My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 69 A Blessing in Disguise

Chapter 69 69. A blessing in disguise

However, the attack on the Calamity Breeding Farm was not urgent. He had to pass the alliance investigation first.

Moreover, he had to make some preparations before the attack. It was best to throw all the dirty water he could on the different forces.

The shadow under Su Hong spread out of the window. It took him some time to find the command vehicle parked nearby. Liu Zhifeng and others were sitting in the vehicle without taking a rest. They were discussing with his information, trying to communicate with Wang through him. Chengzhi's relationship invites the fire bearer.

"Tomorrow morning I have to perform a scene with these guys. They want to contact the Fire Bearer through me. It's a pity, I am the Fire Bearer."

"How could I expose myself."

Su Hong lay down on the bed, and the shadow traveled to the fluorescent cave.

Can was lying on the fluorescent grass and had fallen asleep. Philip was still wielding the hammer and practicing forging seriously.

This guy said he didn't like boring forging, but he still completed the task he assigned seriously.

"Philip, don't do blacksmithing tonight. You and I will go to the nearby slaughterhouse and move the slaughtered meat back from the cold storage overnight. As much as you can move."

Phillip wondered: "Would this be too high-profile..."

The corners of Su Hong's lips curled up, "If no one notices, just remember to change into different minions and show your face."

"This is something done by the minions of different parties. It has nothing to do with us."

Before starting to attack the Calamity Farm, he had to let a wave of cans come out first to create the illusion that the spiders were guarding the farm.

In the opinion of the Alliance, the spider mother eggs should be in the hands of different minions now. He only needs to put on a good show with the can at the breeding farm and "tame" the can with the fire carrier's vest, and the can can be washed white. of.

After a few rounds, the Firebringer was freed from the suspicion of stealing disaster items, and he was able to legitimately return the Spider Mother to the Firebringer's camp.

As for what the minions of disagreement think, no one cares.

They can't just go cry to the alliance and complain that they were wronged.

"Follow me."

The shadow flew over the mountains and shuttled through the night. He and Philip transformed into the images of Li Dian and the meat man and appeared in a slaughterhouse.

There was silence all around. The security guard on duty in the slaughterhouse was drowsy and did not notice the two people who suddenly appeared.

Su Hong came to the camera, grinned, and raised his middle finger, "You trash from the alliance, come and catch me if you dare."

After the provocation, he smashed all the cameras and stunned the security guards with illusions.

"No one will bother us now."

Su Hong pushed open the cold storage door, and cold air blew out, but it had no effect on the shadow body.

Since it was night time and the shadows were more difficult to expose in the darkness, Su Hong rolled up several tons of frozen goods at once and carried them to the fluorescent cave.

He and Phillip worked back and forth for three hours and finally finished moving all the frozen goods.

"It's not good to just take other people's goods. After all, the boss and I have no grudges."

Su Hong left a disaster item in the cold storage, pretending it was accidentally left behind by different minions. Before leaving, he thoughtfully helped close the cold storage door.

Disaster items are the ticket to a new world, the source of power for the undead, and their value is self-evident.

Even if the rich are willing to spend a lot of money, there may not necessarily be an immortal person taking action.

If those rich people who longed to become immortal knew that they could exchange a warehouse of frozen goods for disaster items, their eyes would be red with envy.

Anyway, ordinary quality disaster items are of no use to him, so just clear out the garbage in the inventory.

After returning to the fluorescent cave, the first batch of frozen meat transported had begun to melt, and the blood flowed onto the grass, emitting a fishy smell.

Can Can was awakened by the smell of blood and flesh, and lay down among the frozen meat, absorbing the blood mist.

Seeing Su Hong coming, he pulled the can down his trouser legs and said, "Mom, it tastes bad..."

"Want to eat canned food."

Su Hong squatted aside and said, "Don't eat so much junk food. Eat these first."

"Can..." Can can cried pitifully.

