My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 181 180 Song of the Soul

Chapter 181 180. Song of the Soul

If he had not intervened, Sun Hang and others would have likely fallen into this hollow and been guided to the unknown depths.

"Guidance... is it a vision caused by the fragments?"

It seems that Sun Hang and others may have seen the fragments in the simulated history, so that they were hunted down by the cult and finally died tragically in the hollow.

"Brother Su, what's ahead?" Wei Qiang held up his gun and covered Su Hong from behind.

"I don't know either, it seems to be a palace."

At the end of the shadow perception, there stood a bronze gate.

Every time he wanted to spread his perception into it, the shadow would be swallowed by a mysterious force.

"It seems that only by going there in person can we know what is behind the bronze gate."

There are many disaster monsters in this hollow passage. Wei Qiang was right not to act rashly, otherwise he would really fall into the belly of the disaster monster before he came over.

Su Hong pretended to move forward cautiously, foresaw the attack of the disaster monster in advance, and "difficultly" solved several disaster monsters entrenched in the hollow with Wei Qiang.

Wei Qiang used a knife to cut out the monster's eyeball that exuded a calamity, and exhaled, "This thing is really difficult to deal with, fortunately we have two people."

Su Hong raised the submachine gun in his hand, "The bullets are not enough, use them sparingly, we don't know what's ahead."

The two continued to move forward, and soon came to the end of Su Hong's perception-the bronze gate.

Wei Qiang looked up and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The entire bronze gate is 20 meters high, and the whole body seems to be built from a complete piece of bronze. The surface is engraved with intricate patterns like hollows, and the flowing cloud patterns symbolizing flames appear from time to time, making the bronze gate look extraordinary.

"So... so big." Wei Qiang couldn't help but say: "Such a high door, is it for giants to pass through?"

"Brother, give me a hand and see if you can push it open."

"The two of us?" Wei Qiang pointed at Su Hong, and then at himself, "Brother Su, are you serious?"

The two of them were like two ants in front of this huge bronze gate, and it was too whimsical to want to push the gate.

Su Hong shrugged, "There's no other way, right?"

"That's true."

Wei Qiang came to the other side of the gate, and together with Su Hong, he pressed his palm on the door and pushed hard.

"Open it for me...!"

Wei Qiang's face turned red, and the gate didn't move at all.

Su Hong's consciousness moved slightly, and in a place where Wei Qiang couldn't see, a shadow climbed up the gate, covering the lines.

He exerted a little force, and the gate made a heavy sound and opened automatically.


"Really opened?!" Wei Qiang hurriedly stepped aside.

The gate slowly opened, and the weak flame in the fire altar in the center of the palace suddenly burst into flames, illuminating the dark palace hall.

Su Hong and Wei Qiang looked inside together. On both sides of the palace hall, huge skeletons fell to the ground, shaped like human bones.

The inferior iron armor on the giant skeleton was rusted and blackened, and the black rust filled the air, making people cough.

Looking at the fire altar in the center, there were fallen skeletons all around, some human and some other creatures.

This is not a palace, it is clearly a tomb.

"What is this place?" Wei Qiang was shocked and muttered.

Su Hong was also very curious. He walked forward. The nameless flame in the fire altar jumped, and suddenly a childish voice came out.


Wei Qiang was startled, "The flame spoke?"

"Are you... people?"

Su Hong thought for a while and said, "Yes, Miss Flame, how can we leave here?"

Flame said slowly in a childish voice: "Jump... jump in here, those who are looking to the light will naturally find a way out."

"Jump into the flame?"

Su Hong looked thoughtful, he always felt as if he had seen this kind of flame somewhere.

"I'll do..."

He was about to agree, but Wei Qiang stopped him.

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Su, let me do it. I have the ability to light fires, so maybe I can hold on for a while longer."

Su Hong felt amused, "Brother Wei, aren't you afraid of death?"

The man seemed to have made up his mind, "One of you and I must get out alive."

"Brother, I don't have much ability, and I haven't made a name for myself in this life. You are different, you are still young."

"Xiaomei really asks you to take care of her, don't let the people in the shelter bully her."

Wei Qiang left him a back view and walked to the fire altar.

He wandered in front of the fire altar for a while, which was enough to show how much he struggled in his heart.

Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and shouted, "Brother Su, don't cheat on me!"

After that, he jumped into the flames.

Su Hong watched this scene quietly and did not stop Wei Qiang from self-immolation.

In the raging fire, Wei Qiang's figure became more and more blurred, but he was not burned by the flames, but seemed to be facing some kind of magical transformation.

"Sure enough..." Su Hong pondered, he seemed not surprised by this scene.

A few minutes later, Wei Qiang gradually woke up, he walked out of the flames, and touched his body in disbelief.

"I'm okay?"

"My ability seems to be..."

He snapped his fingers, a flame burned, then left his body and ignited the skeleton, burning it up.

"Become stronger?!"

The flames jumped, and a childish voice came out, "Those who turn their hearts to the light deserve gifts."

"But you are not good enough to see the way out."

Wei Qiang walked down the fire altar, "Brother Su, why don't you try it too? This thing doesn't seem to have any intention of harming people."


Su Hong nodded, walked up to the fire altar, and stepped into the flames.

The flames were very warm and not as dangerous as they seemed. Gradually, the flames blurred his vision. As the flames changed, an elf bathed in flames appeared in front of him.

"Blessed one, welcome to the world of flames."

The elf put his hands together, as if praying for him.

"Your companion is a trustworthy person, please rest assured."

Su Hong reached out and caught the elf in the flames, "Are you the Holy Spirit?"

The Holy Spirit of Flame whispered: "My name is Prayer Freida. Pray to me and you will get the response of the flame."

"I was once a child of the Sun Tree. Since the flames of the sun went out, the Holy Spirit wandered in the world, and I also came to the kingdom of humans."

Su Hong showed a look that was indeed the case.

He had seen the Holy Spirit of Flame when he obtained the Eye of the Holy Candle.

He recognized Frieda's identity as the Holy Spirit at the beginning, so he did not stop Wei Qiang from jumping into the flames.

Frieda mourned in a low voice, "The world is in decline, the flames are gone, I can only lead all living things to the kingdom of giants and seek the help of the Giant King."

"But the Giant King could not escape the erosion of the disaster. The kingdom of giants fell into the quagmire and giant insects, and all things returned to silence."

"I have traveled through the long years, alone, and finally waited for you."

Su Hong was a little confused, "With your ability, you can leave here directly, why wait for me to come."

Frieda held the black sword blade in her hand and raised it above her head, "This is the Song of the Soul, the last relic of the Paladin, I am waiting for someone who can inherit it."

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