My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 37 37 Clues of the Shadow Demon

Chapter 37 37. Clues of Shadow Demon

The shadow climbed quickly and wrapped Li Jian up.

In a dark world, the man clenched his sword, and the blood mist was dotted with stars, the light was scarlet and mysterious, and it slightly illuminated the shadow.

Li Jian's muscles were tense, his expression was alert, and he scolded: "No matter where you come from, you dare to offend the Protz family in the world. Do you really think no one can find you?"

The black shadow flowed, showing the appearance of a villain. It seemed to hear a joke and laughed out loud, "Hahaha, it's so funny, someone dared to threaten the servant of the Shadow Demon Master."

"Young undead, don't you know how great the Shadow Demon Master is?"

"Shadow Demon?" Li Jian searched his memory, and there was no impression of Shadow Demon in his mind.

"You are too ignorant." The black shadow villain was very dissatisfied with Li Jian's performance, "The master is about to revive, and asked me to warn the undead in the world that disaster is about to come."

Disaster is coming?

Li Jian's pupils trembled, as if he heard some incredible information.

"Wait, sir, do you know the exact time when the disaster will come?"

The shadowy figure squinted one eye and looked at Li Jian, and suddenly floated around his body.

Li Jian clenched his sword, sweating coldly. For a moment, he almost thought that this shadow creature was going to attack him.

"What sir? Call me Lord Philip." The shadowy ghost said with his hands on his waist.

Its black eyes rolled around, "Boy, do you want to know when the disaster will come?"

Li Jian said seriously: "Please tell me, Senior Philip."

"Okay..." Just when Li Jian thought Philip agreed, it suddenly smiled cunningly, as if the prank had succeeded.

"I'll tell you next time."

After the words fell, the shadow gradually dissipated and light shone in.

"Senior Philip, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Li Jian shouted anxiously. Whether Philip was deceiving him or not, the information about the time when the disaster came was crucial. As long as there was one point that was true, it was worth his exploration.

If the time of the disaster can be predicted in advance, the major undead forces can open the disaster shelter in advance to avoid large-scale casualties after the end of the world.

It may even change the world pattern after the end of the world.

"I am in a bad mood today, let's talk about it another day..." Philip's voice became more and more ethereal.

"How can I contact you?" Li Jian chased to the end of the corridor, but the distance between him and the shadow did not shorten, but became larger and larger.

"I will talk about it when I feel better."

The shadow completely dissipated, and Philip disappeared.

Li Jian stopped and punched the wall in frustration.

The wall shook, the wall paint cracked, and a piece of paper fell like a feather.

The man's eyes tightened, and he hurriedly caught the note. After a closer look, there were four names written on it, and the address was attached.


Su Hong strolled along the Shengjiang River and enjoyed the lantern cruise.

Suddenly, a blurry black shadow passed by and merged into the shadow behind him. Philip's voice sounded, "Master, I'm back."

"Yeah." Su Hong nodded slightly, left Shengjiang, and got on the bus.

He sat on the empty bus with his head down and squinted, seemingly taking a nap, but actually observing Philip swimming happily in the shadow.

Philip was a life born in the shadow, serving his shadow attendant.

Originally just an ignorant life, but after inheriting some human nature from him, it gradually became smart, and now it is more like a little ghost who loves to play tricks on people.

"How is the matter going?" Su Hong asked in his heart.

"Hehe, that guy was almost scared silly by me, but Philip still perfectly completed the task assigned by the master and handed the note to him."

As he said, his tone became proud, as if waiting for Su Hong's praise.

"Well done." Su Hong said.

The people on the list of the note are all minions of the divergence, and they are the real murderers of the recent serial murder case in Sheng City.

Although he didn't know what the purpose of the divergent forces was, Su Hong planned to kill the four minions first according to the memory information left by Zhou Hong.

As for the other divergent minions, they were still useful for his next simulation, so he didn't plan to attack them for the time being.

The main purpose of Su Hong's trip was to let the Firebringer enter the vision of the traditional undead forces such as the Protz family in the present world, and prepare for the coming doomsday.


Five hours later.

Shenyun Mountain Tourist Area, No. 307 Disaster Shelter.

In a library as spacious as a football field, solid wood floors were laid, rows of bookshelves were neatly arranged, and soft lights were shining on the spines of books, with strange words such as "Research on the Lifespan of Undead Things", "Disaster Embryonic Development", and "Disaster Items Identification" written on them.

A wheelchair turned out from the corner of the bookshelf, and the old man sitting on it had cloudy eyes and a skinny body. Under the wrinkled skin like hills and gullies, there seemed to be no flesh and blood, and it was close to the blood vessels and bones.

The old man held three dark books tightly in his thin and weak arms, as if he was holding a precious treasure.

The young man pushed the wheelchair out of the bookshelf area, and a large conference table appeared in front of him. At this time, many people were waiting in front of the conference table.

"Li Yun, be careful." Several middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes hurried over to greet him and took the wheelchair.

"Ahem." The old man coughed and was pushed to the main seat.

With trembling hands, he carefully placed the book on the table and looked forward. In addition to the main seat, there were only six chairs on the conference table.

All the people sitting on the chairs were old people. Their eyes were cloudy and dim, their bodies were thin, and their backs were hunched. They looked frail, but the middle-aged and young people around them were extremely respectful.

"Ahem, where is Li Jian?" The old man leaned against the table, his cloudy eyes lit up slightly, and the calm lake surface was stirred up.

The people around were shocked. They actually saw excitement in the old man's eyes.

The old man's name is Li Jinjin. He is the first immortal of the Protz family in the world. He is now nearly two hundred years old, which is twice the life span of ordinary humans.

Cancer, diabetes, myocardial blockage... All kinds of diseases have ravaged this body. Under the seemingly alive body, the heart has already stopped beating.

But for the undead, as long as there is no major accident, they can remain undead even if they don't eat or drink, and they lose their arms and legs.

The boundary between life and death has long been blurred for them.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

The family elders made way, Li Jian breathed slightly, and walked to the conference table.

After he reported online the situation of encountering the shadow demon servant, the family held an emergency meeting.

In order to attend this rare family meeting, he almost ran all the way back, but fortunately he caught up.

The man raised his head and his eyes fell on the old man Li Jinjin. He showed a surprised expression like other family elders.

For no other reason, he saw an excited look on Grandpa's face for the first time.

Could it be that the shadow demon that the shadow creature mentioned is of great origin?

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