My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 65 65 The boss is right at the door

Chapter 65 65. The boss is at the door

The first is the blood and flesh supply problem that he has always been concerned about.

It is precisely because the divergent forces have a large amount of blood and flesh from unknown sources that they can pile up the Spider Mother to the second level of the Undead in a short period of time, and the same is true for the Son of Blasphemy.

And these blood and flesh come from the disaster breeding farm controlled by the divergent forces. It is this breeding farm that provides a steady supply of meat for the divergent forces to cultivate monsters.

If this supply line is not cut off, even if he returns to reality and intercepts the Son of Blasphemy, a new gatekeeper will appear next time.

If he can attack the base of the divergent forces and control the disaster breeding farm, it will become easy for Can to break through the second level of the Undead after the end of the world, and he can also cultivate his own Son of Blasphemy.

Secretly memorizing the location information of the disaster breeding farm, Su Hong decided to visit it after returning to reality.

I think they should be very happy about their arrival.

In addition to the disaster breeding farm, Su Hong also got another important information in Li Dian's memory-how the ancient rank is promoted.

From the memory, it can be known that the reason why Li Dian was able to be promoted to the ancient rank was all thanks to the ancient soul bestowed on him by the Divergent Knight. After integrating the ancient soul, he naturally broke through the ancient rank.

Of course, this is not the official way to be promoted to the ancient rank. Li Dian once talked with the Divergent Knight and asked him about the relevant issues of the ancient rank.

Generally speaking, if you want to be promoted to the ancient normally, you must at least maintain consciousness and survive for more than three hundred years to have hope.

And those disaster monsters, whose consciousness is muddled, have long lost their souls and wills, and of course they are not ancient.

The real ancients have become ancient a long time ago.

They have a more tenacious soul and will not lose themselves in a long sleep.

Seeing this, Su Hong suddenly thought of the shadow demon.

The shadow demon is obviously different from ordinary disaster monsters and has a complete consciousness.

There is no doubt that guy must be an ancient, and even the rank will be higher.

In addition to the two ways of promotion to the rank of normal promotion and taking over the ancient, there is actually another way, that is, being swallowed by the ancient. As long as you become a part of the ancient, you will become an ancient in disguise.

Su Hong frowned, "These three promotion routes are more outrageous than the other, and being swallowed by the ancients is not within my consideration."

As for normal promotion... when he lives for three hundred years, the world will be gone.

So he has no choice but to follow Li Dian's path - to take over the ancient body.

Su Hong lowered his eyes and asked, "What is your biggest feeling after being promoted to the ancient?"

Li Dian was stunned, his face was a little strange, and he answered carefully, "After being promoted to the ancient level, my perception of disasters has become quite sensitive. It seems that an inexplicable bottleneck has been broken, and I have obtained a ticket to enter the third level of the immortal level."

Su Hong pondered, "Is my potential improved..."

"Although the promotion to the ancient level has not made a significant change in my intelligence, I can sense things that I can't sense in the dark, such as like this."

Li Dian raised his hand, and the disaster blood mist gathered into a ball, and then it shook violently, sparks splashed, and a blood fire burned in his palm, emitting red heat.

What is this?

Su Hong was shocked.

Li Dian continued: "The Divergent Knights call this ability Black Sun Magic."

"This is an ability to master fire and darkness, order and chaos, and it is the innate talent of the Ancients."

Su Hong's eyes flickered. The Ancient rank was much more surprising than he had imagined.

Perhaps after returning to reality, he had to prepare to be promoted to the Ancient.

He asked Li Dian for some information about the Divergents. After the two chatted for a while, he came to the huge bronze portal.

"What's behind the door?"

Li Dian shrugged, "Who knows."

"A prison from ancient times, prisoners, jailers, warden...that's all I can think of."

"Of course, the Divergent Knight is also in it."

Su Hong stroked the uneven bronze door, and the heavy and cold feeling came back to his palm. The years left rusty marks on it.

He pressed his hands on the huge portal, his veins bulged, and his arms exerted force, but the bronze door did not move at all, like an unshakable mountain.

"So heavy?"

Su Hong's eyes narrowed, and shadows covered his whole body. The dark cloak turned into more than a dozen shadow arms like hooks. They hooked the gap in the middle of the bronze door and exerted force with his arms.

"Open it for me...!"

"Boom!" The bronze door made a violent sound and vibrated continuously. The gap opened to the size of a finger and continued to expand.

Li Dian was secretly surprised when he saw this scene.

Even if he used all his strength, it would be difficult to shake the bronze door. He originally thought that Su Hong would have to spend some effort to open it, but he didn't expect that he could open the door with brute force alone.

He looked at the arm transformed by the shadow, and reason told him that the shadow ability mastered by Su Hong was definitely not ordinary.

On second thought, it's good to lean on a big tree to enjoy the shade. With the senior Shadow Demon here, it's natural for the Firebringer to master powerful shadow abilities.

Just like he was promoted to the ancient level just by devouring the ancient soul, which was given by the Divergent Knight behind him.

Thinking of this, Li Dian's face became sad, and he missed the youth that had passed away in those years.

He would rather not have the ancient rank. It would be great if the Knight of Divergence could let him go.

"Alas, I hope these fire bearers are more reliable."


The bronze door was fully opened, and a wide corridor appeared in front of them. Torches on both sides lit up automatically, and the flames illuminated the stone brick walls and dispelled the darkness.

Su Hong drove the spiders into the room. He looked back at Li Dian who was standing there, with a half-smile on his face, "Why, you don't dare to come over?"

Li Dian said seriously: "I don't dare."

"Boss, you know, I'm born timid."

Su Hong said unhappily: "Don't make so many excuses, come quickly."

Just kidding, he still cares about Li Dian's iron heart, how could he let him run away like this.

"Alas." Li Dian sighed and could only follow.

Going up the stairs, they appeared outside the prison. Looking up, the heavy city walls blocked the way, the sky was filled with blood mist, and the hazy shadows of the surrounding high-rise buildings could be vaguely seen.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The unknown creature stirred the blood mist and shuttled through the haze.

Looking towards the center of the prison, the cave was hanging high, the prison tower was standing tall, the hideous stone statues were squatting on the eaves, and the cold and dark edges of the outer wall were like blood-stained spears, which made people shudder.

"Be careful, something is approaching." Li Dian said in a deep voice.

Su Hong looked up suddenly, and the stone statue on the eaves suddenly disappeared. Two gargoyles flapping bat wings in the blood mist quickly attacked and were about to land.

Suddenly, something strange happened.


Two blood-colored chains broke through the blood mist, entangled the gargoyles, and pulled them back violently.


The gargoyles were smashed to pieces, and the stones flew to Su Hong's feet.

He looked into the blood mist, and a burly figure gradually appeared. The man was wearing a solemn black noble suit, with a flying feather medal on his chest, and his momentum was serious and terrifying.

[Warden Protz who guards the Dark Underground]

[Disaster rank: Ancient]

[Disaster level: Level 25]

[Disaster skill: Soul Chain (Excellent +), the black sun magic born from the understanding of the secrets of the soul, can bind prisoners, judge sinners, and give despair to the soul. ]

[Disaster skill: Eye of Insight (Excellent), any weakness of the enemy will be exposed in front of these eyes. ]

[Disaster equipment: Magic Noble Robe (Excellent +), an expensive robe woven from gold and silver, blessed by magic, invulnerable to water and fire, and not corrupted by time. ]

Su Hong was shocked.

He just met the BOSS when he entered the door? !

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