My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 406 Research on Similar Techniques

"In the end, it's because my strength is improving too fast."

Tang Yu found a suitable reason for himself.

Followers like Luo Zhe, Kong and other followers, although their strength has improved rapidly after being summoned to Earth, but they have accumulated a lot of experience after all. Hands, feet, fists, or other parts, can burst out a perfect blow.

Even if you learn other combat skills, you can learn by analogy and master it very quickly.

"And I, apart from my busy daily practice work, have very little time to practice combat skills, and the number of combat skills I have mastered is too many..."

"Wait, Elaine's combat skills are not less than mine, and her strength improves faster. Before being summoned, she didn't have much accumulation..."

Tang Yu felt a critical blow and was a little breathless.

In fact, the lack of mastery of combat skills can not be regarded as a real shortcoming... More than 99.999% of the Awakened people do not know what combat skills are... In large shelters, some martial arts halls with real inheritance have only Incomplete cultivation methods, combat skills, do not exist.

But the Awakened from the Fourth Epoch mastered a lot of combat techniques/skills. Yan Dingtian has contributed more than twenty, and exchanged them into Yuanjing and other cultivation resources - Lao Yan himself has only cultivated seven or eight, these are the accumulation of Nanlin Kingdom for hundreds of years - Guling and other three major countries, at least With thousands of years of history, it has more combat techniques/skills.

At least a lot more than what he has on hand now.

The background of the territory is still not enough!

That's why Tang Yucai established the Technique Research Institute, the purpose of which is to create more techniques... As for why it is not called the Combat Technique Research Institute, compared to techniques, combat techniques are much less diverse and more difficult to study.

And spells... originally came from those who were capable.

The awakened special ability is the prototype of the spell, but they release the ability out of instinct, and they do not understand the essence of the ability.

Tang Yu felt that the most useful was not the combat-type ability, but the retrospective type, the mental domain perception type... Once you can understand the release principle of these abilities and turn them into systematic techniques, most people can learn to master them. .

The importance is self-evident!

It is also very important to improve your combat effectiveness.

In the past, his mind was all about opening and hanging, and his personal combat power was not worth mentioning compared to the development field and entering the fort mode, which made Tang Yu somewhat lazy in the study of combat techniques.

It wasn't until the last time he dealt with the cult, that he was almost turned into a Smurf by drug addicts, that Tang Yu realized that his use of combat skills was too crude!

"Shunpo" can cross a distance of 100 meters in an instant, but is this really the limit of "Shunpo"?

Obviously not.

When it comes to exerting force and the operation of Yuanjing, Tang Yu is very rough. In contrast to the mirror image that has just emerged, a large amount of data is used to simulate the scene when "Shunbu" is mastered... From exertion to instant There is little change in the entire body movement.

Less power is leaked, and the source power consumed can also be reduced accordingly.

And once you can become an expert in combat technology/skills, it will also be of great help to the advancement of your personal combat system.


The pure white space unfolds in front of the eyes, and when the "eye of insight" is opened, what you see is the continuous interweaving and spreading of lines, from lines to surfaces, and then to a three-dimensional space.

Immediately, an identical figure appeared in the distance.

This time, Tang Yu made the space of the practice field larger, with a length and width of five kilometers... It's not that he didn't want to be bigger, but the construction of the scene requires the consumption of source crystals. Consuming more than hundreds of people is a bit excessive.

The mirror image is still the same routine, the first "Shunbu", jumped over two or three hundred meters, and appeared in front of him.

The sword light of the rune long sword flickered, and the "snapshot" was ready to go.

"I can't fall in the same place twice..."

Tang Yu narrowed his eyes, kicked his right foot on the ground, and appeared in the sky a hundred meters away in a flash.


A sword light followed like a shadow, and there was a sudden pain in the heart, and the next moment, there was already that gray space in front of him.

"It turned out to be a combination of "Shunbu" + "Snapshot", although there is a blink, but it can't be a foul..."

Tang Yu muttered, his brows furrowed.

Since the mirror image can do it, in theory, he can do it himself.

Once again, Tang Yu was more cautious. Fighting was no longer the main point. Instead, he watched the movements of the mirror in the death after death. He had the "eye of insight", and he could see the general trajectory of the source of the mirror. Compared to when you use your own combat skills...



After dying twenty or thirty times, Tang Yu gradually had some ideas.

Forty or fifty times, Tang Yu was able to support the mirror for ten seconds.

A few minutes later, Tang Yu had made obvious progress.

"My original use of combat skills was too standard, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"The "Tower of Trials" I was able to reach the seventy or so floors without hanging up was purely because of my physical quality in all aspects, which was much stronger than that of the awakened people of the same level, the control of power, and Sora and others are far from being comparable. "

Not bad, but could do better.

His muscles contracted and tightened, the source force was attached to the soles of his feet, and he leaped more than 100 meters in an instant. The air was not an obstacle, and the range of motion was greatly reduced.

According to his own division of skill mastery:

Acquired, proficient, proficient, fully mastered.

Most of the skills were at the level of proficiency before, but now, the "Shunpo" move should be mastered.

The consumption is 10% or 20% lower than before, and the distance each time spans is longer. If he chased down the young patriarch of the Ghost Hand clan before, his "Shunbu" could have reached today's realm, and he wouldn't be run so far by the opponent, let alone. As for taking drugs and becoming a Smurf.


When Tang Yu achieved the achievement of "Hundred Times a Day", the newly established Magic Research Institute was also gathering people to be studied.

Elaine strolled through the still somewhat empty research institute, and some equipment was being moved to various places.

Several core employees transferred from the logistics department followed closely.

"How many capable persons are currently registered in the shelter?"

"There are a total of 782 capable people, of which 342 are from the elemental department, 121 are from the transformation department, 56 are from the spiritual department, 12 are from the solidification department, and the rest are from the special department, but some of these people are resident in other shelters. , Excluding the adventurers who went out on missions, there are less than 300 people still in the shelter."

"There are also 96 people who belong to the able people in our system."

The number of registered adventurers is increasing. There are tens of thousands of people who only count the Green Shade headquarters, but there are too few capable ones. Even the highly talented awakened ones do not possess special abilities.

‘The awakening of ability must be affected by certain factors. ’

Elaine thought to herself, and then asked again, "In the element system, which system has the most abilities?"

"It's the earth family, there are 88 people in total."

"Since this is the case, first gather all the earth-based abilities, um, release the relevant tasks in the Adventurer's Guild."

(Cold and Calvin beat me today, so emmmm...)

Thank you for the 1,000-coin reward of "Big and Small Handsome". . . .

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