My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 195 194 Everything is ready, judgment is coming

Chapter 195 194. Everything is ready, judgment is coming

"No, this cannot explain the origin of those bottles of Fuling potion. There must be something I overlooked."

After Luan Feng left the duty room, Su Hong followed him.

The man walked around the energy zone, and after confirming that no one was following him, he suddenly turned into a safe room.

Su Hong spread his shadow perception and saw a familiar figure in the safe room.

"Cold wind?" A look of surprise appeared on his face.

At first he thought it was a coincidence, but suddenly he remembered the information he had obtained during the simulation.

"Hanfeng is originally an immortal from Elk Mansion, so it's not surprising that he appears here."

Seeing Luan Feng, a member of the Gongguan rebels, interacting with Hanfeng, Su Hong immediately understood the context of the matter.

"It is true that the rebels in the mansion are the vests of the religious order, but except for Luan Feng, no one else in the rebels seems to know about it."

"In other words, these rebels were deceived?"

This idea just came into his mind, and the conversation between Luan Feng and Han Feng confirmed his suspicion.

Luan Feng said respectfully: "Sir, the plan went very well. I left obvious traces for the Yuan family. Once Yuan Ang dies and Yuan Zhihai pursues the case, he will definitely be able to discover the government rebel organization hidden behind Qi Xiuru."

"I forged records of conversations with the Alliance and put them in the collected evidence files. Once the rebels in the mansion are discovered, Yuan Zhihai will see my forged evidence, and the suspicion of killing Yuan Ang will be successfully thrown away from the Alliance. head."

Hanfeng nodded and said indifferently: "Yuan Zhihai wants to profit from both sides of the cult and the alliance by using two boats. It is simply a fool's errand."

He turned his attention to Luan Feng and said with great interest: "But... your accomplices were betrayed by you like this, don't you feel sad?"

Luan Feng showed a fervent expression, "I will do anything for the Holy Envoy."

Hanfeng sneered when he saw his appearance, "Keep the evidence and wait for Yuan Zhihai to come."

The two finished chatting quickly, Hanfeng left the energy area directly, and Luan Feng stayed in the safe room to sort out the evidence in the safe before leaving.

After a while, the shadows in the safe room gathered together, condensing the figure of Sun Ye.

He touched his nose and said: "These cultists are quite nice. They know that I am looking for evidence and they helped me collect it."

"Then I won't be polite."

Turning the shadow into a knife, the blade tore through the steel, opened the safe door, and took out the evidence inside.

Su Hong looked through the photos and information in his hand and frowned slowly.

The evidence in his hand recorded a large number of atrocities committed by the major forces in the Elk Mansion in the shelter, and the smell of blood leaked from the lines.

Although he was used to seeing blood and corpses, the tortured and twisted corpses in the photos still made him feel psychologically uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, these guys are not worthy of being human, they are even worse than animals."

Su Hong's eyes were slightly cold, he put away the evidence, packed it up and flew out together.

But before leaving the shelter, he had to save an innocent member of the Mansion Rebels.

Once the cult discovers that these incriminating evidences have disappeared, they may cause trouble for them.

After leaving the energy area, Su Hong found Qi Xiuru who was staying in the room.

The woman was still very uneasy at first, but she calmed down after seeing Su Hong come back.

"Mr. Sun Ye, how are you?"

Su Hong handed her a list of rebels in the mansion, "Use your terminal to help me contact the people above and tell them that the Fire Bearer is here. If they don't want to die, come here now."

The woman nodded carefully, took the list, and dialed the names one by one.

The rebels in the mansion who heard Qi Xiuru's voice had mixed reactions. Some were delighted, while others were skeptical.

They were worried that it was a trap set by the Yuan family, just to lure them over.

But then I thought about it, if the Yuan family discovered their identities, they could simply send people over to kill them without setting a trap.

After several people discussed it, they all agreed to go to the location of the communication.

On the corridor, a member of the rebels asked cautiously: "In the communication just now, what did the woman mean when she asked us to be careful about Luan Feng?"

Wei Wenchao, a man with glasses, said: "Luan Feng... There is definitely something wrong with him. There is no need for us to assassinate Yuan Ang... Anyway, just go and take a look and you will know."

The five people arrived at the designated room in the living area and were hesitating whether to knock on the door when the door suddenly opened.

"Yuan...Yuan Ang?!" Wei Wenchao's face changed drastically when he saw Yuan Ang lying on the ground. He was about to run away, but he and the others were pulled back by a force.

Su Hong appeared and mocked: "A corpse scared you to this point."


Everyone looked and saw Yuan Ang lying motionless on the ground, as if he was indeed dead.

Wei Wenchao breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Su Hong. At first glance, he felt that the man in front of him looked familiar, and then he remembered the figure in the live broadcast.

" are the fire bearer Sun Ye?!" He climbed up regardless of his image.


Su Hong turned into a shadow and filled the wound on the back of Yuan Ang's head.

"There's no need to chat. If you want to live, just come with me."

Yuan Ang, who was lying on the ground motionless, suddenly stood up, glanced at them lightly, and walked out.

Qi Xiuru hurriedly followed, leaving Wei Wenchao and others standing there looking at each other.

"Let's go."

Everyone nodded and followed.

Wei Wenchao asked from behind: "Master Sun Ye, why didn't you notify Luan Feng?"

"Luan Feng?" Su Hong said without turning his head: "That guy is in the same group as the mysterious force you are investigating."

Wei Wenchao felt as if he fell into an ice cellar when he heard this.

"How is it possible? The leader..."

The rebels found it hard to accept for a while.

Su Hong led everyone to find the elevator and took the elevator to leave the shelter.

On the ground base, the armed soldiers saw the elevator rising and Su Hong and others walked out.

"Mr. Yuan Ang, it's already night, where are you going?"

"Yuan Ang" said impatiently: "I go wherever I want. I'm going out for some fresh air. Don't bother me."

"Yes." The soldier didn't dare to object.

Su Hong found an armored vehicle from the base and took Qi Xiuru and others out of the base and left Miaoshan City.

In front of the deserted road, there was a bright fire and a camp. It was a temporary gathering place for people who were preparing to move out of the shelter. Tomorrow morning, they will leave Miaoshan City under the leadership of the alliance army and head towards the Dawn Gathering Place.

Su Hong stopped the car and looked at Qi Xiuru who was standing by. "There are people from the Alliance in the camp ahead. You can seek their protection or go directly to the shelter at the South District Headquarters."

"Remember to give this evidence to the Alliance and tell them to be careful of the Mansion attacking the convoy of evacuated people."

He handed the evidence to Qi Xiuru and jumped out of the car before they could react.

Su Hong left consciously, and the puppet Yuan Ang returned to the shelter numbly.

The evidence of the crime of the Elk Mansion is complete. Now he just needs to wait for all the people to evacuate Miaoshan City, and then he can come to judge this sinful city.

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