My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 223 222 Water of Awakening

Chapter 223 222. Water of Awakening

Wei Qiang smiled awkwardly: "No wonder I think it's so kind."

The arm armor flashed with magical light, and Helena spoke at this time: "Reminder, the Dawn Cult may have the disaster ability to track traces, it is recommended to burn the town and destroy the traces."

"The magic prop spoke?" Wei Qiang was startled, and in an instant, he flashed through his mind the scene of a girl being stripped of her soul by an evil magician and refined into a magic prop.

His eyes suddenly became a little weird when he looked at Su Hong.

Before Su Hong could explain, Helena, who was unhappy with the title of "magic prop", spoke, "Wei Qiang, born in 1983, worked in the slaughter industry, became an undead in an incident involving doomsday believers, and joined the Undead Blade in 2025..."

"Okay, okay, Miss Magic, I was wrong." Wei Qiang hurriedly begged for mercy, "Don't dig up my past."

He was really afraid that this woman would find out all his habits later, and he would lose face in front of this strong man.

The magic pattern subsided, and Helena did not speak again, which seemed to mean that she let him go.

Su Hong said: "I just have the idea of ​​burning the town."

He stood up and summoned the wind and snow to blow into the streets and alleys of the town. The blazing heart flames burned and ignited the white snow, and the whole town was suddenly on fire.

In the town, the zombies were indifferent to the fire, still hiding behind the doors of the houses to spy on the outside world, waiting for the next day of redemption.

"Let your souls escape from the rotten bodies." Su Hong said softly.

He stared at the zombies burned into charcoal by the flames, and only turned back after Xiao Hong left the town.

"Where is the place of falling fire, you lead the way."

Wei Qiang nodded, "I came from a small road, and I have to go through the black forest to get there. Fortunately, there are no monsters in it, otherwise my life would be there."

He pointed to the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Behind the lush forest, there was charred smoke rising.

"It is said that the Land of Falling Fire was the place where the Sun King fought against the Red Dragon King who invaded the Sun Kingdom a long time ago. The Red Dragon King was defeated and his head was chopped off by the Sun King. His blood was scattered on the ground, forming the ever-active Land of Falling Fire."

"That place is so hot that even believers are reluctant to get close to it. The Holy Spirit thrives there. As long as we enter the Land of Falling Fire, we will be safe."

"Red Dragon King?" Su Hong pondered. It was another king he had never heard of.

"Just blood can make a region burn until now. He is worthy of being a king from the ancient times of involution. His power is jaw-dropping."

"However, the Sun King can kill such a terrifying existence. How powerful is his power? It is so powerful that humans can build their own kingdom in the plains of the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Compared with the Paladin and the Shadow Demon, how big is the gap between the kings?"

Su Hong still has many doubts in his heart, but there is no king in the world, and he can't get an answer even if he asks Helena.

This may have to wait until he personally ascends to the king level to know.

Spiders crawled across the plain, stirring up waves of dandelions.

Wei Qiang, who was leading the way, turned back hesitantly, "Boss, I didn't mean to offend you, but when I heard your voice, I always thought of an old friend."

"Oh?" Su Hong smiled, "Tell me about it."

"Don't be afraid of you laughing at me, I recognized a brother when I was in the Corps."

"He has a good personality, but his luck is not very good."

"At that time, the cult was rampant. One day he suddenly disappeared and could not be found. I am afraid that he had fallen into the hands of the Dawn Cultists."

Wei Qiang sighed, "If I had known that these cultists would retaliate, I should have reminded him to be more vigilant. This poor guy died without even getting a wife."

"The hateful cult has turned the good world into this."

"If it weren't for these guys, the resistance would be useless What gods do you need to kill? You are just cultivating three acres of land in Dawn City. The end of the world will come sooner or later. "

Su Hong sat down, "Do you know why the cult is so attractive to those undead forces?"

Wei Qiang said helplessly: "Before the end of the world, the cult used unpurified Fuling potion to attract many undead forces."

"It's just that they are too greedy. Once they drink the unpurified Fuling potion and connect with the gods, they can never turn back. They will live in the whisper of salvation for the rest of their lives. They will either become crazy or completely turn to the cult."

Su Hong suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he had already destroyed the Elk Mansion and killed the chicken to scare the monkeys for the undead forces to see. The undead forces would betray the alliance in the simulated future. It turned out that it was the Fuling potion that did it.

He thought for a while and asked, "Is there no way to recover?"

With so many undead forces, even if he killed them one by one, he would have to kill until his hands were numb. Of course, he couldn't take such a violent way.

He wanted to know if the future alliance had found a way to deal with the Fuling potion.

Wei Qiang: "Yes, but it's useless to say anything now. These forces have completely betrayed the alliance and they can't turn back."

"Once the cult is defeated, they will also be liquidated. They don't trust the alliance."

"Of course, we don't trust them either."

Su Hong smiled and said, "I would like to know the method of purifying polluted blood. Can you tell me?"

"You want to know? Let me think about it."

Wei Qiang sorted out the memories in his head, "I remember the leader said that the Alliance Alchemy Research Institute had developed an alchemy potion called 'Dream Awakening Water' based on the principle of the potion purifier."

"It is said that it can remove the pollution left by the Fuling potion and allow the undead to break the connection with the gods, but the price is that the level of the undead will regress, or even stagnate forever."

"In fact, I think the alliance has been tolerant enough for them, but those old guys are still unwilling to accept it."

Su Hong thought, "Is the effect of the Dream Awakening Water obvious?"

Wei Qiang shook his head, "No, eradicating pollution is a very slow process. Those old guys don't know that the Dream Awakening Water will cause the disaster level to stagnate. Even if it is just a regression of the disaster level, they are unwilling to accept it."

"Do you know the specific formula of the Dream Awakening Water?" Su Hong asked.

If the formula of the Dream Awakening Water can be brought back to reality in advance and the connection between these undead forces and the cult can be completely cut off, then the future will surely usher in great changes.

As for whether these undead will agree to swallow the Dream Awakening Water, he is not worried at all.

Life and disaster level, let them choose one by themselves, his fist will teach these guys a lesson.

Wei Qiang shook his head, "I'm not an alchemist, of course I don't know the formula."

"But..." Wei Qiang suddenly had an idea, "There are alchemists among those believers, they should have studied the water of dream awakening, they must know what the formula is, catch an alchemist and ask him."

Su Hong nodded, "First, merge with the Holy Spirit, and then find a way to catch people."

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