My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 190 189 Projects that Change the Future

Chapter 190 189. The Project That Changes the Future

Jing Zhi couldn't help but take a few steps forward, "Mr. Scott, forgive me for asking a question, alchemy is a 'delicate' subject, and the preparation of medicines depends on the power of the soul."

"There are only a hundred formal alchemists registered in the alliance. Where can we find so many pharmacists to support... the huge alchemy project."

Su Hong slowly stood up and walked to Jing Zhi, "Don't you really know?"

The alchemy factory in the simulated future was not born out of thin air, but the result of the efforts of countless alchemists and engineers.

It was Jing Zhi, the director of the Alchemy Research Institute in front of him, who first proposed the concept of the alchemy factory.

About three years later, he will find Shao Zhongcheng, the dean of the Engineering Design Institute, and the two will jointly propose the concept of the alchemy factory to the alliance, and after a long period of struggle, the project will be implemented.

The two middle-aged men in front of him are the fathers of the alchemy factory.

"I..." Jing Zhi showed a hesitant look. At this moment, he recalled an idea that had long been abandoned.

If there is such a thing as a huge alchemical project, then the concept in his mind is undoubtedly it.

But is it really possible?

Jing Zhi said slowly: "Mr. Scott, I did think about the concept design of the alchemical project, but it is not realistic."

"In comparison, I am more curious about what the huge alchemical project you are talking about is?"

Shao Zhongcheng pushed his glasses, "Just tell me if you need me."

Su Hong turned his head and looked at He Xuemei, "Playing with fire here should not trigger the fire alarm."

"What?" He Xuemei did not react.

Without waiting for her to continue asking, Su Hong walked to the open space in front of the conference table. He opened his right hand and froze the alarm. The silk-like shadow spread out and merged into the darkness.

Under the gaze of everyone, a shadow was ignited, gradually outlining the outline of a specific device.

Su Hong said: "This is a gear."

The flame spread out, incorporating the gear into it, and an assembly line machine appeared, covered with strange patterns.

"This is an alchemy prototype."

"What?!" Jing Zhi's pupils shrank. He clearly recognized that the magic pattern on the prototype was unusual.

The flame continued to burn, and more prototypes appeared, connected in series to form an assembly line.

"This is an alchemy potion assembly line."

"Alchemy factory?!" Jing Zhi blurted out, his eyes trembling, and his expression was a little excited.

"Are you talking about the alchemy factory?"

"Yes." Su Hong smiled.

At his signal, He Xuemei pressed the projection button on the side, and the 3D design drawings he gave were fully projected, overlapping with the flames.

Su Hong dispersed the flames and said calmly: "You should be very clear about its value."

Jing Zhi nodded, but soon realized that he was too excited, and hurriedly restrained his mind and asked: "Mr. Scott, if the huge alchemy project you are talking about is an alchemy factory, then it can indeed change the future of mankind, and even bring alchemy potions into thousands of households."

"But I still want to confirm whether your plan and design are feasible."

The people sitting on the chairs stood up and discussed.

To be honest, the research in the Alchemy Research Institute is generally about the cutting-edge technology of alchemy and pharmacy, most of which are theoretical research. Very few can transform the research results, and most of the alchemy knowledge currently still relies on archaeology.

Due to the characteristics of alchemy and pharmacy that are difficult to learn and master, the Alchemy Research Institute is limited in scale and is not valued by the Alliance.

But if the so-called alchemy factory can really be established, it will not only change the status of the Alchemy Research Institute in the Alliance, but also change the future of mankind.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became serious and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

Facing the question raised by Jing Zhi, Su Hong responded calmly, "Feasibility?"

"The alchemy factory technology I control is a completely mature and reliable technology, which includes not only the alchemy factory itself, but also the large-scale cultivation of alchemy raw materials, covering all processes from supply chain to production and transportation."

"I have handed over the relevant technical records to Ms. He Xuemei, and you two can check and discuss them."

"The whole process?" Shao Zhongcheng was shocked.

He knew very well what this meant.

If an alchemy factory is built without other supporting facilities and supply chains, then the alchemy factory is nothing more than an empty shell.

It is important to achieve large-scale production, but it is also important to have a stable supply channel for raw materials. Only by cultivating stable alchemy materials on a large scale can the production capacity of the alchemy factory be unrestricted.

Otherwise, if the Undead Corps only relies on collecting alchemy materials in the wild, it is easy to have an embarrassing situation where the production capacity is full today and there is no material production tomorrow, and the factory has to be closed down.

Not to mention that it will affect the factory's output, the alchemy factory will lose money if it is closed down for one day.

"Director Jing Zhi, Dean Shao Zhongcheng, I have asked the secretariat to send the information to your account, please check." He Xuemei said.

"Oh, OK." Shao Zhongcheng bowed to thank him.

"I will contact the team in the institute and give a conclusion as soon as possible." Jing Zhi left in a hurry, and the projection disappeared.

On the other side, Shao Zhongcheng was more stable. He used the terminal to contact the engineers in the institute and asked them to go to the meeting room.

A few minutes later, Jing Zhi came back. He adjusted the equipment, and the table behind him and the alchemy pharmacist team were projected.

The alchemists looked at the people in the conference room curiously and lowered their heads to discuss.

"Strange, why is the teacher so excited?"

"Maybe menopause is coming."

"At my age, how can menopause come."

An older pharmacist coughed and said, "Ahem, the director and the ministers are opposite, you should be serious."

The pharmacists stopped discussing after hearing this.

"Mr. Scott, I will start the inspection now." Jing Zhi couldn't hide his excitement. He asked the pharmacist to turn on the display screen and focused the inspection on the alchemy prototype and the cultivation process of alchemy materials.

On the other side, a group of young engineers also appeared behind Shao Zhongcheng, but compared with the active pharmacists in the Alchemy Research Institute, these young engineers seemed more shy and steady.

After Shao Zhongcheng led the team to salute everyone in the conference room, he began to review the astonishing number of drawings.

The meeting room suddenly became quiet. Even the ministers who usually held the power of the alliance did not dare to make a sound to disturb them. Although they could not understand the contents of the blueprint, they still stared at the figure in the projection.

"Hiss, why didn't I think it could be like this!"

Jing Zhi was shocked when he saw the contents on the screen and slapped his thigh hard.

"Brother, this alchemical pattern seems a bit strange. Does it look like the ultimate evolution of the universal alchemical pattern you studied?" A young pharmacist pointed at the blueprint and commented.

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