My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 52 Thieves and Robbers

Chapter 52 52. Thieves and robbers

Anyway, there will be something interesting to watch tomorrow.

Su Hong regained consciousness and left the noodle shop after paying the bill. He found a hotel in Qinghai District and stayed there.

At the same time, at the shelter, Li Jian was gathering people and making preparations.

Qinghai District, Qinghu Mountain Natural Scenic Area.

In a spacious office at Disaster Shelter No. 306, Ji Changchun, who had just rejected the kindness of his family, stood in front of the glass, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the soldiers patrolling below.

The man was wearing a white robe today, with slightly gray temples, and was about 40 or 50 years old.

The slender secretary came over, "Mr. Manager, should the shelter take corresponding measures?"

Ji Changchun sneered, "Don't believe a word of that old man's words."

"After the disaster, the Freemason Alliance controls many undead forces and is powerful. How could any apocalyptic believer dare to challenge the alliance?"

"That so-called shadow demon is even more ridiculous. There is no ancient existence revived at all."

The secretary whispered, "Then I'll go down first."

"Remember to count the disaster storage, don't let the rats of the Protz family direct and act on their own and steal the disaster items."


The next day.

Three vans sped on the asphalt road. Their destination was the Qinghu Mountain Natural Scenic Area, which is located in the more remote Qinghai District.

The Qinghu Mountain Natural Scenic Area has a total area of ​​50 square kilometers and is built around a large lake. The vegetation coverage rate of the scenic area reaches more than 95%, the air is fresh, and the biodiversity is rich.

But what is unexpected is that in such a primitive natural scenic area, there is actually a huge shelter hidden underground.

Li Jian sat in the passenger seat and looked down at his watch. It was now 9:50 in the morning. They were about to reach the disaster shelter.

Li Qingzhen said, "We are numerous and carry weapons and firearms. I'm afraid Ji Changchun won't let us in so easily."

"We'll take it one step at a time." Li Jian shook his head.

The black van stopped in front of the gate of the building called Qinghushan Biological Research Institute.

Seventeen undead people got off the car in a mighty manner, which immediately aroused the security guard's vigilance. After he sounded the alarm, three undead people rushed out.

"Li Jian?" The leading undead frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"Zhifeng, we were invited by Mr. Changchun to come here to assist in the defense. Let us in." Li Jian said lightly.

Liu Zhifeng, the captain of the undead team of Shelter No. 306, is powerful and is a leader among the new generation of undead.

Liu Zhifeng shook his head, "Please go back. The manager has emphasized that the shelter does not need assistance."

Li Jian did not move, "Zhifeng, believe me."

The two sides refused to give in, and the situation was deadlocked.

Philip, hiding behind the shadow, said boredly: "Master, why don't we go in by ourselves."

"No, calculate the time, the attack should have happened."

Su Hong had just finished speaking when Liu Zhifeng glanced at the communicator in his hand, and his face suddenly changed. He hurried back with three undead people.

"The attack happened?"

Li Jian's heart moved. Without Liu Zhifeng's obstruction, he easily climbed over the fence with his family's undead and entered the institute.


A dull explosion shook the ground. It came from underground. Obviously, the attack had already happened.

"Quick!" Li Jian's face was as calm as water. He drew out his long sword and quickly rushed to the door of the shelter.

"Philip, let's go."

The shadow broke away from Li Jian's shadow and quickly fled forward. After passing Zhifeng and others, Su Hong passed through the half-covered shelter door and entered inside.


The explosions continued, and the divergent minions grinned, dealing with the stubbornly resisting undead in the shelter.

The undead struggled and kept retreating.

"Where is the manager?" Liu Zhifeng grabbed a survivor who escaped and asked.

The survivor said with a sad face: "The manager... The manager closed the safety door and hid himself!"


"Ji Changchun!" Liu Zhifeng gritted his teeth. He wanted to pull Ji Changchun out and beat him up when he failed at the critical moment.

"Hahaha, Captain Zhifeng, are you surprised?" The divergent minions laughed wildly.

Liu Zhifeng looked up, and when he saw the person in front of him clearly, his eyes narrowed, "Liao Chang, why?!"

The man sneered, "There is no reason. You must all die here today."

More than 20 divergent minions gathered, some of whom were the undead who were originally stationed in the shelter.

An undead has betrayed the shelter!

"Damn it." Liu Zhifeng felt regretful. Li Jian was right. An accident did happen in the shelter. Without the help of the Protz family, they would probably all die here today.

The minions of the divergence surrounded them, looking like they were sure of victory.

"Zhifeng, it's not too late to regret now."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and Liu Zhifeng turned back suddenly. It turned out that Li Jian led the undead to support him.

"What's going on?!" Liao Chang's face was stunned and gradually became ugly.

How could the undead of the Protz family in the present world appear here? !

The man's face changed, and he was extremely shocked.

Could it be that there was a traitor among the minions of the divergence?

He couldn't figure out how the attack plan was leaked.

Originally thought it was a mantis catching a cicada, but unexpectedly there was a yellow bird behind.

Li Jian came to Liu Zhifeng's side, and the two looked at each other and reached a common goal.



On the other side, Philip shuttled through the shelter destroyed by the bomb, and Su Hong used his shadow ability to save several survivors.

Soon he came to the location of the disaster vault in the meat man's memory.

Su Hong looked forward, and the huge safe door and the steel wall were melted and torn apart by the high explosives, and the ground was full of melted and condensed steel balls. The huge movement underground just now should have come from here.

The shadow escaped inside, and he saw that most of the safes were torn open by brute force, and the gold, disaster items and other treasures inside were looted, leaving only a mess.

Two familiar figures were busy in front, they were Code One and Meat Man that Su Hong had met in the simulation.

The thief met the robber, fortunately Code One and the others could not find him, otherwise the scene would be very embarrassing.

"Boss, the disaster items here seem to be of average quality." Meat Man said.

"Yeah." Code One yawned, "Just don't leave them any."

He said he wanted to rob the vault, but it was obvious that Code One's search speed was much slower than the meat man, more like intentional.

The disaster items stored in the deepest part of the vault were the treasures of the shelter. With Code One delaying, Su Hong could continue to move deeper into the vault.

A few seconds later, another safe door appeared in front of him. The shadow followed the keyhole, bypassed the gear mechanism, and easily squeezed in.

The light in the vault was dim, and a metal pillar emitted a faint red light.

On the top of the pillar was a transparent display cabinet, in which lay a shriveled insect egg.

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