My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 209 208 Journey under the Sun

Chapter 209 208. Journey under the Sun

Helena's voice sounded dully through the hatch, "Administrator, the high-pressure immersion has ended, and the hatch is opening for you."

"Squeak!" The hatch opened and spurted out high-pressure gas.

Su Hong shook his head and stumbled out, "Helena, how long have I slept?"

Helena: "25 hours, 13 minutes and 17 seconds, the immersion time exceeded the record."

"Exceeded the record?" Su Hong subconsciously glanced at the game interface.

[Disaster Level: Level 42]

"Level 42, I'm at the fourth level of the undead?"

He stood firm and felt a strong force returning to his weak body, which was far beyond the reach of the third level of the undead.

Helena's tone fluctuated slightly, "You have digested a total of 4763 bottles of Fuling potion, which has exceeded the highest record of the alliance and created a record of nearly five times."

Su Hong showed a surprised expression, "It seems that my resistance to Fuling potion is quite low."

Helena: "The specific reason is unknown and cannot be analyzed."

Su Hong talked to Helena and woke up Oleg who was sleeping beside him. He stood up, obeyed Helena's order, and led Su Hong out.

Before leaving, Su Hong asked Helena for a stronger container, filled with nearly one liter, about ten bottles of Fuling potion and hung them on Oleg's belt.

He didn't need these Fuling potions, but he could use them for the real Firebringer and Anna.

The first experimental alchemy factory will not be built until the middle of the year. Before that, the pure version of Fuling potion can only be obtained in simulation.

After Su Hong walked out of the medicine warehouse, Helena reminded him: "Manager, the convoy is ready for travel. Please go to the core database to remove the seal of the mind activation core. Helena will accompany you to fight on the ice field."


In the core database, Su Hong stood in front of the huge mind activation core.

The core shell slowly opened, and the magic pattern shone in it, as beautiful and mysterious as a fluorescent ocean.

The magic pattern gathered at many nodes, inlaid with disaster items of various shapes. These are the hardware of disaster items that amplify mind activation, but they are too large to be taken out with the core.

Su Hong's eyes fell on the center and took off the magic gold ball.

"Knight, please wear the encapsulated arm armor."

Oleg on the side took off the magic and technological arm armor on the armor frame and handed it to Su Hong.

He took off the knight arm armor on his left hand and put on the encapsulated arm armor.

The arm armor automatically buckled, adjusted the size, and then opened a groove at the wrist position to embed the mind activation core.

He put the golden ball into the groove, and the magic pattern on the armor lit up, and the light flowed through, as if it was alive.

Helena's voice sounded from the arm armor, and there seemed to be some pride in her tone, "The encapsulated arm armor is equipped with three tiny "disaster items" hardware, which can amplify Helena's core and expand its capabilities. It is the product of self-developed iteration of artificial intelligence."

Su Hong heard her tone and felt funny, "Then you are quite powerful."

After speaking, he moved his body and did not feel any discomfort, but felt that there was a brute force waiting to be vented.

Helena: "Helena is the crystallization of human wisdom, and also a miracle of magic. She is a unique existence and can do things that managers can't imagine."

"Okay, I admit that you are indeed more knowledgeable in terms of disaster technology."

Su Hong shrugged and walked out of the core database with Oleg.

Oleg hummed on the side: "Knight, my good brother Shak has followed Lady Anna back to the alliance for more than two years. I miss him very much."

"If possible, I would like to ask you to find him and Miss Anna."

Su Hong's face looked a little strange when he heard this.

Although Anna mentioned in the message that Shak often played with Oleg, he did not expect that a mouse that was not even as big as his palm could become brothers with the tall and mighty corpse ghost.

He coughed and said, "Anna is my apprentice. Even if you don't say it, I will find a way to find her."

"As for your good brother, don't worry. This guy is smart. If Anna is fine, he will not be in trouble either."

Oleg was relieved when he heard this. He walked quickly in front and led Su Hong to take the elevator back to the underground parking lot on the first floor.

"Manager, the convoy is ready, please get in the car."

The roller shutter door on one side of the parking lot opened, and a giant off-road vehicle turned on the lights, attracting Su Hong's attention.

Looking into the garage, there were three off-road vehicles in total. The two off-road vehicles at the back were filled with eight ghouls, all of whom were at around level 40.

Although there were not many of them, they were all very powerful ghouls.

Together with him and Oleg, there were a total of ten undead level 4s. Now he should have the capital to fight against the blasphemer Thrall.

Su Hong sat in the main driver's seat and looked back. This army was indeed powerful, but the strange thing was that the main driver's seats of the other two off-road vehicles were all occupied by ghouls.

Could it be that these ghouls could drive?

As if seeing Su Hong's doubts, Helena said, "Reminder, the off-road vehicle is equipped with a signal transceiver that can receive signals from the encapsulated arm armor. Helena can provide you with intelligent driving services."

"When necessary, Helena will take over the control of the fleet."

Su Hong suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Helena let the ghouls drive the vehicles. It turned out that she could control these three vehicles wirelessly.

"The lift is open, and the vehicle is rising from the ground."

The garage ceiling opened, and the ground rose. Su Hong looked up, and the sky was actually lit up with a faint golden light, like the faint halo left by the neon light projected on the glass bottle, blurred and gorgeous.

"Has the sun risen?"

Su Hong stretched out his hand and caught the faint golden sunlight. A snowflake fell into his palm and gradually melted in the sunlight.

Helena: "Time November 5, 2036, time 23:34, sunny, light wind, the sun's appearance pattern has been disordered, and it is about to go out..."

"But Helena's mental body feedback is very strange, and she thinks this scene is very beautiful."

"It is indeed beautiful." Su Hong responded.

"There is a saying, the easier it is to lose something, the more precious it is. For people living in darkness, sunlight should be the most beautiful thing in the world."

The lift was level with the ground, and Helena controlled the vehicle to drive out of the community and headed south.

Su Hong faced the rising sun, bathed in the sun, and gradually forgot the melancholy just now.

He pointed forward, his heart surging, and said: "Let's go to Dawn City!"

"Ah!!" The corpse ghosts waved their arms and roared in response.

The encapsulated arm armor on Su Hong's arm flashed with soothing magic light. Helena seemed to be infected by this scene, and the speed of the off-road vehicle gradually increased.


A few hours later, the convoy passed the ruins of Sheng City and continued to move forward.

Half an hour later, they came to the location of the Dawn Camp in the last simulation.

Su Hong looked down from the high slope. The original location of the Dawn Camp was empty, with only a lonely snowfield, like a wasteland that no one had ever been to.

The encapsulated arm armor flashed, and Helena found some strange traces.

"Reminder, according to Helena's analysis, there are traces of footprints covered on the snow."

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