My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 40 40 Reunion in the future (please read)

Chapter 40 40. Reunion in the future (please read)

After briefly explaining the matter, the shadows dissipated and Su Hong's consciousness returned to the room.

"Philip, let's go."

He carried the big black bag and walked out the door.

"Come on." Philip was like a black fish swimming happily, swinging his tail and blending into his shadow.

After going out and taking a taxi, Su Hong soon arrived near the entrance of Fenguang subway station.

Like last time, he changed into a suit of armor in the toilet of a nearby mall.

This time he simulated that he did not plan to go with Li Jian to the Spider's Nest.

With the minions of divergence blocking them, even if they arrived at the Spider's Nest, they would face an extremely bad situation.

So he had another bold idea in his heart-impersonating Zhou Hong and joining the Divergent team.

The plan was crazy, but if you think about it carefully, the possibility of success is not low.

The minions of divergence seemed to have a confused consciousness and multiple personalities, and he had the same shadow attendants as Zhou Hong, so he might really deceive the group of minions of divergence.

He wanted to see what these divergent minions were going to do.

"Start the simulation."

"The current disaster potential is 24/2. Do you want to consume 1 disaster potential to start the simulation?"


"Simulation starts. Good luck."

The lights in the toilet began to flicker, and unclear figures walked back and forth. Su Hong came back to his senses from his trance until a scream resounded through the mall.

"Master..." Philip yawned in the shadow, and it felt like he had slept for a long time.

Su Hong rushed out quickly in a suit of armor. The shadow attached to the armor was like layers of rust, obscuring the luster of steel. He seemed like a death knight walking out of the darkness, which was frightening and uneasy.

While running to the entrance of the subway station, he glanced at Philip who was wandering, "What did you feel just now?"

He wanted to know if his servants could keep their wills clear and feel the passage of time like himself after the simulation began.

Philip said blankly: "It seems like I slept for a long time, Master, what happened just now?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

He was sure of one thing. After he entered the simulation, the servant could not act independently and would fall into a deep sleep until he completely entered the end of the world.

"Philip, kill all the monsters."


Su Hong gave the order, and the shadow spread out instantly.

Philip wandered in the growing black forest, piercing one monster after another.

"You defeated the rotten tree roots, and the experience increased."

"You got 'disaster potential'*2."

"You defeated the rotten flowers, and the experience increased."

"You got 'disaster potential'*2."


Philip was a creature born in the shadow, and also a life condensed by talent. Death could not end it, and it would wake up again in the shadow.

Su Hong was not worried that Philip would have an accident. He jumped down from the entrance of the subway station. The evil costume scared the survivors who wanted to escape from the subway entrance.

"Mom..." The young man cried, his trouser legs were soaked, and a smell of urine filled the air.

Su Hong glanced at him, but didn't have time to pay attention to him, and hurried into the subway station.

The shadow spread into the inside, and the rampant disaster monster was easily beaten by Philip, without Su Hong's help.

The survivor lying on the ground was stunned for a moment when he saw the monster struggling in the shadow.

"Is that monster a good person?"



As soon as Su Hong walked through the security gate, the familiar laughter of the Pain Whip came to his ears.

Looking inside, the Pain Whip was waving a spine whip and confronting an undead.

After he intervened in reality, the future also changed. The last time there was no one in the Fenguang subway station except Li Jian, the undead.

But this time, Xu Yanrui appeared here.

Yes, this undead was Xu Yanrui.

The woman was wearing a tactical police uniform, and the dead apostle's curse hand behind her was like a long sword colliding with the spine whip.

But the Pain Whip's disaster level was 7, and it was obvious that she was no match for the monster in front of her, and she soon fell into a disadvantage.

The long whip swam like a bone snake, and suddenly fell down violently, exploding the air. Xu Yanrui hurriedly blocked the dead apostle's cursed arm in front of her.


The dry arm was torn apart, and blood was left by the beating. The pain from the soul made the woman look painful and kneel on the ground.

The whip shadow attacked again. Just when she thought the long whip bone spike would penetrate her body, the shadow spread like a tide, entangled the long whip and the Pain Whip.

In Xu Yanrui's shocked eyes, the Pain Whip, who had just abused her, was lifted up by the shadow without any resistance. The shadow directly tore the monster apart, and the bones were scattered all over the ground.

The woman was shocked and remembered what the shadow demon said more than 20 days ago.

It was because of the agreement with this mysterious night watchman that she appeared here today.


Xu Yanrui turned around and saw only a dark knight walking towards her.

Su Hong said calmly: "Xu Yanrui, long time no see."

Hearing a familiar voice, Xu Yanrui was stunned, but she could not remember who the owner of the voice was.

"I am Su Hong, the servant of Lord Shadow Demon."

"You are Su Hong?!" Xu Yanrui's eyes widened immediately.

"No time to reminisce. You can deal with the monsters here. I'll go down and take a look."

After saying that, Su Hong picked up the soul orb on the ground and walked towards the platform.

On the messy platform, three figures fought in the dark tunnel, and the collision and friction of steel swords produced sparks.

In addition to Li Jian and Zhou Hong, there was another undead in this battle. The middle-aged man was wearing armor and had a flying feather family emblem on his chest. He should be a member of the Protz family in the present world.

It seems that after Su Hong let Philip contact Li Jian, the Protz family in the present world paid more attention to him and sent someone to protect him.

Su Hong was not in a hurry to immediately join the battle. The blood ring in his eyes squirmed, and he looked at the dark tunnel in the distance. There was a thick blood mist there, and it seemed that another existence was hidden.

"Did the personnel changes of the Protz family in the present world also lead to the minions of the disagreement to take corresponding measures..."

After thoroughly confirming the situation on the scene, Su Hong walked down the stairs and attracted the attention of the three people in the battle.

"Who is it!" the middle-aged man shouted.

The ceiling of the platform flickered, and the knight was surrounded by shadows, giving Li Jian a familiar feeling. Before he could recall it, his heart suddenly shook, and a blood ring slowly rose in his sight.


A crazy cry came from the darkness, and the fire of madness ignited the hidden minions, and the reason was completely burned out by the fire of madness. The minions swelled all over and swelled into a ball.


The meat ball exploded, and dirty blood splashed everywhere.

"When did such a powerful undead appear in Sheng City."

Zhou Hong's pupils shook, and the shadows around his body squirmed, and he was about to leave.

But Philip was faster, and the shadow spread over and entangled with Zhou Hong's shadow attendant.

Li Jian came back to his senses and said in surprise: "Senior Philip?!"

"Boy, long time no see."

Philip acted like a master, and didn't even look at Zhou Hong who was imprisoned in the shadow.

"Damn it!" Zhou Hong's eyes were filled with madness, and his flesh and blood expanded chaotically, stretching his armor. Even the shadows retreated in response to the crazy will.

"Let me do it."

Su Hong jumped onto the platform and walked in front of everyone.

The flesh and blood behind him grew out like crazy wings, and the silk threads spiraled and intertwined to form two flesh and blood long swords, which turned into countless afterimages to cut the chaotic flesh and blood, and directly cut Zhou Hong into pieces.

The middle-aged man next to Li Jian saw this scene, his face was extremely solemn, and he whispered: "He is very powerful."

Please read it.

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