My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 95 95 New Sun

Chapter 95 95. The New Sun

"You broke this never-ending road."

"Young immortal, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the people of the Kingdom of the Sun."

The paladin took the brass ring and put it on his finger.


The brass ring made an explosion sound, and the magical brilliance shone like a mysterious door opened, into which countless disasters and blood mist flowed like ocean currents.

The brass ring rises into the sky, absorbing the city's disasters. The red blood mist of the doomsday disappears, and the blackness of the world becomes pure.

Even the body of the Paladin is gradually dissipating, his flesh and blood falling apart, and his blood pooling into a trickle...

In the end, only a heart burning with flames was still beating.

The prototype of the paladin's body was outlined by flames, "I will burn my soul and turn it into the sun to protect this land."

"I hope you can find the Tree of the Sun before the flames go out..."

The man's voice gradually faded, his heart trembled, and fire shot into the sky. The hot breath and raging wind made Su Hong couldn't help but take a few steps back.

When he came to his senses and looked up at the sky, the sun hole had been replaced by a new sun, the dark sky was illuminated, and the white clouds broke free from the darkness and returned to the bright world.

The golden sunlight shone down on the dark prison, illuminating the dark prison and dispelling the coldness. Su Hong's whole body was warmly illuminated.

He looked at the golden glow and vaguely saw something floating down.

It was a piece of ashes, as light as a feather, falling slowly but firmly landing on the palm of his hand.

It was like a gift prepared by the Paladin for him.

Ashes fall into the palm of your hand, and a game prompt appears.

"I found the ashes and fire of the 'disaster item', whether to refine it."

"Discover the level experience of the Paladin and whether it is refined."

Ignoring the beep, he still looked at the sky.

When the last ray of disaster blood mist was absorbed, the brass ring floating in the air lost its support and fell to the palm of his hand.

"Discovered differences in the 'Disaster Horcrux', whether to refine it or not."

The disaster lingering in Shengshi was eliminated, the sun returned to the earth, and he also gained new harvests.

Even when it was obviously time to be happy, he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

A paladin, a royal knight who guards the kingdom alone, became a sword master at the age of twenty.

Even people like this cannot escape the power of disaster.

He still has a long way to go.

But the sunshine shining on him at this moment was enough to prove that his efforts paid off.

Su Hong looked closer at the brass ring. Different from before, the inscription on the ring seemed to be a little brighter and a lot heavier.

"Disaster Horcrux?"

This was the first time he heard refining tips other than disaster items and experience, and he didn't know what refining disaster soul weapons could bring.

Anyway, it’s much better than keeping it on you as a souvenir.


As he finished speaking, the brass ring exploded, and blood mist enveloped him. In the bloody world, countless souls wailed and struggled, and the sound penetrated his eardrums and echoed in his heart.

Su Hong licked his lips. He felt like he was a little hungry, so he immediately grabbed a handful of the wailing souls and swallowed them into his stomach.

Although the soul is an intangible thing, it crunches as he chews it, and it tastes crispy, like some kind of tasteless gelatin.

The soul entered his stomach, his taste buds were completely aroused, and he stuffed the remaining souls into his stomach one by one.

When there was no more sound in the sea of ​​blood, Su Hong burped.

The blood mist gradually dissipated, and he glanced at the changed personal panel.

[Disaster potential: 100/100]

[Disaster Talents (4/5): Will Infection (Excellent), Shadow Weaver (Rare), Eye of the Candle (Excellent +), Monster Hunter (Excellent)]

The upper limit of disaster potential has been increased from 10 points to 100 points, but the cost is that all the excess disaster potential has been consumed.

The change in disaster potential was not worth mentioning to Su Hong. Seeing the excess disaster potential being consumed, he felt more distressed.

However, he soon noticed the changes in the disaster talent field.

"There seem to be other changes."

"The talent slot has been expanded?!"

An unexpected surprise.

It turns out that the real function of the Calamity Horcrux is to expand the talent slot.

A good talent is like Shadow Weaver, which can be used in combat and can also play a variety of auxiliary functions.

The more talents he has, the more powerful he will naturally be.

Therefore, the talent field is very important.

If possible, he would certainly like to have more talent slots.

But he has been unable to find a way to expand his talent slot.

Only now did he know that the expansion of talent slots required disaster horcruxes.

"The Paladin mentioned that there are six original Horcruxes in total. If you master them all..."

Ten talent slots, ten different god-level talents.

If he were his enemy, he would collapse on the spot.

This is simply not something humans can deal with.

It's no different than fighting against gods.

"There happens to be a spare talent slot, which can be inlaid with the talent of refining the ashes and fire."

Su Hong silently recited "Refining", and the ashes in his palm glowed with bursts of fire, flying toward his heart like fireflies.


Su Hong's expression changed, and he felt his chest was burning uncomfortably, as if a fire was burning in his chest.

The knight's armor melted instantly, leaving a large hole, exposing the burning heart in his left chest.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heart beat rhythmically, and circles of flames spread throughout the body along the blood vessels and tendons, even igniting the air and igniting a raging fire around the body.

In the flames that distorted the air, Su Hong felt the transformation of his body bit by bit.

After a long time, the flames gradually dissipated, and the body returned to normal temperature, even compared to the hot air, it seemed a little cold.

"Refining is successful, and the disaster talent (temporary): Blazing Heart Fire Seed."

"Blazing Heart Fire Seed (Rare-): One of the three knights of the Knights Templar, the remains of the burning body of the Paladin Randall Emmett, which contains the secret of becoming a Blazing Heart Knight. The fire gives you the ability to ignite soul matter."

"Ignite the soul?"

Su Hong tapped his fingers, and a touch of orange-red flames rose from his fingers.

"That's it?"

What's the difference between this and Wei Qiang's ignition ability.

The color of the flame is different?

His face was stunned, but he always felt that this talent was not that simple.

He checked his personal panel again, and the information had changed greatly.

[Su Hong]

[Disaster rank: Ancient]

[Disaster level: Level 26]

[Disaster potential: 100/100]

[Disaster talent (5/5): Shadow Weaver (rare), Heart of Blaze (rare -), Holy Candle Eye (excellent +), Will Infection (excellent), Monster Hunter (excellent)]

[Disaster skills: Swordmaster Knight Swordsmanship (excellent): Your Knight Swordsmanship has reached a superb level, and you can vaguely sense that a new world is opening up to you. ]

[Disaster skills: Artisan-level farm tool forging skills (normal +): Skilled and reliable forging and repair technology, through burning, forging, shaping, quenching, tempering and other processes, to create various farm tools. ]

[Disaster equipment: Elite Knight Armor (excellent +): Scars are witnesses of your battles. It was once the standard armor of the Knight Temple and has excellent protective performance. 】

"The Paladin's experience allowed me to level up twice?"

Su Hong was checking the changes on the panel when the game suddenly popped up a prompt.

"Do you want to update the time anchor point?"

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