My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 202 The truth of 201

Chapter 202 201.The truth back then


Su Hong did not sit down. He glanced around the office and said, "How are things going these days?"

Su Hong didn't sit down, and Yang Minyi didn't dare to sit down either. He pulled out the drawer and handed Su Hong the meeting records of the past few days.

"In the past three days, a total of six undead forces came to talk to me in the name of reminiscing about the past. They are very cautious and are just testing the attitude of the Knights Temple."

"I followed your plan to appease them, saying that the Knights Temple would not sit back and watch the Alliance persecute them."

"However, as the investigation by the alliance intelligence organization tightens, they will soon be unable to sit still. At that time, the Knights Temple will take back some of the power of these undead forces in the name of asylum, which can also be considered as indirectly helping the alliance to control these undead forces. "

Su Hong nodded, "Well, these undead forces control most of the undead power, and there is still value for use. It is not the time to liquidate them at this stage. What is more important now is to find out the mysterious forces behind them."

When it comes to mysterious forces, Yang Minyi said solemnly: "Where did these doomsday believers come from, and they have such huge energy."

"If their plan to infiltrate the undead forces succeeds, I'm afraid the alliance will be destroyed in the civil war before it is overthrown by the doomsday."

Su Hong glanced at him, "These are not simple doomsday believers, they are related to the history of disaster."

Yang Minyi was shocked when he heard this. He wanted to continue asking, but Su Hong changed the subject and said, "Where is the head of Protz's family?"

The intelligence of the cult cannot be disclosed too much to the alliance for the time being, so as not to alert the enemy and cause changes that he cannot handle in reality.

In reality, it is always right to be cautious. The god that the sect believes in is not that simple. With his current power and the information he controls, he cannot uproot the sect.

Not getting any more information from Su Hong, a look of disappointment flashed across Yang Minyi's face, but he quickly returned to normal, and he said seriously: "I arranged for his old man to live in a nursing home, and live and eat with several teachers. Since you are already here, I will invite Senior Li to come out now."

Yang Minyi saluted Su Hong and strode out of the office.

When Su Hong was the only one left in the office, he picked up Yang Minyi's meeting records and glanced at them.

The names of the visiting forces in the meeting records looked familiar to him. As expected, they were all forces that betrayed the alliance and joined the cult in the simulated future.

"Ha...are you guilty of being a thief?"

Because of the cult, he won't take action against these undead forces for the time being, but that doesn't mean he will let them go.

After seeing the luxury and vice of the Elk Mansion as a refuge, he no longer had any sympathy for these guys.

Next, the Alliance and the Knights Temple will cooperate with each other, playing tricks on each other, gradually dividing the power they control, and returning the control of the sanctuary to the Alliance.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to run away after the Order falls."

Su Hong whispered, sat down on the chair and waited.

Ten minutes passed slowly, and there was a knock on the office door. Yang Minyi opened the door and walked in pushing Li Jinjin in a wheelchair.

The old man raised his head blankly, and after seeing the knight in front of him who was wrapped in cold armor, his expression changed. His skinny, skeleton-like face pulled his chin and said:

"Knight Scott, your name has spread throughout the alliance. Old man, I have difficulty moving, please forgive me for being rude."

After saying that, he struggled to get up and wanted to salute Su Hong.

Su Hong sat on the chair, rested his arms on the armrests, crossed his fingers, and said calmly: "Mr. Li, there is no need to salute. I am not a person who likes nonsense. You know why I am here."

Hearing this, Li Jinjin sighed and sat down honestly.

Yang Minyi pushed the old man to the desk. He left the office and prepared to close the door.

"Seniors, I'll go guard the door."

The door was closed, the office completely turned into a closed space, and the atmosphere suddenly became darker.

The old man's Adam's apple squirmed, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and he spoke in a vicissitudes of voice, "Sir Scott, I am guilty."

Su Hong hummed, but had no reaction.

Li Jinjin glanced at him, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The family has been colluding with the cult for more than ten years. They have infiltrated the entire Protz family. In fact, I can no longer control the family."

"There's one thing I'm curious about." Su Hong stared at him, "What is the charm of the cult that allows many undead forces to do things for it?"

"Strength and longevity." Li Jinjin answered.

He coughed a few times, used all his strength to fill his lungs, and said: "They found me more than 20 years ago... They wanted to cooperate with the family on the grounds of extending their life span, but I was afraid... Ahem, afraid As doomsday believers, they have not agreed to cooperate.”

"Until... I suffered from a serious illness and had my kidneys and stomach removed. I was lying on the hospital bed and felt that death was getting closer to me every day."

"I thought I had lived long enough to face death calmly, but I overestimated myself after all."

The old man's voice became deeper, "A few days before the premonition of death came, I agreed to their request for cooperation and accepted the potion of disaster."

"What potion?" Su Hong asked.

"They call it Fuling Potion. Ahem...a potion originally used to increase the level of disaster, but it has the ability to replenish the power of disaster and delay death."

Su Hong was stunned. He didn't expect that the Fuling potion had this ability. It seemed that he underestimated the value of this potion.

The old man recalled: "Since then, the cult began to show its true colors."

"They infiltrated the family, controlled all the first-generation undead with potions, and began to preach to the young family members."

"But with the supervision of the alliance, the cult did not dare to be too presumptuous. After so many years, it has only developed three believers."

"Now the control of the family is no longer in my hands... If you hadn't deterred the cult, maybe I, a useless old man, would have died in their hands."

After listening, Su Hong asked the doubts in his heart, "They could have controlled you in the shelter, why would they rather expose you and kill you."

"Ahem... I, an old man, am worthless. What they are afraid of is my grandson Li Jian."

"After the birth of the Firebringer, the situation in the family has changed dramatically. I secretly passed power to Li Jian, wanting him to take the helm of the Protz family."

"Maybe they discovered my intention, or..."

He paused, and his right hand trembled and held out a piece of black sword blade fragment.

"I stole this fragment when I was working at an antique shop. It is said to be a holy relic left by a legendary paladin. Those believers may be after it."

"Soul Song Broken Blade." Su Hong took a deep breath.

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