My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 169 168 Origin and Missionaries

Chapter 169 168. Origin and Missionary

The Protz family was originally a chess piece arranged by the Dawn Cult in the alliance, but because of the sudden appearance of the Firebringer, this chess piece became ineffective.

After Li Jinjin's death, Li Jian cooperated with the Knights Templar, secretly investigated, and bloodbathed the entire family, which brought the Protz family back on track.

The twelve undead forces in the southern area basically have more or less contact with the Dawn Cult.

In the early days of the apocalypse, most forces were still watching, and only the Elk Mansion was truly integrated into the Dawn Cult.

But now, the alliance is weak, and half of these undead forces who believe in the theory of new humans have rebelled.

"It's really troublesome."

Su Hong frowned. These undead forces have been changing their ways for a long time. To put it bluntly, the alliance still does not have enough control over them.

These old things who have lived for hundreds of years once controlled the world and had a profound impact on the undead world. Even the alliance can hardly deprive them of their power.

"The Undead Forces do not trust the Alliance and are hostile to the Firebearers who embrace the Alliance..."

"If I can appear in a new identity, represent the interests of the Undead Forces, and secretly transform the Undead Forces, perhaps I can change the situation ten years later."

If you want to represent the interests of the Undead Forces, you must be a person from the Undead Forces.

At the same time, he must also show his position of resisting but not opposing the Alliance.

Su Hong's mind moved, "My Templar vest seems to be very suitable for this."

The Knights Templar is one of the original initiators of the Alliance, and it is also the largest Undead Force in the North District.

The Knights Templar has dealings with various Undead Forces, but its position is different from other Undead Forces. It is firmly on the side of the Alliance.

Usually, when the Alliance and the Undead Forces have frictions and conflicts, the two sides often solve problems through the Knights Templar.

Perhaps he can take up the identity of the Templar's speaker, lead the Undead World, and resist the infiltration of the Cult.

Su Hong wrote down this idea and looked down at the package containing the golden ball. "Do you have anything to add to Li Qingzhen's words?"

The magic pattern lit up, Helena: "The database file is missing and cannot be recognized."

"Files related to the Dawn Cult have been detected. You can try to ask Helena."

"Do you know their origins?" Su Hong asked.

"Helena obtained relevant records and information about the Dawn Cult at Dawn Camp No. 4."

"The Dawn Cult was originally called the Original Sin Cult. It was born out of the Church of Light and was founded by three missionaries from Gray Root County. It was a doomsday cult that caused cholera in the Sun Country and instigated the pollution of the people in the history of the disaster."

"According to historical data records, in the 5267th year of the solar calendar, the Original Sin Cult invaded the Golden Tin Holy City of the Sun Country, ending the Sun Country's thousands of years of rule over the human world. At the same time, the world was completely plunged into the despair of the disaster."

"The current Original Sin Cult was established in 1923 by Protestant missionaries from three European countries. After the doomsday came, it combined with the Original Sin Cult in the history of the disaster, and gradually gave birth to the Dawn Cult."

Su Hong pondered, "Do you know the names of those Protestant missionaries?"

"Inquiry in progress, no information yet."

"What a pity." Su Hong said regretfully.

If he knew the names of the three Protestant missionaries, he would go and kill them directly after returning to reality.

While Su Hong was still thinking, Li Qingzhen looked doubtful, "Mr. Scott, it seems a little too quiet here."

Su Hong came back to his senses, "What do you mean?"

"From the fallen Linshan Shelter to the Xiedong Shelter, the cult's pursuers are everywhere, but strangely, we haven't encountered the Dawn Cultists for a long time."

"Indeed." Su Hong summoned a shadow, "Philip, go around and see if anyone is following us."

Philip took the order and flew out.


Half an hour later, the Corps of Corpses entered the streets of the city, but except for the traces of artillery bombardment and the lingering smell of gunpowder, it was extremely quiet. People from the Alliance Army and the Dawn Cultists were seen.

This abnormal situation made Li Qingzhen and Liu Fan more and more restless.

Just then, Philip, who had gone out to investigate the situation, flew back.

"Those guys are weird, they seem to be hiding from us."

Li Qingzhen's heart sank when he heard this, "These believers knew that our destination was Xie Dong's shelter, and they dared to let us go back..."

Su Hong said, "Xie Dong's shelter may have been in trouble."

Li Qingzhen became more and more anxious, "Xie Dong's shelter is guarded by Li Jian, and there are heavy firepower positions and missile silos, how could it be lost in a few hours."

Su Hong shook his head, he was not as optimistic as Li Qingzhen.

"Have you forgotten how this operation failed?"

"Traitor?!" Li Qingzhen's eyes narrowed.

Su Hong stared and said, "Since the cult knew that Liu Zhifeng had left the shelter, there is no reason not to take this opportunity to invade the shelter."

"There are traitors working together inside and outside, I'm afraid this time..."

After hearing this, Li Qingzhen's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Did something really happen to the shelter?"

"We'll know when we go over there." Su Hong said in a deep voice: "Be prepared for a fight."

The corpse ghost climbed up the wall, hooked its claws on the wall, and ran deep into the city.

The Xiedong Shelter was set up in the suburbs of Xiedong City, facing the Linshan Shelter. The straight-line distance was more than 20 kilometers, and it needed to pass through the city to reach it.

Despite Helena's navigation assistance, most of the buildings in Xiedong City collapsed into ruins after the war, hindering their progress.

Passing through the city, the closer to Xiedong Shelter, Su Hong felt a sense of crisis, which made him uneasy.

"Philip, have you noticed the enemy?"

"No." Philip poked his head out from his shadow.


Helena suddenly spoke: "Attention, Oleg found a residual smell nearby, and someone stayed nearby for three minutes."

"It is speculated that it is an ambush."

Su Hong did not move his expression and asked: "Helena, in which direction is the enemy?"

"It is estimated that it is in the fan-shaped area from one o'clock to three o'clock."

Helena had just finished speaking when, with a bang, a rocket flew out of the ruins with a flame tail and rushed towards him.

"Be careful, it's a suppression bomb!" Li Qingzhen shouted.

As soon as the man finished reminding, three more shells rushed over.

"Can this thing suppress the power of disaster?"

Su Hong's mind moved, and he controlled the blizzard to twist the rocket guide, so that they flew back the way they came.

"Warning, warning, the target has the disaster ability to control the wind!"

There was a commotion in the ruins, and with a few loud explosions, the strange blood mist exploded and filled the ruins.

The Corpse Ghost Army stopped, not daring to go deep into the blood mist.

Su Hong stretched out his hand to pull out a few strands of blood mist, and indeed felt the strange power in it.

Li Qingzhen said solemnly: "Mr. Scott, this kind of suppression warhead is expensive, and it is also a strategic item in the Alliance."

"I'm afraid the troops coming to hinder us are not simple."

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