My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 268 266 A cloud of confusion

Chapter 268 266. A mass of fog

"Squeak, squeak! (Yes, it's the Big Demon King!)" Little Incisor retracted his toothpick sword, put his front paws on the ground, and crawled in front of Su Hong.

Su Hong sat up, stretched out his palms, and let the little front teeth climb up.

His eyes focused on the small incisor, and its information soon appeared in front of him.

【Knight Mouse of Knight Temple】

[Disaster Level: Ancient]

[Disaster Level: Level 36]

[Disaster Skill: Immortal Heart (Exquisite +): The withered heart is deeply integrated with the ancient bloodline. The Knight Rat can suppress heart activity and enter a state of suspended animation. The suspended animation state only consumes soul power, and can reduce the existence of the Knight Rat, making it easier for the enemy to attack. ignore. 】

[Disaster Skill: Symbol of Nobility (Excellent +): As a noble who grew up with a golden key in his mouth, nobility is your innate temperament. You have a unique charm, and your words are more convincing. 】

[Disaster Skill: Anti-Magic Skin (Excellent +): The natural rot-resistant root is deeply integrated with the ancient bloodline, and new characteristics have emerged. When the Knight Rat faces a magic attack, it will permanently reduce a part of the magic damage, and has a probability of being immune to the magic attack. . 】

After ten years of not seeing each other, the information about the little incisor has changed a lot, and it seems that he may have gained new adventures.

"This anti-magic skin is interesting, but unfortunately my talent bar is limited."

Just as Su Hong lowered his front teeth, the girl on the other side of the bonfire heard their voices and woke up.

After seeing Su Hong getting up, she rubbed her eyes, got up quickly and ran over.

"Teacher, how do you feel?"

The bonfire was burning, illuminating the side of the girl's face. Under the wine-red hair, there were shiny black eyes that were trembling.

Su Hong shook his arm and found that there were no wounds on his body, but he just felt a little tired.

He looked around and saw it was pitch black everywhere, not even the shadows could be seen.

Logically speaking, he should have died the moment the golden building hit him, and he should have returned to reality now.

But the moment he saw the girl Anna, he was convinced that he was still in the simulation.

What happened?

Thoughts flashed through his mind and he responded: "My body is fine, I just don't know where I am."

Anna sat next to him, "This is a dark place, a strange place. Teacher, you also entered here after being hit by a golden building."

Su Hong nodded.

"This seems to be related to the god of the cult, but I'm not sure."

"When Shaq found you, you were lying in the dark, and your soul was almost eaten away by the soul-eating dog."

"It's okay, it's okay." Anna patted her chest, looking relieved.

"Soul-eating dog?" Su Hong frowned.

No wonder he felt so mentally tired, it turned out that there were still such weird creatures here.

Anna patted the little incisor's butt, "I'll chat with the teacher for a while, and you and Shaq will keep an eye on it."

"Zhizhi. (Got it.)" Little Incisor rubbed his butt dissatisfiedly, stood at the edge of the flame, and looked around.

Anna continued in a low voice: "Soul-eating dogs are special creatures in this dark place. They are immortal and can only be dispersed with flames."

"It's better to leave when you encounter them."

The dark place, the soul-eating dog... Su Hong thought for a while, but he had no memory of them in his mind.

"That's all."

Su Hong couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to continue thinking about it. He touched the cold helmet visor and said, "You should have seen my face."

Anna waved her hands hurriedly, "Teacher, I didn't mean it. You were unconscious at the time. I just wanted to confirm your status..."

Su Hong shook his head, "I mean how did you recognize me?"

Anna quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "I recognize the rust on your armor's knees. When I was young, it was the only thing I could see without looking up."

Su Hong raised his eyebrows and looked down at the plate armor covering his knees. To be honest, he didn't really see anything special about it.

But it was a good thing to be recognized by his apprentice, at least he saved his life.

"What are your plans next?" Su Hong asked, he wanted to hear Anna's opinion.

"Me?" Anna thought for a moment, pointed forward and said, "This dark land is not only dark, but at certain times, you can see a white light shining on the skyline in this direction."

"Chasing that white light, maybe you can find a way out."

"Teacher, do you want to come with me? I can't bear to be left here alone."

Su Hong smiled and said, "Why, do you treat me as a child?"

"No..." Anna shook her head and wanted to explain.

"Okay, I also want to know where this place is. There is nothing wrong with following the smart apprentice."

Anna nodded, suddenly remembering an old friend, "By the way, teacher, did Helena come with you?"

"I remember she said she would wait for you at the shelter."

When he mentioned Helena, Su Hong couldn't help but look at the gauntlet, and then showed a puzzled expression.

It seemed that Helena had been silent since just now, which was not like her.

"Helena..." Su Hong tried to call.

The gauntlet was dim and there was no sound in reply.

"Is this the core of Helena?" Anna leaned over curiously.

"I remembered that you seemed to have been unconscious in the darkness for a long time. Helena must have exhausted her soul energy to protect you."

Su Hong touched the gauntlet, frowned and asked, "What will happen if she loses her soul energy?"

"Shut down and hibernate." Anna was a little uncertain. "Helena seemed to have said that the device she invented for going out has a self-sustaining system for soul energy. As long as the soul energy is not consumed too much, it can automatically recover."

"Now, we can only replace the internal soul battery and try to activate it again."

Before Su Hong asked what a soul battery was, Anna continued to explain, "Soul battery is a solid alchemical item that can be temporarily replaced by soul potion."

Su Hong looked down at his waist after hearing this. It was not a coincidence that in order to defeat the Uncrowned Knight, all the soul potions he carried were used up.

"It seems that we can only think of a way after we go out."

He put his palm on Anna's shoulder, "Continue to sleep, I still need to adjust my state, and I will wake you up when the light appears."

Anna immediately understood that Su Hong still had things to do. Even though she still had many doubts in her heart, she nodded and got up and returned to the opposite side of the campfire.

Su Hong pondered, "This place is related to the god of the cult, and it seems to hide some secrets."

"In order to deal with unknown dangers, it is better to improve your strength before setting off."

He picked up the black sword that Anna had carefully placed beside him, looked at it carefully, and stroked the black blade with his palm. The sword body slowly lit up with red cracks.

"It is indeed a good sword, which fits perfectly with the Blazing Heart inheritance. It is a pity that the Uncrowned Knight could find the craftsman who made it."

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