"Almost all survivors in the shelter will take this test, some in the morning, some in the afternoon, and we test in the morning."

The seventh group leader said, and finally asked, "So, are you all participating in this test?"

Faced with the temptation of high salary, no one refuses.

Can't even wait.

The test site is not far from the labor center.

When the seventh group of handymen, led by the group leader, came here, there were already many people waiting.

The windows for going through procedures and accepting work have now been temporarily changed to test windows.

"In order to speed up the efficiency and ensure the order, this test is divided into groups and conducted in a unified manner. Our group is ranked relatively high and should not wait for long." The team leader explained.

they do not know.

Such a big fight, taking the test together in small groups, instead of releasing new career news in the labor center and letting the survivors participate by themselves, is because Tang Yu is worried that the efficiency will be too slow, and he is also worried that too many people will ignore this. What about recruitment information?

The vast majority of survivors in the shelter now have their own jobs. Some are diligent and physically strong, and earn a lot of money every day, not to mention those who work in various departments. The income is higher...

Some people may find it troublesome, or they may feel that they are unlikely to be selected. All kinds of thoughts may lead to some survivors not taking the test.

Tang Yu can remember that Kevin said, "It is still possible to gather fifty people with the current number of confederates."

This means that there are nearly 2,000 survivors in the territory, and it is somewhat difficult to find 50 who meet the conditions. If some survivors are subtracted, it will be even more difficult to meet his requirements.

Yang Wei observed the test windows not far away.

Some survivors left in despair, some shook their heads, but did not care much about the loss, and some, with joy on their faces, walked up to the second floor under the guidance of the staff.

These people are not too few.

He was a little puzzled. At this time, someone in the group was asking about those who had just taken the test.

"...You said the content of the test? There's nothing that can't be said. It is said that the test is divided into three levels. The first level is the one I just conducted. Only after passing the test can I go to the second floor to test the second level..."

"The first level is similar to the color blindness test, but it is much more difficult. To distinguish the numbers or patterns on the test drawing, there is not only one pattern, but many intertwined. I actually saw two patterns. It's a pity that this grade has not yet reached the passing standard."

"As for the second pass, it is said to be a spatial imagination test. As for the third pass, it is very mysterious. No matter how much you ask, you can't find it. It seems that only those who have passed the first two stages are qualified to understand the third pass. Test content."

After waiting for more than half an hour, it was finally Yang Wei's group's turn to step forward.

Twenty team members, plus the team leader, lined up at one of the windows to be tested.

Yang Wei was at the back of the line, and soon saw the people in front of them, and they were all downcast.

"I don't know how many patterns you need to see before you can pass." Someone muttered in disbelief.

"It's hard to say. I think there are many copies of the test drawings. Maybe the difficulty is different, and the criteria for passing are also different."

These people belonged to the same group. Even if they failed, they did not leave for the time being. They stood not far away and waited for others to test.

with complex eyes.

After a while, Yang Wei stepped forward, uneasy in his heart.

The staff behind the window had already handed over a test drawing. When he saw it, it was indeed similar to the colorblindness test. The entire drawing was larger than A3 paper, and it was densely packed with fragments like glass tiles.

"Speak the pattern you see from above and outline it with the sensor pen."

The staff said, "Don't take a chance and randomly cast a few patterns, even if the pattern is right, but it doesn't outline the correct trajectory, it won't count as a score... Well, we can start."

Yang Weiqiang suppressed the nervousness in his heart, calmed down, and looked at the test chart.

"Uh, is this a horse? And a candle? A bear's head? Slippers?"

The more he spoke, the lower his voice.

It's not that he didn't find anything, on the contrary, he thought it was too simple!

Even if these patterns overlap, he can see many of them at a glance. It's not as difficult as others say?

These should all be wrong, maybe he was confused?

The staff glanced at him, expressionless, "Outline the pattern you see, yes, just use the sensor pen to draw the pattern lines you see on the drawing..."

Yang Wei picked up the pen, hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly sketched, and the sensor on the tip of the pen was attached to the drawing.

When he's finished drawing a figure, he pauses to see if it's different from what he'd seen at first.

One, two, three, four...

Every time a pattern was drawn, the staff behind the window looked down and looked at the answer book with a look of surprise.

Yang Wei finally stopped after sketching the six patterns, and couldn't help but ask, "That...the ones I drew, are they right or wrong?"

I thought the staff would coldly refuse to answer, but it turned out.

I saw the other party nodded again and again, "Yes, all of them are correct. Are there six correct answers in total?"

Yang Wei was stunned.

"Right? Um... wait, I'm not done, there are keys, tissues, light bulbs..."

Worrying that the six would not pass, Yang Wei continued to name a few graphics he saw. This time, the speed of picking up the sensor pen to outline was significantly faster.

