My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 370 Three kinds of alien beasts

Entering the eyes is a vast grassland, and the green pasture is growing vigorously. The pasture is a new breed after the end of the world, which is cold-resistant, prolific, and rich in higher amounts of vitamins and trace elements.

More than a dozen cows have mutated, their bodies are a little bigger, black and white match, and their fur is extraordinarily bright. They are strolling leisurely in the pasture, bowing their heads from time to time, taking a bite of the green grass, chewing it, and making a 'moo' moo' cry.

There are also several milking workers, squatting on the sides of some of the mutant cows, squeezing them with skillful techniques, and the milky white fresh milk seeps into the wooden barrels prepared below.

As an excellent breed that was highly selective and bred before the end of the world, after the mutation, these dairy cows, which are generally one-level and two-level, still maintain their previous tameness. They just spread comfortably in the pasture every day, and their milk production is greater than that of ordinary dairy cows. , the milk is more delicious.

Long-term drinking can also subtly improve physical fitness.

Tang Yu spent a lot of money to buy these dozen mutant cows from Lindong. Most of them were cows, and there were also a few bulls used for breeding.

Several Awakeners of the garrison were stationed at the entrance of the ranch. The team leader saw the two of them and walked over with a look of awe. He waved back with his eyes, and stayed in the same place and stood upright, but from time to time his eyes were aimed at him. here.

——Awakened squadron of twenty-five people is stationed in the entire ranch on a daily basis. In addition to preventing outsiders from intruding, it also prevents the alienated beasts from the ranch from rioting.

Apart from cows, alienated beasts in a free-range state are rare, their breath does not exceed the third level of awakening, and their appearance is warm and patient.

Well, there is one exception.

Tang Yu glanced at the left side of the ranch, a giant beast with a golden body, like a hill, nibbling at the metal minerals that had been pushed into a hill in front of him.

The golden-yellow giant beast exudes a terrifying aura of awakening to the ninth level - this kind of talent that can quickly grow in strength by eating, drinking and drinking is enviable.

In the pasture, the walking cows, horned deer and other beasts were suppressed by this overwhelming aura and kept far away.

Within 100 meters, there is an open area, and the golden giant beast has become a tyrant in the ranch.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, and the gold-swallowing beast seems to be getting fat again? Will it be impossible to walk one day? Forget it, it's good to be able to produce mines."

Tang Yu muttered and looked at it a few more times.

Feeling the sight, the ranch dominated the gold-devouring beast. The fat body suddenly froze, and the broken stone that had chewed on most of it slipped out of the not-so-big mouth and teeth, until the two figures disappeared and disappeared. The body shivered, shook, and continued to nibble on the Happy Mine of the Fat House.


The pasture is divided into an outer layer and an inner layer. The outer layer is a free-range area for alienated beasts. Harmless aliens do not restrict their activities.

But more alienated beasts were imprisoned in cages.

"Cuckoo clap-"

A harsh cry, accompanied by the symphony of iron and stone collision.

On the left, a large hen with a height of more than two meters and beautiful yellow feathers all over its body, its sharp beaks frantically pecked at the metal iron fence. No loss.

The mutant hens are only triple mutant beasts, but they dare not put them in the free-range area outside.

Tang Yu said that he was very helpless. There were really not many mutant beasts with high intelligence and ability to judge the situation, such as the Golden Swallowing Beast.

"Can you soothe Xiao Huang's emotions?"

"no problem."

Cara took out some yellow-green powder from somewhere in her pocket, grabbed it in her hand, and walked in step by step to the iron bar where the mutant hens were being held.

The hand holding the powder stretched out, as if wanting to feed the huge hen Xiao Huang.

Won't be pecked out of a blood hole? Tang Yu was a little worried, but then he remembered that Kara also had the sixth level of awakening, and Xiao Huang was only awakened to the third level... Besides, if a dignified animal trainer couldn't handle even a mutant hen, he would undoubtedly be disappointed.

Carla didn't let him down.

When the sharp beak of the hen was pecked down like lightning, he raised his hand, and the yellow-green powder particles were either sprinkled on the mutant hen or directly into his mouth.

Lakka's eyes widened, and he seemed to be looking at the mutant hen. After a while, he reached out and touched the hen's soft yellow feathers. No resistance was encountered. Xiao Huang had already squatted down and became tame.

Sure enough, there are some doors.

Tang Yu walked closer, "Has Xiao Huang been completely tamed?"

Cara shook her head, "It's just temporarily suppressed its wildness. Leave it alone, it will soon return to its previous irritable appearance, and it will take a few days to tame it completely."

