My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 244 242 Dangers lurking around

Chapter 244 242. Dangers lurking on all sides

On February 24, in the morning of the Dawn Gathering Place, unmanned vehicles drove through the road day and night. They set out from the cement factory and headed for the center of the Dawn Gathering Place, where the first megastructure of the Dawn Gathering Place would be built.

Three black vans passed by the unmanned vehicles, followed by more than a dozen armored vehicles filled with fully armed Templar Knights.

They wore heavy armor, with long swords and pistols on their waists, and even placed grenade launchers, fragmentation bombs and other weapons and explosives on the vehicles. Any undead who dared to attack this convoy had to consider whether they were qualified.

The destination of this convoy was the Moho Farm, an undead force in the south, led by Yang Minyi himself and escorted by the Firebringer Wang Chengzhi.

In one of the vans, Yang Minyi looked at the busy street outside the car, then turned his head to look at Wang Chengzhi, "Mr. Chengzhi, you seem to have some concerns."

Wang Chengzhi kept Su Hong's instructions in mind, tried his best to maintain his status as a fire bearer, and said calmly: "Mr. Yang, you should know that the attention of the Doomsday believers is on the Knights Templar, and the sudden invitation from Moho Farm is probably not simple."

Yang Minyi shook his head, "You are right, but we have no choice. Moho Farm may have information about the Doomsday believers. If we can get it, the guys hiding in the dark corners will have nowhere to hide."

To be honest, he also had many concerns about the invitation from Moho Farm.

Moho Farm can be said to be the most mysterious undead force in the alliance. They rarely communicate with other forces, and they are not even interested in controlling the shelter.

Their disaster ability comes from the crops they grow, where farmers, botanists and agricultural experts are the most popular.

Mystery means the unknown. The last time he visited Moho Farm was five years ago, and he didn't know what would happen this time.

Fortunately, the seniors of the Temple also learned that he was about to leave the Dawn Gathering Place and go to Moho Farm.

Although he was unable to see the senior himself, Yang Minyi always felt that his senior was nearby observing and protecting them.

Even if the senior did not take action, the fire transmitter next to him would be enough to deal with most situations.

Fire transmitter Wang Chengzhi, the first fire transmitter in the world, was only close to the first generation of immortals when he first appeared, but now he has reached a point where he can hardly see through.

Yang Minyi guessed that the fire transmitter next to him had probably broken through to the second level of immortality.

He couldn't help but sigh inwardly that it had only been nearly half a year since the doomsday, and the fire transmitter had already broken through the second level of immortality. This speed was too fast and really enviable.

Fortunately, the Knights' Temple was not inferior. At least the young apprentice of his senior not only showed amazing talent, but also perseverance.

The future of the Knights' Temple will eventually be in the hands of these young people, and then he, a guy who can't keep up with the times, can retire with peace of mind.

Wang Chengzhi nodded silently, agreeing with Yang Minyi's statement of going to Mohuo Farm.

But he always felt uneasy, as if danger was approaching.

"Wang Chengzhi, calm down, you are already the strongest in this team." Wang Chengzhi said secretly.

He clenched his fists, and after sensing the active and abundant shadow power in his body, his face relaxed a lot.

"It would be great if my senior brother was here... No, I can't rely on my senior brother for everything."

Wang Chengzhi showed a look of longing. It seemed that he hadn't seen his senior brother for more than a month, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Try to do this better, and don't let your senior brother look down on you."

Wang Chengzhi was thinking, Yang Minyi said: "Mr. Chengzhi, since your master sent you out to experience, why don't you stay here in the Knights' Temple for a while."

"The Knights' Temple is busy with daily affairs, and you have to deal with different forces every day. Staying in the Knights' Temple, I can help you get familiar with and grasp the situation of the alliance faster."

Wang Chengzhi was a little tempted. The Knights' Temple is indeed a good place, but he did not agree immediately, just said: "I will seriously consider it."

"It's more important to complete the task at present."

In the shadow of the carriage, Su Hong couldn't help laughing after hearing Yang Minyi's proposal: "Good for you, Minyi, you actually stole my corner, but fortunately they are all my people."

In the simulated future, after Yang Minyi and Wang Chengzhi got into trouble, even the alliance could not find any trace of the doomsday believers.

The incident happened suddenly and quickly, and the people of the cult would appear at any time, so he had to follow the convoy closely.

The convoy drove out of the gathering place, passed through the dilapidated highway toll station, got on the highway and drove straight to the south.

Mohuo Farm is not located in the city, but in the deep mountains and forests. They call the place where they live Fuyuan Dongtian, which sounds similar to the place where Taoists practice in seclusion, but there are no Taoists there, but there are many farmers.

Although the power of Mohuo Farm is not huge, because they occupy 30% of the alchemical material supply of the alliance, they have a pivotal position in the alliance.

Most of the raw materials of the Dream Awakening Water this time were also transported from Fuyuan Dongtian.

These guys in Mohuo Farm are probably the most fond of farming among the undead.

They give people the impression that they are rich, old-fashioned, but very low-key, just like honest farmers.

These guys colluded with the cult to murder the master of the Knights' Temple. Su Hong didn't believe it. It is likely that something happened inside Mohuo Farm.

The Dark Blade Organization of the Alliance has already gone to Mohuo Farm to investigate before the Knights' Temple, and there will be no results for a while.

"Sheng City is about 500 kilometers away from Fuyuan Cave Heaven, and it will take at least six hours to get there. Just wait quietly, and the cult will come to you."

Su Hong looked at Wang Chengzhi sitting in front of him. His current disaster level has reached level 24, and the level growth rate is ushering in an explosive period. At least it will gradually slow down after reaching the third level of immortality.

He is looking forward to Wang Chengzhi's performance this time.


The convoy is driving on a lonely highway. They are the only ones driving here. There are mostly abandoned villages and towns on both sides. In a few months, they have been covered with vines and weeds. The ruins and barbarism are directly exposed to everyone, giving people a desolate feeling.

Three hours later, it was noon. Yang Minyi wanted to let the knights stop and rest, but the voice of the knight in front suddenly came from the intercom.

"Professor, the road ahead collapsed and we can't get through."

Yang Minyi frowned, "How can it be such a coincidence."

The highway between Mohuo Farm and Sheng City is related to the transportation of alchemical materials. If this road had collapsed long ago, the transport convoy returning to the Knights' Temple yesterday would have reminded them.

The transport convoy did not explain, which means the road collapse happened today.

Wang Chengzhi's expression changed slightly, and he realized that something was wrong. The shadow perception spread out, and he always felt that the aura of disaster around him seemed to be much stronger.

Either there were disaster creatures moving around, or there were people.

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