall, and a group of mutated rats found the place and settled here.

A thought flashed through Su Hong's dull mind, "Damn it, Phillip should be asked to move all the cans to the spider lair."

It's warm and full of food. It's simply a paradise for these mutated rats.

These guys occupied the bed behind Su Hong and built a warm fortress out of various kinds of cotton.

After being transformed by the aura of disaster, these wild mice became quite smart. Su Hong even saw the mutated mice pile their feces together to block the gap between the door and the door frame.

These mutant mice spent a comfortable time in the storage room, but the weather outside was getting colder and colder, and the food was dwindling.

Many mutant mice went out to look for food and never came back. The remaining mice could only hide in their nests and sleep to avoid hunger and cold.

The temple of life was once prosperous, but it eventually fell into decline helplessly. The once lively storage room became cold and boring.

Su Hong's consciousness gradually became numb, and he fell into silence with the darkness.

After a long time, a mutant mouse was fed up with hunger and cold. It took the initiative to leave the relatively warm nest, starting from the only hole in the storage room leading to the outside world, and stepped into the world of ice and snow without hesitation, and never came back.

The figure of the mouse flashed in Su Hong's mind, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart. The mouse made him feel familiar.

Just like... the giant white-haired mouse he met on the ice field.

It turned out that the warrior in the mouse family did not die in the cold hell. It survived, adapted to the cold, and became the overlord of this area.

What would the mouse hiding in the nest think when he saw it again?

He didn't know what these mice would think, he only knew that he was about to return.

The barrier between his consciousness and the world disappeared, his sense of touch and smell returned, Su Hong felt a little cold, the musty smell in the air seemed to solidify, and it and the dust all filled his lungs, making him frown and cough a few times.

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