My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 159 Chapter 158 Meeting Again is Different

Chapter 159 158. The encounter is different

"Boom boom..."

The frost of the sedimentation building was shattered, the reinforced concrete load-bearing wall broke, and the floor collapsed and sank into the ground.

Before Su Hong ran far away, the diffused ice and snow concealed the sky and enveloped the surroundings. The ice crystals shot like broken blades, hitting the crawling corpses, making a sound of hitting stones.

"Helena, is the passage completely buried?"

Helena: "The collapsed passage cannot trap the existence of the fourth level of the undead."

"The mysterious ritual of the corpse king was interrupted, and it has marked you. Please be careful."

Su Hong waved his hand, "Don't pay attention to it, let it play here by itself."

"We have three powerful corpses, we can try to break through the siege of the Dawn Cult and go to Dawn City."

The encapsulator flickered, "Helena suggested that Mr. Scott find a way to get in touch with the main force of the resistance army. Dawn City may be in danger."

"Let's leave here first." His tone became relaxed.

"Dawn believers, your father is back again."

Su Hong controlled the wind and snow, rushed out of the snow and fog, and flew towards Sheng City.

Behind him, the corpse ghosts led by Oleg howled to celebrate the joy of freedom. They were like black hounds running on the snow, drawing dozens of straight lines behind Su Hong, raising bursts of snow and fog, with great momentum.

More than ten minutes later, Su Hong and the corpse ghosts disappeared in the vast snow, and strange movements suddenly came from the underground of Qinghai City, which had originally returned to peace.


The concrete ruins exploded, the ice and snow flew, and the huge body of the corpse ghost king appeared from the vast snow. Behind it, the corpse ghosts drilled out from the underground ruins, one after another, and the scale was extremely terrifying.

They were like a corpse ghost army, dead and quiet, waiting for the king's instructions.

The King of the Corpses' dark eyes swept around, and it casually pulled up a steel pipe road sign, held it high above its head, and said hoarsely: "Children, find that human and kill him!"


The Corpses howled hoarsely in unison, and the sound penetrated the snow curtain and reached far away.

Seven kilometers away from the suburbs of the Fire Shelter, after completely leaving the range of the Fire Shelter, Su Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell on Oleg's back.

Helena: "Reminder, mental damage can be restored through rest or meditation."

Su Hong smiled and said, "Helena, calculate how long it has been since I entered the shelter."

"12 hours, 37 minutes, 54 seconds, 55, 56..."

"Starting from the time before I entered the shelter, how long is it until 22:00 the day after tomorrow."

"According to the clock, there are currently 43 hours left."

"Okay, remember to remind me when it's 22:00 the day after tomorrow. I have important things to do and can't rest now."

Su Hong looked forward. He remembered that before entering Qinghai City, he saw the followers of the Dawn Cult nearby. He didn't know if they were still there.

"Philip." Su Hong summoned Philip, "Go search around and help me find the advance troops of the Dawn Cult that searched Qinghai City."

"Okay." Philip dragged his little tail and swayed away.

After Su Hong came back to his senses, Helena asked, "Helena has doubts. According to Miss Anna's description, Mr. Scott is a Knight of the Temple, and the ability of the shadow belongs to the Firebringer."

"What is your true identity?"

"Who said that the Knight of the Temple can't be a Firebringer." Su Hong said nonsense, "Instead of caring about these, you might as well tell me where Anna is."

"Insufficient information, unable to analyze, you can get information by capturing the Dawn Cultists."

"Forget it, just ignore my question."

Su Hong wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while on Oleg's back, but this guy ran faster than a wild horse, and his back was bumpy, so he couldn't rest at all.

Fortunately, Philip came back at this time and diverted his attention.

"Master, the advance team is staying in front."

"It's time to work." Su Hong stretched and patted Oleg's head, "All corpse ghosts, stop immediately."

The running corpse ghosts heard Su Hong speak, gradually slowed down, and stopped.

The encapsulator flashed, "Mr. Scott, please share your plan information. Helena can provide you with consultation and assistance."

Su Hong jumped off Oleg's back, "The lustful witch Melanie has a pair of amber eyes that can spy on the perspectives of her servants or leave a shadow to lock the enemy."

"I'll go and destroy the advance team, and let the shadow of the amber eyes stay on me to attract the attention of Melanie and the Dawn believers."

"Oleg, you and my follower Philip will ambush in Sheng City."

"We will have a decisive battle with the Dawn Saint in Sheng City, and this time I will annihilate them all."

"Yes!" Philip saluted excitedly.

The corpse ghosts looked at each other, and finally Oleg howled a few times, and they followed Philip to run towards Sheng City.

When the raised ice and snow disappeared at the end of the darkness, only Su Hong and Helena were left there.

Helena: "According to Helena's portrait, Mr. Scott has a very contradictory personality. Sometimes you are very cautious, but sometimes you like adventure and don't take death seriously."

"Helena, people are very complicated. You still have a lot to learn."

Su Hong said casually, and then flew in the direction of the advance team.

In fact, his personality is not that complicated. He just wastes time because he can't die in the simulation.

The encapsulator flashed, "The experience of becoming a human has been received, but the feasibility of the experience is questionable."

A few minutes later, the blizzard showed signs of stopping. Su Hong looked into the distance, and a team of five Dawn Cult advance troops gradually emerged from the end of the darkness.

When Su Hong saw the Dawn Cultists, the Dawn Cultists also discovered him.

This strange armored knight was obviously waiting for them, and the Dawn Cultists of the third level of immortality who led him instantly became alert.

"Who is it?"

"The rebels." Su Hong said.

"The rebels?!"

"Capture him alive."

The believers instantly became excited, and two of them raised their firearms emitting the breath of disaster and pointed them at him.

Helena: "Reminder, the Disaster T31 sniper rifle, loaded with disaster suppression warheads, can suppress the magic power of the Black Sun magician and weaken the target's disaster ability."

"Is this the disaster technology gun you mentioned?" Su Hong's eyes lit up.

This thing is indeed useless to him, but if he returns to reality and popularizes this gun in the army in advance, it can improve the combat capability of humans and speed up the iteration of disaster technology.

Maybe through simulation, human civilization can climb the disaster technology tree with one foot on the other, and even the disaster missile can be iterated in the future.

"Helena found that you are distracted, please be careful of the enemy in front of you."

As soon as Helena finished speaking, a Dawn Cultist pulled the trigger, the primer was ignited, and the disaster suppression warhead rotated and shot out.

The warhead was shot out very quickly, but Su Hong's reaction was faster. The blizzard formed a super strong wind barrier to block the bullet, and then peeled it off layer by layer, and the bullet core fell into his hands so easily.

"Be alert, this guy's strength is the third level of immortality!"

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