"What level of mutant beasts can Mr. Kara tame at the highest?"

"This is not certain. There are many factors that affect domestication. The alienated beast's character, preparation, whether it is hostile to humans, etc.... Each alienated beast is a different individual. Only after seeing and understanding it can you know whether it can be tamed."

Taming the alienated hen is not important, at best it is easier to pick up eggs later.

Tang Yu also hoped that Kara could tame some kind of strange beast that could act as a mount and charge the battlefield.

The pasture is very large, and the deeper you go, the more terrifying the detained beasts become.

The squadron stationed in the ranch, most of the awakened ones, stayed in the depths.

The two walked past the iron fence where the alien beasts were being held. There were birds and aquatic animals... The size of the prison cells was different, the small ones were as large as garages, and the bigger ones were comparable to a basketball court.

In addition to a feeding port for feeding the alien beasts, the interior layout of the detention room is also different according to the living environment of the alien beasts.

There are terrifying crocodile beasts, imprisoned in a watery swamp environment, with a big tail full of scales and armor flicking, and mud splashing.

In order to arrange such a ranch, Tang Yu can be described as painstaking, several expansions, manpower and material resources, and custom building renovations.

It's not just to satisfy the appetite, try to tame the exotic beasts that can be used as mounts... The existence of these exotic beasts is a huge specimen library, whether it is research or other, it is of extraordinary significance.

"Mr. Kara, what kind of exotic beast do you think can be tamed as a mount? I hope to form a cavalry, preferably more than 300 in size."

Kara looked at the east, touched the west, and soon observed the alien beasts imprisoned in the depths of the ranch.

There are a total of fifty-eight species, most of which are between the second and fifth levels of awakening, and there are only three alien beasts from the sixth level and above.

There are a lot of them, but there are not many exotic beasts that are suitable for the Awakened to ride and charge, and the strength is similar.

Kara locked down three of them.

A wolf-like beast with a larger body than a lion, its hair, edges, corners, and lines outline an explosive power and beauty, showing unparalleled domineering.

Tang Yu named this strange beast Warg, the fifth-level peak strength, and only one sample. He was very optimistic about this strange beast before, but Warg seemed extremely arrogant. When he was just caught, he showed a kind of '' Even in death, he will not eat a bite of human food'.

In the end, the warg could not resist the temptation of delicious food, but the wildness was untamed, and every time he approached it, it caused great hostility.

The second type, horse-like beasts, one circle larger than ordinary horses, with fiery red manes, fluttering like flames, very gorgeous, and their strength is awakening at the fourth level, and he was named Fiery Horse.

The third type, which is more unexpected to Tang Yu, is a kind of bird with yellow feathers, slightly larger than the laying hen Xiaohuang, with short wings and unable to fly. What is striking is that it has a slender The neck, and the legs like chicken feet, also appear to be very powerful.

This bird and beast had not been able to attract his attention before, and had not been given the opportunity to be named.

"Worgs are aggressive, and they are not weak in combat." Kara paused and continued, "If you want to be tamed as a mount, you need the knight and me to cooperate together, and the tamed wolves will obey the command. And cooperate with the knights tacitly."

"But the warg is wild, and it takes a long time to tame it."

He walked to the iron bar where the second type of alien beast was being held, "The flaming horse is relatively weak, but the horse-like alien beast is suitable for riding and is easier to tame, and it is easier for knights to match with horses."

"This kind of bird." Kara pondered for a while, "It doesn't seem to be aggressive..."

Birds with yellow feathers are somewhat similar to mutant hens, and are stronger, but unlike mutant hens, they peck wildly at the iron bars, and only make a warning sound of 'gugugu' when humans approach.

"But after observation, I found that this bird should have extraordinary jumping ability, and superior speed, explosive power, and endurance, and it is suitable as a mount for long-distance travel."

Tang Yu was also watching.

He is far inferior to Kara in his understanding of alien beasts, but his insight is not bad.

The claws of the bird have no dense hair and are gray-black. The claws and connected legs are huge and strong. If this yellow bird is about 2.8 meters tall, then its lower limbs occupy at least With a height of 1.6 meters, it is a veritable 'long legs'.

All the legs below the neck.

This appearance ensures the explosive power and bouncing power of the alien beast. As Kara said, it is suitable for almost any terrain except that it cannot fly.

It's a very good mount.

Combining the various characteristics of yellow birds, Tang Yu decided to name it Chocobo.

Warg, Flaming Horse, Chocobo, these are the three kinds of exotic beasts that Kara selected as suitable mounts.

