My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 385 Elaine Exits! (big chapter)

The strong Pingliang who shot was stunned for a moment.

Without stopping, he raised his leg and swept it out, and with this foot, it reached mid-air. Lan Qingya had already turned her body forward, and circled her arms like a knife, hitting her chest and abdomen directly.


The powerhouse Pingliang was suddenly suffocated, the surging qi and blood stagnated for a moment, the whole person's reaction became a beat slower, and the powerful blow to the leg also appeared to be slightly stiff.

Hit the valve!

Pingliang is a strong man, more than two meters tall, his arms are thick and powerful, and covered with a thick layer of cuticle, the whole person is like a human-shaped beast.

Lan Qingya, who is 1.75 meters tall, is considered tall among women. However, standing in front of the strong, the contrast is huge, her thighs are not as thick as the other's forearms, as if a giant and a weak girl are standing together.

At this time, Lan Qingya, who had succeeded in one blow, burst out with a faster speed, her hands turned into phantoms, and bang bang bang banged on the strong man.

The giant-sized powerhouse Heiliang, whether defending or attacking, couldn't keep up with Lan Qingya's speed, like a large rag doll, swaying constantly with the muffled sound of fists.


The strong man was sitting on the ground with his buttocks, and cracks like a spider web spread.

——Lan Qingya kept her hand, not against Ping Liang, but if she let go, the entire venue, and even the central building, would likely collapse because of it.

Participating in the meeting in Yangcheng, you still have to give face.

After all, they represent the image of green shade... Green shade has always been a sanctuary of civilization and friendliness.

The corners of the mouths of the other shelters twitched.

When Lan Qingya attacked, the fist style did not leak out at all, and the muffled sound was not too loud... They thought it was just a 'friendly' discussion.

But looking at the strong Pingliang sitting on the ground again, he has been beaten, and he didn't respond for a while, and the dark red blood continued to seep from the corner of his mouth... No matter how you look at it, he was seriously injured.

The other people who were standing in the way of Ping Liang hurriedly stepped forward and burst out with unreserved breath.

The entire conference room seemed to be blown by the strong wind, and the chairs slumped.

But the large-scale fighting did not break out.

The person in charge of Yangcheng, with a group of masters, stopped between the two sides.

"Stop me all!"

He looked at the flat people with a bad face, and the Qi machine had locked them away.

The powerhouses of Piraraga were even more annoyed. It was us who were clearly injured, and why were we the one who was reprimanded.

The other shelters next to it that discouraged and quelled the fighting, the one who persuaded with all his heart was also the Awakened, not the green shade, as if everything was the fault of Hirao.

——But it was them who were beaten!

Several of the strong men wailed in their hearts, but they could only support the injured Awakened and walked to the side, not daring to fry their hair again, and could only shrink in the corner honestly.

After the person in charge of Yangcheng stopped the battle, he turned to talk to Lan Qingya, Lorraine and the others.

Laughter wind.

Discriminatory treatment makes people who are peaceful in the distance turn blue and white, and feel that they have no human rights.

If the person in charge of Yangcheng knows the inner drama of Ping Liangren.

I will definitely say... Weak scum has fart human rights.

He is also a top expert at the peak of the ninth level, the one from Ping Liang, who is tall and has a tendency to mutate. As a leader, his strength may be even stronger than that of ordinary peak masters.

Even so, under the attack of the master of green shade restraining his fists, the strong man of Piraraga still seemed to have no resistance.

From start to finish, only one trait is exhibited:


Scum to burst!

Originally, it was you who caused trouble first, so it would be nice if you weren't beaten to death.

When he thought of the unbridled aura of the Awakened of Hirao, making the conference room a mess, he couldn't get out of his anger. If it wasn't for the organizer, he wanted to restrain himself.

In this case, instead of targeting you, who else could it be targeting? !

The person in charge of Yangcheng glanced at Pingliang with a bad look on his face, and knew that the truth was not that the giant of Pingliang was too weak, but that the woman in the shade was too strong.

From the beginning to the end, she performed with ease and ease, making people uncertain about her true strength and which level she entered.

Comparable to the top combat power?

Or higher?

The head of Yangcheng doesn't know that the Pingliang Giant is one of the top combat powers of the Pingliang Sanctuary, nor does he know that, in fact, Lan Qingya's awakening level is a little short of the peak of the ninth layer.

The so-called three, six, nine, etc. of the nine-level peak, one is the difference in the depth of martial arts, and the other is the difference in ability.

Known as the top combat power, many have special abilities that are good at fighting.

However, what Lan Qingya showed, regardless of strength or speed, was not a star and a half from the usual peak of the ninth level.

The boss of Yangcheng can't figure it out.

