My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 145: Just Three Minutes

Not long after, the girl with spots came in.

Everyone looked, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on the person behind her.

His long sky-blue hair was scattered over his shoulders, and his eyes were bright, as if there was a clear spring hidden in a bay.

She was wearing a dark blue fringed robe, with an elegant face, and walked in one step, but everyone only felt a cold wind blowing, as if the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

Yang Yuanping's pupils shrank.

The girl in front of him did not have a strong aura. However, the intuition brought about by practicing martial arts for many years told him that this person was very dangerous, extremely dangerous!

Even if he has the strength of the fourth level of awakening, in front of the opponent, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand two moves.

This kind of feeling is very funny, especially the girl in front of me looks weak and weak, and has nothing to do with power.

However, in just a few seconds, his back was already dripping with cold sweat.

Try to calm down.

Through the introduction of the girl with spots, Yang Yuanping knew that the blue-haired girl in front of her was the head of the Luyin Logistics Department and the real high-level figure of the Luyin Shelter.

In this way, he is more convinced of his intuition that the other party is a super expert who hides his strength.

Sure enough, the strength of the Shade Shelter is already far beyond their Ximu Shelter.

Yang Yuanping no longer thought about it, and directly asked whether he could customize the weapon.

"Customized weapons, this is a benefit only for members of the patrol team, but..." Elaine paused.

Lord Lord is preparing to develop business, and in front of him, is a good promotion opportunity.

Ximu's transaction quota this time has thousands of source crystals. Although this number of source crystals is not much for the current territory, it is an excellent start.

A large-scale transaction can have thousands of source crystals, and ten times it is tens of thousands. If it can attract the surrounding shelters, they will all come here to trade, and the income of the territory can at least be improved by another level.

"Lord Lord said that you can't miss any opportunity to make money."

Elaine pays.

Higher-level weapons, similar to the Swift Revolver, are naturally impossible to sell to outsiders.

It is not a worry to restrict foreign customers from customizing equipment, the reason is simply that it is too troublesome... It requires additional modification of drawings, which requires both cost and time.

"However, your transaction volume has reached the standard. This time, you can make an exception to provide you with an opportunity to customize weapons."

"Then... I need to customize spear weapons. I don't know how much of the remaining thousand source crystals can be customized?"

Yang Yuanping was a little anxious.

Elaine held her cheeks and recalled the workflow. "If you want to customize the equipment, you need to hand it over to the equipment department to evaluate the price according to your requirements. Also, we will not accept the customization that is too complicated."

"It's not complicated, as long as it's a standard spear weapon."

"Then you come with me and go to the equipment department."

Yang Yuanping quickly followed with several survivors from Ximu Shelter.

Captain Chen thought about it, and followed with his own team members.

Wang Zhou was stunned for a while, "Where is my customer? I haven't bought anything yet!" He also quickly chased after him.


The equipment department is located at the end of the west area of ​​the villa area, backed by a towering mountain wall, and its location is relatively remote.

This is a hemispherical building, and a loud roar can be heard from far away.

"Little Li, bring me a No. 5 rune pen, hurry up!"

"Xiao Huang, move this pile of iron to the compressor."

"Little Li, press switch No. 3... Now press switch No. 5, very good, close that blue valve."

"Xiao Huang, turn on the switch at the top, turn off the switch at the bottom..."

The entire equipment department is like a machining factory, with all kinds of equipment everywhere.

Of course it's all rune equipment.

Kevin came to this world, although he brought almost no equipment, but as a master of equipment manufacturing, as long as he had the materials, he would tidy up his workshop in minutes.

Someone once said that as long as a master maker is given enough materials and time, he can pull out an army with his bare hands.

This hemispherical building, except that the main body of the building was built by Tang Yu, the rest of the equipment was made by Kevin.

It has become the appearance of this machine processing factory.

Aside from being a bit seems, there's nothing wrong with it.

at this time.

After the equipment is released.

Kevin tucked his long beard behind his neck, staring at the equipment in front of him intently, holding a No. 2 B-type rune pen in his hand, fine-tuning the runes engraved on the shield.

As a master gear maker, Kevin has his own set of workflows.

First, the equipment drawings are designed, then the equipment samples are manufactured, and then the debugging and testing are carried out to find the best data, and finally the drawings are improved in turn to achieve the best results.

The production of equipment also relies on various equipment in the equipment department. Kevin only needs to control the overall situation, and he has already left the era of forging equipment.

Only in the final rune debugging stage does he need to do it himself.

This is the self-confidence of a senior rune master. Only by relying on the runes that are called out by his hands can he have the deepest understanding of the effects of the runes.

Soon, Kevin put away the rune pen and nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is only a second rune equipment, it is also at the top of the second rune. This time, it is considered an extraordinary performance.

At this time, he discovered Elaine and others outside the door.

Kevin opened the door of the equipment department, and did not forget to instruct two assistants to send the shield to the final inspection process, "Minister Elaine, I don't know what is going on here?"

Elaine said what she meant.

Kevin glanced at Yang Yuanping, "What kind of spear, type, length, weight..."

Yang Yuanping reported the data without thinking, and finally asked, "Master, how long does it take to make such a piece of equipment? Can it be completed in one day?"

He can only stay in the shade for a day at most. If it takes several days to make a custom weapon, then he can only reluctantly give up.

After all, although the appearance of such a sharp weapon is not much different from that of an ordinary cold weapon, Yang Yuanping believes that its interior must be different, and to achieve such an interior, he does not know how much time it will take, but it will not be too long. few.

I heard the white-bearded master in front of him with a disdain smile, "One day? You are too underestimated by this old man! A mere piece of ordinary equipment can be done in three minutes, no more!"

"Three...three minutes? So fast!"

Kevin was too lazy to answer.

Let Xiao Huang and Xiao Li bring the tools, brush on the paper and draw the drawings.

His pen travels the dragon, the clouds flow, and a long spear appears on the paper.

As an equipment design drawing, the pattern is not like a painter's drawing. The spear on the drawing is divided into several sections, the key parts are marked with data, and some parts are enlarged to outline the rune nodes.

Kevin did not shy away from the people next to him when he drew the drawings.

Yang Yuanping stared at it with wide eyes, and felt that there was an abstract painting in front of him. The same was true of the few people next to him, who looked confused.

However, for such an abstract masterpiece to be drawn in just a minute, it seems a bit unfathomable.

I don't understand it, but it looks awesome.

Thanks to "impress" for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to "Find a 123" and "Xiaoyaoyu" for the reward. . . . . After writing the words, I felt broken, ah, why did the day end so quickly. . .

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