My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 179 178 A turning point has come

Chapter 179 178. The turning point has come

Wei Qiang asked from the front without looking back: "Brother, are you nervous?"

Su Hong thought for a while, and the empty shadows around him were all under his control. It was impossible to say he was nervous, but to say so directly would seem to be too arrogant, so he used a more compromise term.

"Kind of."

Wei Qiang smiled. The cave was extremely dark, and terrifying echoes came from time to time. A normal person would be nervous and scared.

"It's okay. It's normal to be nervous. Actually, bro, I'm a little nervous too."

As if to restrain his inner nervousness, Wei Qiang started to chat, "Brother, come to think of it, you are already twenty-six, don't you plan to find a girlfriend?"

Su Hong shook his head, "No time."

Wei Qiang was chatting to himself, "Working with the leader makes money, but if those who do our job die one day, leave yourself a descendant, and at least someone will help bury the body." ”

"But forget it if you don't want to. If something unexpected happens one day, I will help you organize the funeral, brother."

"Oh, by the way, if I die, help me take care of my wife and children, so that Xiaomei won't be bullied in the shelter..."

Wei Qiang rambled on, and Su Hong just listened silently most of the time.

It was said to be empty exploration, but in fact most of the time was spent chatting.

He entered the cave in the morning, and when he came out in the afternoon, he just listened to Wei Qiang's stories.

This guy is also really good at nagging. At first he was worried about his death, but later he talked about his difficult journey to school when he was a child.

On the first day of exploring the cave, the Corps killed more than twenty strange underground creatures and missed a dead undead second-level corpse. The harvest was good.

However, Su Hong still gained nothing, not even the shadow of the fragments was seen.

Late at night, he planned to explore the cave in advance like the night before, but Philip told him that there were suspicious people wandering around the base vehicle.

The shadow spread out, and Su Hong saw the man's appearance clearly.

"Isn't this guy from the Lava Corps? What do they want to do?" Su Hong thought and followed this man back to the Lava Corps' camp.

A low voice came from the Lava Corps tent, "Captain, those guys from the Immortal Blade are also exploring the hole in the west of the city, just in case what the Holy Envoy wants is there..."

"Then kill them." He Feng's cold voice responded.

"Good guy, you are so murderous." Su Hong couldn't help complaining, "I haven't found you yet, and you have already arrived at your door."

If he wasn't worried about disrupting the normal historical process and not finding the fragments, he would now have the idea of ​​going to the Elk Mansion and killing these moles in one fell swoop.

"Forget it, let you live a few more days."


"What's the matter, Master?" Phillip swam over leisurely.

"Keep an eye on them and report to me immediately if anything happens."

"Yes." Philip yawned.

The next day, the Corps did not go deep into the original cave, but instead explored the second cave.

The Corps had a good harvest today, but there was still no trace of the debris.

Just when Su Hong began to wonder if he had disrupted the normal course of history and caused the Immortal Blade's itinerary to change, a piece of news came back from the market.

In the car at the base, Sun Hang held a meeting with the members of the army. "There was some false information leaked in the market."

He pointed to the electronic map, "There is a very large cave entrance in the underground parking lot of Yintai Building in the west of the city. It is said that this is the node where dozens of caves gather near the west of the city. The resources there are richer than ordinary caves."

"Four corps have already entered there to explore. So far, no corps has issued a danger warning. I want to hear your thoughts."

Su Hong remained silent and did not intend to interfere with the Corps' decision-making.

Wei Qiang immediately raised his hand, with high emotional intelligence as always, "I listen to the leader."

Gao Hai raised his hand and said: "It's still in the early stages of exploration, and there should be a lot of untapped resources. I propose to get a share of the pie."

The other team members also nodded, "It doesn't seem to be very dangerous. It's really worth going."

The team members were discussing, and Sun Hang looked at Su Hong, who had not expressed his position yet, "What do you think?"

Seeing that most people had no objections, Su Hong also said with confidence: "I agree."

"Since everyone has no objections, we will set off to Yintai Building early tomorrow morning."

The next day, all members of the Immortal Blade were fully armed, got into the base vehicle, climbed over the ruins, and drove along the tracks to the bustling central area in the west of the city.

Two hours later, the base vehicle rolled over broken glass and stopped in front of the square fountain in the building lobby.

Su Hong got out of the car with everyone and looked around the building. Compared with other deserted streets, it was much livelier here. There were no less than eight armored vehicles parked at the door alone. Many undead soldiers from the Corps were packing up their equipment and preparing to enter the cave. explore.

After seeing the base vehicle of Immortal Blade stopped, they just raised their heads and continued to work on their own affairs.

It is still the early days of the end of the world, and the competition between the major corps is not fierce. Everyone is exploring the voids based on their own abilities, so there is no need to start a conflict here.

"Follow me." Sun Hang took the lead, leading the members of the Immortal Blade directly through the dilapidated hall door and down the stairs to the parking lot.

When Su Hong came out of the stairwell, the first thing he saw was the huge hollow occupying nearly half of the parking lot.

The cement and the car were trapped inside due to the collapse, which buried the entrance of the cave a little, but looking deeper, the luminous plants in the cave were emitting a faint light, and it can be seen that there are many traces of human walking inside.

"Let's go."

Sun Hang led the way, and the team members followed. Wei Qiang walked in front of Su Hong, protecting him, who was the "weakest", behind the team.

In fact, Su Hong's shadow perception had already spread to the depths of the cave, and the shadow army was hiding in the shadows, ready to attack at any time.

Sun Hang suddenly reminded in front: "It's not just us who have entered here to explore, the Lava Army is also inside."

"We offended He Feng a few days ago, so remember to cheer up when you meet the Lava Army."

Sun Hang's senses are very sharp. Although he doesn't know the true identity and thoughts of the Lava Army, he has begun to be wary of the Lava Army.

After the group went deep into the cave for more than ten minutes, they passed through several forks and just walked into the undeveloped area, and saw a strange scene.

On the fluorescent grass, the bodies of the disaster creatures were abandoned on the ground, and even the disaster items were still left in the bodies.

The troops that killed it seemed to have no interest in the corpse of the disaster monster.


Sun Hang pondered. The troops that entered here were either for money or to increase the level of disaster. How could they be willing to give up the disaster items?

Could there be other troops that came in with other purposes?

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