Except for a few sanctuaries such as Lindonghengcheng, which have in-depth communication with Luyin, the awakened people from other places are completely unable to understand why the gap is so huge.

They looked at the green shade leader, the brunette woman who had restrained her breath and had never made a move, was even more afraid.

The young woman who took the shot is said to be only a small leader of the intelligence department, so she is strong like this... This deputy minister, is it possible that he has broken through the boundaries of the ninth-level peak and touched the last realm of the awakening stage?

All parties are secretly thinking about paying.

The rubbish in the conference room was quickly cleaned up, and the tables and chairs were replaced with new ones. Except for the spider-web-like crack, it was impossible to see that there had been a top-level battle here.

Digressions such as transactions are quickly settled.

The meeting began to enter into the main topic, and exchanged and exchanged information on the situation of the "Xiyan Cult" from all parties.

I hope to lock down the cult's nest and destroy it in one fell swoop!


After the Yangcheng meeting, Lorraine drove the floating chariot back to the territory first, and Tang Yu quickly got the content of the meeting.

The power of large-scale shelters cannot be underestimated. Perhaps they cannot compare with the territory in terms of high-end power, but there are many talents from all walks of life.

Although the core base of the "Endless Cult" has not yet been discovered, the veil of the cult has been gradually lifted.

After listening to Lorraine's report, Tang Yu frowned, "You mean, the looting of the Pingliang Orphanage is not an exception?"

Some large shelters were tightly covered, or there was little movement caused by cults, and the local intelligence personnel were not able to get the news. It was not until the meeting that the major shelters put their territory in their own territory. Attacks, or clues to a cult, come one by one.

"Not only did they loot official orphanages, they also targeted individual children. The targets were irregular. Children suspected of being looted all had high qualifications. There were also many cases of Awakened disappearances in the wild. It's impossible to say what the cult" did. "

"In response to this, other sanctuaries speculate that the "Ending Evil Cult" is the work of one or a few strong men of the Fourth Epoch. The purpose is to improve their own strength through blood sacrifice. Awakened who have the ability to snare the eighth and ninth layers...

There is also a saying that the leader of the "Endless Cult" has obtained a powerful secret treasure. This secret treasure can capture the talents of others and improve his own qualifications... Secret treasures that can improve qualifications are bound to make many awakened masters. The rush... This kind of guess is true, but it's just a guess. "

Lorraine swept her hair at will, and her long brown hair ponytail fell to her right shoulder, making her look a little less aggressive and a little more charming and elegant.

When reporting to work, her slender legs were brought together. The black leather jacket and leather pants completely outlined her graceful figure. Her delicate body leaned forward slightly, as if she was a close-fitting little secretary.

Tang Yu expressed his respect slightly, feeling that he needed a few bottles of Nutrition Express to replenish his deficient body... It must be because he was too tired from the practice last night.

He coughed dryly.

Thinking back to before, through the bridge built by the mother and son crystal balls, I had a spiritual confrontation with the people behind the scenes.

The person behind the scenes... may not be the leader of the cult, but he must also be one of the top executives of the "End Yan cult". After a brief spiritual confrontation, Tang Yu could clearly feel the opponent's strength.

In terms of mental power, Tang Yu believes that he is no worse than the ordinary awakening stage Dzogchen - this is a solid foundation, and there are advantages brought by krypton crystal.

But on that day, even if he chose to retreat strategically, Tang Yu had to admit that the spiritual power of the person on the other end was stronger than his.

No, it is far more than him.

The two rely on the media to confront each other, and the mental power that can be input is limited. If it is replaced by face-to-face, mental power will penetrate through the body to fight, he may not be able to support for a few seconds, and his spirit will be damaged.

If it is a modern person who has obtained the secret treasure... Tang Yu has to admit that the other party is bigger than him.

If it is a person from the Fourth Epoch... Great Perfection is critical, half-step transcendent, and even...

Shaking his head, even if part of the veil of the "Cult of the End" was uncovered, he still felt mysterious.

Seeing him recovering from his meditation, Lorraine asked tentatively, "Well, can my debt be forgiven?"

Tang Yu glanced at it, "The Deputy Minister of Intelligence has a weekly salary of 3,000 yuan, and you still have 35,000 Yuan Jing in the debt you owe. Do the math yourself."

Lorraine snapped her fingers, and with her barely passing grades in the accelerated math class, she counted for about ten seconds, and her face suddenly collapsed:

"Lord Lord—"

She pretended to be pitiful.

Tang Yu was unmoved.

Which is more important, money or beauty? Of course it's money!

He glanced at his bulging chest, thinking so.


All matters concerning the "Ending Cult" are entrusted to the Intelligence Department, with the assistance of apprentices in the martial arts hall.