In addition to the two flaming horses, there is only one wolf and one chocobo, which is obviously far from meeting the requirements of forming a cavalry regiment.

Tang Yu called the manager of the ranch, and after some inquiries, he quickly learned where these three strange beasts came from.

A member of the Survey Corps, who was active in the outside world, was caught by chance.

But the book in the steward's hand did not record where the three alien beasts were captured.

Frowning, Tang Yu looked at the awakened guards who were standing guard not far away and waved.

Awakened Pidianpidian came running.

"Help me call the Survey Corps...\u0026amp;%%¥# several squadron leaders."


Outside the Survey Corps, they generally operate in squadrons of twenty-five men.

The ranch steward has a record of discovering and arresting three kinds of beasts, namely the third squadron, the fifth squadron, and the twelfth squadron.

Among them, the third squadron and the twelfth squadron are not in the shelter and cannot be contacted temporarily.

The captain of the fifth squadron came quickly. He looked at the flaming horses and recalled, "We should be in the north, near the provincial border. The specific location..."

He scratched his head, obviously not sure.

Tang Yu expressed his understanding that after the end of the world, the terrain has changed a lot, the mountains are intertwined, and the lush trees cover the road. If the awakened people who go out are far away from the shelter, they will easily get lost in the wilderness with complex environment.

But the squadron leader said that the flaming horse was only caught a few days ago, and the area should not have changed much, and he could still recognize it.

"That's the case." Tang Yu pondered for a while, then looked at the squadron leader, "Bring your team members and go to the area where the flaming horses were found... Kara will also come with you."

Among the three kinds of exotic beasts, only the flaming horses were found, and two were found. It is very likely that the flaming horses had a group.

Tang Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and decided to act immediately, not to miss any chance to discover the flaming horses.

Although the flaming horse is not as powerful as a wolf, and its adaptability to the terrain is not as good as that of a chocobo, but as a horse-like beast, it is easy to tame, suitable for charging with knights, and it is enough to exert its total combat skills. The advantages.

Combat power is not important... any member of the corps can easily kill the alien beast at the peak of the fifth level.

Tang Yu, on the contrary, was most optimistic about Huo Lie Ma.

He didn't plan to give up the other two kinds of beasts... Wargs should not live alone, and Chocobos are more difficult to say, but he can't know the exact location when the third and twelfth squadrons haven't returned.

"In the future, for information about alien beasts, the location of the discovery and the details of the capture must be recorded."

After a few words, Tang Yu and Kara left the ranch.


in the mountains.

Floating craft parking platform.

Tang Yu brought Kara here, followed by the territory's force as the part-time No. 1 bodyguard "Nancy".

In order to go to the area where the flaming horse was found as soon as possible, and to facilitate the later capture and transportation of the flaming horse, he decided to dispatch a strategic-level weapon floating airship.

The sailing ship led by Mali Kingdom, transported goods to Wanghai Shelter two days ago, and has not returned due to the need to bring back the minerals, herbs and other materials obtained from the trade.

At this time, on the empty platform, the second airship "Flying Fish" and the last one, which was being assembled, were parked.

The manufacture of the three airships was completed. Most of the rare materials accumulated in the territory warehouse for several months were announced to be exhausted. Recently, the transaction list of the airships, Jingcheng, and Wanghai and other shelters focused on the manufacture of airships. Main material required.

Xie Yi and others, who are far away in the Yangtze River Delta, have already started a looting plan and have also harvested a lot of mineral materials.

Such as moire stone, black iron wood, star steel and so on.


"The Second Brigade of the Survey Corps, the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Squadrons are all assembled, please instruct the commander."

"follow me."

Sora nodded and boarded the airship.

A brigade, a total of 93 Awakeneds (the ones dug up by the Air Force Special Forces have not been filled yet), dressed in neat gear, and then boarded the boat.

Tang Yu stood at the bow of the floating airship, holding his hands, looking at the survivors and puppets who were busy like ants below.

Seeing that the crew was complete, he said lightly, "Set sail."

Captain takes command.

With a light sound of "hum", the rune formation was activated, and the floating airship slowly lifted into the air. After a while, it began to accelerate and fly towards the target position.


The white cloud was dizzy and retreated towards the rear.

The floating airship "Flying Fish" flew for about an hour and arrived at the northern part of Tiannan Province, where it borders with neighboring provinces.

After lowering the flight altitude and wandering around the surrounding area for a few laps, the twenty-odd Awakened from the Fifth Squadron lay on the edge of the deck to identify it carefully. After more than half an hour, they finally confirmed the area where they were originally active.

(still 1+1=2 chapters)

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