Tang Yu stepped on the void, and every step was as flat as the ground.

On his body is a set of silver-colored battle armor, with a B3-level rune long sword in a scabbard on his back, and two level-3 reinforced agility revolvers hanging on his waist.

What he was wearing on his feet was a pair of pure white boots surrounded by grainy streamers.

It is the feather numbered 017 as the main material, and the equipment that has just been made.

Have the ability to step into the air!

He stepped out a few steps, climbed higher and higher, and looked into the distance.

At the end of the horizon, smoke billows, a black line that stretches for no end.

Tang Yu's face was solemn.

Compared with the fourth-level magic tide, the small green shelter is like a reef under the turbulent tide, extremely small.


This reef is enough to withstand wind and rain without damage!


The list of buildings unfolded in front of him, and Tang Yu found the column of special buildings.

[Choose Build: War Altar! ]

"Di, consume 15,000 units of source crystals, 3,000 units of stone materials, and 100 units of cloud-sounding stones."


The ground bulged, forming a small mound, and the Awakeners who were close hurriedly dodged, watching the sudden change on alert.

The mound swelled to a height of four or five meters, and at the next moment, there seemed to be an invisible carving knife cutting across the mound.

Cut out edges and corners, regular shapes, stone steps...

In just a few seconds, in the eyes of everyone, this small mound turned into a circular stone altar with a diameter of more than ten meters and a height of more than four meters.

"Go to the altar and beat the drum."

There was a faint voice from the sky. Several members of the patrol team who had been prepared for a long time stepped on the stairs to the altar. They looked serious, picked up their drumsticks, and moved towards the big drum entirely carved from rock on the war altar, waving their hands, beating hit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the sound, there is a special wave that spreads in all directions.

at this time,

The people in the shelter have already learned that the magic tide is coming.

Ordinary survivors, organized by members of the patrol team, boarded the inner city halfway up the mountain and prepared to take refuge.

At the entrance, more and more Awakened people gathered. After learning the scale of the magic tide, their faces turned pale. Even if they were inspired by Chen Feng and others, they still had a look of fear in their eyes.

No one is afraid of death.

It's just that compared to the useless death, the battle to the last moment, at least, the death is glorious.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The beating of drums kept coming.

Some people were still looking at the altar curiously, but suddenly realized that the blood began to boil.

"How do I feel that my whole body... is full of power!"

"The blood is burning, I feel like I can hit ten!"

"Do it! Do it! It's earth-shattering! The mere magic tide is just experience points!"

Screams resounded through the sky.

Tang Yu floated down from the air, and even he couldn't help it, he felt a fire in his chest, burning!

The adjutant, who was used to wearing glasses, also came over.

He was equally enthusiastic and could not wait to rush up to fight with the demonized beasts, but he held back and came to Tang Yu and said, "Director Tang, the fourth-level demon tide should not be underestimated. The best way now is to use the villa area. Only the city wall has a chance to defend."

"Retreat to the villa area means abandoning the commercial area, abandoning the planting area, and abandoning the hard-to-build shelter..."

"But if there were no walls—"

Tang Yu pressed his hands together, "Of course I know that in the open area, thousands of awakened people, no matter how much they stimulate their fighting spirit, they will not be able to stop a charge of the magic tide."

"But..." He paused, looked into the distance, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and contained a power called self-confidence, "There is no city wall, just build one."

Is it,

In the adjutant's mind, the towering black city wall built around the villa area suddenly appeared.

It is said that the man in front of him built it by himself.

The one who claims to master the power of miracles... the person with the ability of the building department!


The adjutant's throat wriggled, and there were countless thoughts running through his mind, but he didn't know how to express it.

To build a city wall around the villa area, in his opinion, is very incredible, even the most powerful earth element ability in Lindong can't do this, far from it!

However, the villa area is only a small part of the shade.

To build a city wall that is enough to hold the shelter, the length required is a hundred times that of the city wall in the villa area, more than that!

The adjutant's face was complicated and unspeakable.

At this time, Tang Yu took a deep breath, took another step, and stepped into the sky.

The magic tide is getting closer and closer, and with his eyesight, he is enough to see the hideous heads of the demonized beasts in the front.

He closed his eyes.

In his mind, a three-dimensional topographic map of the territory appeared.

Including the original site of the resort, the equipment factory, and the arrow towers standing in the wilderness.

Simulate, move forward at the entrance of the shelter and draw a line of defense.

He opened his eyes again, looked down, and shook his head slightly, "I didn't plan to build the city wall so quickly, but there's nothing I can do."

As the adjutant said, without the city wall, it is impossible to stop the demonized beast.

If not for him to be able to eliminate hundreds of thousands of demonized beasts in one go, however, this is even more impossible.

Lord Tang still has some ideas in his heart.

[Choose to build: a first-level city wall. ]


The ground shook more violently.

With the previous altar, the Awakened did not panic. They saw that not far from the front, a black wall gradually emerged from the surface.

Inch by inch, slowly pull up.

There was an Awakened who stood at the rising position of the city wall, and quickly jumped from the top, raised his head, and looked at the slowly rising city wall.

Ten meters high and four meters wide.

Thick and deep, like a black, sinuous dragon, it dominates this place and stretches endlessly.


appearing again!

The few Awakened who were fortunate enough to witness it for the second time had their eyes wild.

However, the flutter didn't end there.

The black city wall, which was already ten meters high, rose again with a rumbling sound.

Secondary city wall!

Twenty meters in height and eight meters in width, standing in front of the city wall, the Awakened can only sigh about their own insignificance and the power of this mighty force.

Behind the city wall, every tens of meters away, there is a stone staircase sloping upwards. Luo Zhe directed everyone to climb the city wall.

Even the Awakened Adventurers, who had no discipline, witnessed miracles, and they did not resist in the slightest under the agitation of the war drums.

[Choose to build: Level 1 Arrow Tower]

[Choose Build: Tier 1 Artillery]

[Choose upgrade: secondary arrow tower]

[Select Upgrade: Secondary Artillery]

On the thick black city wall, black towers rose.

Every fifteen meters, an arrow tower is erected, and every three arrow towers, there is an artillery.

In addition, the mage tower, spiked traps and other defensive buildings were also arranged by Tang Yu in one breath.

After doing all this, Tang Yu floated down on the city wall.

His legs and feet were a little weak. He built so many defensive buildings in one breath, especially the second-level city wall. The consumption of mental power was extremely huge. Fortunately, he was not the same as before, and he still retained his last strength. .

Kong rushed over, behind Tang Yu.

Luo Zhe commanded the members of the patrol team to fetch boxes and boxes of long-range weapons and distribute them to every Awakened who participated in the defense of the city.

Light machine guns, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, and war bows.

Awakeners of the adventure group rarely buy a lot of hot weapons, and some even rely only on cold weapons. However, depending on the city, only long-range weapons can achieve maximum efficiency.

at this time,

The rumbling sound came from a distance, and endless demonized beasts appeared at the end of the horizon.

War is imminent.

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