"Okay, let Philip bring you a few cans of braised beef tomorrow, and you can rest assured."

"Braised beef is good!" Can can cheered.

After telling Phillip to watch the cans, Su Hong, who had been busy all night, was ready to go back to rest. His consciousness returned to the bedroom and bed, and he slowly fell asleep.

He slept peacefully here, but tonight someone couldn't sleep at all because of him.

In the security booth of the slaughterhouse, the security guard slowly woke up from his coma and muttered: "Why did I fall asleep... Fortunately, the boss is not here, otherwise my salary would have been deducted."

He was about to stretch when he suddenly caught a glimpse of rows of no-signal signals on the computer monitor.

"No way..."

The security guard suddenly realized something, his expression became panicked, and he hurried out to take a look. What he saw was a scene that horrified him. All the cameras in the slaughterhouse had been destroyed!

In panic, he quickly called his boss.

"Sorry boss, a thief smashed all the cameras and knocked me unconscious."

The person on the other side had just answered the phone and was still in a daze, and then he was awakened by the security guard's words.


Near 6 a.m., police sirens sounded in the slaughterhouse.

A middle-aged man sat in front of the cold storage door and kept muttering, "It's over, everything is over..."

The entire cold storage was looted, and as if to mock him, the thief left a broken lamp inside.

He stared at the broken lamp in a daze, and was about to collapse. He felt that life was bleak. If this was a rooftop, he would have wanted to jump off.

The man's name was Wei Qiang, and he was the owner of this slaughterhouse. He resigned from his job in a big city a year ago and bought this slaughterhouse from his friend.

When doing business, especially when it is just starting out, the losses are the greatest. Wei Qiang lost money for a whole year.

If it weren't for his wife's constant support, he would have given up.

He finally saw the hope of turning losses into profits, but today he learned the bad news that the slaughterhouse's freezer was visited by thieves.

"Wife, I'm sorry for you." He, a grown man, fell to the ground and cried.

He didn't cry about how much suffering he would have to endure in the future, but he just felt that he was so sorry for making his family suffer together.

In the freezer, a plainclothes policeman was looking around for traces left in the freezer.

The man's name is Sun Hang, an undead from the No. 306 disaster shelter. After receiving the report, he realized that this was not a simple theft case.

It is not something that ordinary people can do to move the entire freezer silently in a short time without leaving any traces.

"Boss, retrieve the surveillance."

A policeman ran in and handed the tablet to the man, "Before the surveillance was destroyed, the camera in the slaughterhouse recorded a strange video at around two o'clock."

Sun Hang clicked on the video and saw Li Dian appear in the camera. His eyes narrowed and he immediately recognized that this was the divergent minions who attacked the disaster shelter not long ago.

Li Dian raised his middle finger and said arrogantly: "Waste of the alliance, come and catch me if you have the guts."

"Damn it!"

He had never seen such an arrogant criminal.

Sun Hang gritted his teeth secretly, took out the communicator, and prepared to report the matter.

The technician who was taking pictures nearby reminded him, "Brother Sun, the boss of the slaughterhouse seemed to have said that he had picked up a strange lamp in the freezer. Why don't you go and take a look?"

"It's troublesome."

Sun Hang's heart moved, and he immediately put down the communicator and walked out of the freezer.

He looked aside and saw the boss of the slaughterhouse curled up on the ground, crying and gasping for breath, in a trance.

After secretly sighing for him, Sun Hang asked, "Mr. Wei Qiang, I heard that you picked up a lamp?"

Wei Qiang's eyes were dull. After listening to the man's words, he was stunned for a long time before raising his empty hand.

Sun Hang frowned, and just when he thought Wei Qiang was stimulated to insanity, he caught a glimpse of the flames that suddenly burned on the man's fingers.

"Wait, could it be that the lamp is a disaster item?!"

The look he gave Wei Qiang changed instantly.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

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