One by one, he continued to draw, until he had drawn thirteen patterns, and he stopped writing and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Have I... passed?"

"It's over." The staff was stunned before nodding.

In addition to him, there was another survivor in the same group as Yang Wei who passed the first test, but compared to him, the other party only answered five patterns correctly.

The gap is a bit big, others don't believe it, and his appearance is not good... It should be said that Yang Wei, who has never had a sense of existence, can be so fierce.

But after all, it is only the first level, and only after passing the three levels can you apply for that mysterious position.

Yang Wei, who had achieved good results in the first level, had hope in his heart and at the same time, he did not dare to take it lightly, for fear that in the next two levels, he would be beaten mercilessly.

The second pass is on the second floor of the labor center.

The survivors who passed came here under the guidance of the staff.

Yang Wei glanced at it, and there were not many survivors on it. He had screened a lot of people in the first stage, and when he came to the second stage, some survivors who had failed had already left, but there were still some. Waiting here, he doesn't know if he has passed, or if he stays here to watch the fun.

Not many people participated in this test, and it didn't take long for his turn.

This second test, as the news spread, tests the ability of spatial imagination.

Yang Wei sat at the table, as if he was taking an exam before the end of the world. He had to answer a sufficient number of questions correctly within five minutes.

Knowing that the opportunity is rare, Yang Wei is very attentive, staring at the graphs on the test paper carefully, and writing his answers in the fill-in-the-blank lines or in the choice box.

Finally, he handed in the test paper, and the examiner reviewed the answers and quickly announced the results.

"Answer nine questions correctly, pass, um, the third test will not start until everyone has completed the first two tests, you can wait in the lounge next to you..."

Yang Wei responded, feeling both nervous and happy.

The other survivor in the group who came up with him was not so lucky. He could only look at him with envy, and then walked downstairs with his head down.



When Yang Wei came to the room, he saw more than twenty survivors.

The room is very large. Apart from the neatly arranged rows of seats, there is only a water dispenser in the corner. More than two dozen survivors are sparsely seated in various places in the room.

He pushed open the door and came in. Some people glanced at him cautiously, while others closed their eyes and paid no attention to a new competitor like him.

Time goes by minute by minute.

At noon, a staff member brought a simple fast food, and Yang Wei devoured it in a few times. During the period, he refilled two glasses of water at the water dispenser and went to the toilet once.

The rest of the time, they are waiting nervously.

Waiting for the unknown third test.

More and more survivors who passed the first two levels came to this room one after another.

"Hey, do you know what the third level test is?"

"I don't know. I asked those staff members, and they all shook their heads. I don't know if I really don't know, or I can't say. Brother dei, do you know?"

"If I want to know, I won't ask. It seems that there are many people who have passed the first two levels. I don't know how many people will be recruited for that position. Is there any hope for me... It is said that the maximum salary can be dozens of source crystals. With that kind of salary, I can wake up laughing from my dreams!"

When there are more people, the atmosphere becomes noisy, and maybe some people are spying on the enemy.

He kept asking about other people's assessment of the front light.

Although Yang Wei was only sitting in the corner, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

It seems... in the first level, you can pass the four patterns correctly, and in the second level, you must answer five questions correctly in order to pass.

Most people here just barely get through.

But some people scored very high. For example, someone answered twelve questions correctly in the second level, which made him sigh.

Finally, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

For all survivors who participated in the test, the first two levels have been tested.

Yang Wei looked around, and there were about two hundred survivors who came to the room.

Several staff members pushed open the door and walked in, "The next third test is not going to be carried out here, you all come with me, we will take the bus over there."

"But before that, everyone here needs to sign a non-disclosure agreement. No matter what you see in the third test, and whether you pass it or not, you cannot disclose the content related to the test."

Having said that, the staff took out a printed "non-disclosure agreement" and asked the survivors to sign and put their fingerprints.

The "agreement" has no legal effect in the last days. However, as long as the survivor is not a fool, the agreement signed with the shelter will not be violated. The reason for such formalism is only to let these people understand the importance of confidentiality. sex.

This was proposed by Chen Haiping, and Tang Yu felt it was very necessary.

After all, the test of the third level involves some rune mysteries, which are core intellectual property rights before the end of the world, so how can it be so easy for others to know.

The survivors who were about to participate in the test did not hesitate and signed their names one after another.

But more and more curious.

What is the upcoming test? To make the shelter so cautious?

It seems... some people's hearts are thumping, and they feel that they are about to come into contact with some secrets of the shelter. If they can pass the final test, perhaps they will also be the core members of the shelter?

Thinking about it makes me so excited that even the high salary is not so important.

However, there are also very few people, after pressing their finger prints, their eyeballs turn in circles, and they don't know what they are thinking.

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