Tang Yu continued to be his own training house.

Staying in the training room and research room every day, drinking Fat House Happy Water (auxiliary potion), and swallowing Fat House Happy Crystal (high-purity source crystal), just one piece of Fat House Happy Rice is needed, and the three-piece set is complete.

The days of squatting in the house always pass quickly.

On the fifth day after the Yangcheng meeting, the first batch of crystal corn finally matured, Tang Yu couldn't bear to eat three bowls, and he couldn't finish his cultivation that night.

He already has twelve levels of awakening.

Under the observation of the eye of insight, the daily training speed has been increased from 5% to 8%. With sufficient supply of resources, it only takes 12 to 3 days to enter the last level of the awakening stage, and then touch the extraordinary mountain. .

Awakened people with good aptitude, even if the nutrition supply is sufficient, the daily cultivation progress is less than 1%.

Tang Yu was very satisfied with this, knowing that when Elaine and the others were cultivating, there was not such a good environment.

"Xie Yi and the others in the Yangtze River Delta have also recently occupied a source crystal mine, which happens to produce high-purity source crystals of the ice system, which will be sent to Elaine later."

The Origin Crystal Mine, the essence of the Origin Qi of Heaven and Earth, is far rarer than he imagined.

The territory continues to expand and explore outwards. Currently, only three source crystal mines are occupied, and there is even no news of other crystal mines. On the one hand, it is indeed rare, and some shelters are hidden deep.

The territory happened to be built next to the Yuanjing Mine, and Tang Yu could only sigh with emotion that his anger had exploded.

But only at the beginning...

Three source crystal mines, in the territory, produce high-purity fire source crystals, and one is in Tiannan Province, which is not far away and is difficult to mine, and produces soil source crystals - soil source crystals have little effect , None of his followers are from the earth element, and he would be reluctant to give it to others to cultivate even if it was sold at a high price.

"Maybe it can be exchanged with the power that owns the source crystal mine?"

Source crystal mines, secret realms and other secrets, as long as they are not shared by several forces, are generally well hidden... But if you have high-purity source crystals of the soil type as a stepping stone, you might be able to exchange them for other types of high-purity source crystals.

In the Yangtze River Delta, the source crystal mine just occupied by Xie Yi and others is an ice source crystal mine.

Tang Yu had already taken the "Voyage" to the Yangtze River Delta and established a sub-territory next to the Yuanjing Mine. The sub-territory of the No. 1 resource point was cancelled by him - the defensive building did not disappear because of this, but was damaged. After the maintenance, more trouble.

With the help of Yuanjing Mine and Crystal Corn, the time for Elaine to retreat and polish the bottleneck can be greatly shortened.

Bei Ting pushed it to the front desk, the martial arts master who had broken through to the extraordinary, even with his butt, he knew that there must be a lot of edible source crops and high-purity source crystals.

Maybe there are other treasures.

"However, the training room in the North Court should not be as good as mine. Although the level of making rune equipment is much higher than that of ordinary shelters, it is not comparable to those produced by Green Shade..."

These are the information that Hui Ren learned in Beiting.

The scale of the production line is already expanding, and Tang Yu plans to wait for the inventory to accumulate to a certain extent before entering the Beiting equipment market strongly.

Take this position in a short period of time.


Time is like water, the palm of your hand can only hold it for a moment.

Training room.

Tang Yu slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and ended today's practice.

Standing up, running the "eye of insight", data streams flashed across his eyes, he lowered his head and watched for a while, and the progress of his cultivation was already visible in his eyes.

Awakening Twelve 99%.

Today, I can break through the thirteenth level of awakening in one fell swoop!

Having practiced for five minutes in a row, Tang Yu walked out of the No. 2 training room, preparing to calm down for a while, then with all his strength, he rushed to the last floor in one go.

At this time, he received Lorraine's contract information.

The location of the cult headquarters has been locked!

In the mountains more than 200 kilometers away from Yangcheng... In order not to scare the snakes, the major shelters decided not to go deep into the mountains to investigate, but to directly gather teams to surround the mountains and exterminate the cult.

The time is set in two days.

"After staying at home for so long, it's time to go out and exercise, and then get the mother and daughter crystal ball..."

Tang Yu murmured.

Suddenly he turned his head and sensed a familiar aura.

Elaine, who was wearing a long light blue dress, was standing by the door. The morning sun shone on her smiling face from the window. There were two small dimples on her cheeks. Her eyes were as bright as sapphire. His lips parted slightly, as if he couldn't wait to share the joy.

Thanks to "Book Friend 20161229163750154" for the 2,000-coin reward, and "H.C.L" for the 1,000-coin reward. . .

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