In the east of Daxia, a certain area along the coast.

Two powerful Awakeners, holding sharp war knives with flaming flames attached to the knives, slashed down with one knife, breaking the flexible and smooth snake skin, and the smell of flesh filled the air.

"Huh~ I finally brought this nest of alien beast snakes, I'm exhausted."

Another person crossed the dead body of the different snake and came to the center of the snake's nest, squatted down, and carefully picked the lotus-shaped plant in the center of the snake's nest.

"The mission is completed, unfortunately, our space backpack is too small, most of these snakes have to be abandoned, unfortunately..."

He put the lotus-shaped plant into the storage box made of source crystal, and then put it into the space backpack. As soon as he stood up, a sudden coldness went straight to the sky cover along his spine.


Deadly Crisis!

In an instant, the sky seemed to have changed color, death beckoned to him, time seemed to be very slow, but his hands and feet were extremely stiff.

"Come... come... come..."

He took a step, and the source force had already contacted the city return scroll in his arms, and another Awakened also ran over with fear.

The distance between the two is not far, only a few dozen meters, but they just raised their feet, and their thinking stopped for a moment...

The pupils widened instantly, and the seven orifices bleed.

Puff, straight down.

In the sky, the three Blood Mouths were extraordinary and landed.

Just now, they used tyrannical mental force to coerce, causing the two awakened humans to instantly die.

An extraordinary spiritual force turned into a big hand, and kept groping on the two human corpses. Soon, the items in his arms, pockets, and space backpacks were poured out, and the spiritual force was lifted and suspended in the air.

"I found it, the City Return Scroll!"

He grinned, revealing sharp fangs, this is the way the bloody family often expresses their excitement and joy.

"It's a pity that there is only one. However, this also means that our plan is feasible, and a few more ambushes are enough."

"It's just that these 'high-status' Awakeners are hard to find, and it's impossible to determine in advance whether they are carrying the City Return Scroll. In order to avoid spooking the snake, it's not easy to attack... I'm afraid it will take a few more days."

He looked at the person in charge of the action, the dumb elder.

But she saw her mouth closed and her brows furrowed.

"It's not that simple." Elder Mukou recalled the details just now, "The awakened ones, Luyin, have a very keen perception of danger, and they actually sensed our sneak attack... If it wasn't for them having only one return scroll, but The two don't need to be merged, just now, they are likely to be run away by them."


"If you make another move, you may be escaped. Once you are detected, it will not be worth the loss." She said, "One City Return Scroll is enough. Since it can be used by two people, squeeze it, or three people."

"When the time comes, Elder Qikou and Elder Minkou will sneak into the green shade in disguise. Just in case, you should make preparations outside the green shade. If successful, make sure to block the escape route of several extraordinary people in the green shade. If the plan fails …”

"How could it fail...?!"

The dumb elder glanced at him, "This is the reason why you can't become an elder... Plan, always have two hands to plan, even if it fails, make sure to retreat completely, our clan can't step away from the ghost hand clan, and the white bone clan. the footsteps of.”


The time of the city-building ceremony is getting closer, and the construction of the green shade defense circle is gradually improving.

Unlike other large-scale shelters, it is built on the main body of small towns and county towns. The area is not enough, the distance between buildings and rooms is small, and the planning is very messy at first glance.

There is no way to do this. At the end of the world, it was not easy to have a shelter that could resist the tide of magic, and there was no time to plan the building neatly.

Shade is.

The original resort villa was almost completely destroyed under the magic tide, and outside the villa, large tracts of wasteland were opened up, and they were all planned in a unified manner, which made people with obsessive-compulsive disorder very comfortable to watch.

"Now the greenery is divided into two parts, the inner part and the outer part."

"The inner city area is dominated by high-end residential areas and commercial blocks. The headquarters of the well-known "Adventurer's Guild" and "Extreme Martial Arts Academy" are also in the inner city area... As for the "trading house", the entire commercial street can be Think of it as a trading line. "

"And the outer city area is currently planned to be divided into several areas, station area, industrial park, plantation, outer ring area 1, outer ring area 2, outer ring area 3 and so on."

A guide introduced.

A group of young men and women followed behind.

"What kind of building is that building with so many people coming in and out?"

One person pointed to a very conspicuous 60-meter-high building in the distance, which was as high as the city wall. Today, for safety, few buildings are built that high.

However, in the shade of greenery, within a radius of 100 kilometers, there are almost no traces of demonized beasts, no matter how high it is built, there is no problem.

The buildings in their imperial capital are taller.

The guide said, "That's the training camp, which belongs to the most important building under the "Extreme Martial Arts Hall". The reason why we have so many masters in Green Shadow is the credit of the training camp. "

The eyes of the boys and girls lit up.

The Awakeners of Green Shade have a strong combat power, which is obvious to all when they are selected for the sanctuary qualifications, and they are recognized.

But as a young genius of the ancient royal family, leapfrog battles are just basic operations.

I don't think I'm inferior.

I am also curious about whether the training camp of Green Shade is worthy of its name.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."


In the training camp, people came and went, some sweating against the training equipment, and some standing in front of the boxing machine with a solemn expression, inhaling and exhaling.

There are also many areas that are empty.

"Don't look at the number of people now. In fact, most of the awakened people in the third-level training camp are above the fourth floor. In the ordinary area, because of the price, there are more people in the first-level and second-level training camps."

"If you want to try it in the training camp, you can recharge the membership card there, or you can directly put the source crystal in the crystal input port of the equipment, and get the equipment usage time according to the energy value of the source crystal... but the fourth floor The above advanced training area, only members can enter."

Before the guide could finish speaking, the leading young man came to the front desk for recharging. After some operations, he applied for thirteen membership cards.

"Here, one per person, I have charged each of them a thousand source crystals, and you can spend whatever you want." The handsomely dressed young man asked the people around him to hand out twelve cards, but he didn't put the recharged source crystals at all. in the eyes.

The guide gave him another look in surprise.

Thirteen cards add up to more than 10,000 source crystals, which is a considerable amount, but they recharge directly without knowing much about the training camp.

It should be someone with some background.

He secretly paid, but he was only surprised. As a senior guide, he has been working in Green Shadow for more than three months. What kind of big man has not seen?

The guide quickly performed his duties, introducing the surrounding training equipment.

"This is a boxing test machine. There is a speed test track over there. It looks like a crystal ball. There are two pillars next to it. It is a source power measuring instrument... These are commonly used machines to test various indicators of awakened people."

"This little machine..." A teenager walked up to the boxing test machine and touched it. It was cold, and reflected a shiny metallic luster under the light.

He bent his finger again and flicked it lightly.


There was only a low muffled sound, and there was no trace on the metal surface.

But the young man was still not at ease. "This... can really withstand the full blow of any Awakened? We don't need to compensate for the damage, right?"

"No~ of course not, not only that, the training camp has also stated that as long as the strength is in the awakening stage, anyone who can beat this third-level boxing test machine will receive a gift bag worth 100,000 Yuan Crystals. "

The guide smiled, "At first, there were many people who tried it, but none of them succeeded. I still don't know the limits of the boxing test machine. Gradually, no one tried to get the reward."

The eyes of these boys and girls lit up.

One hundred thousand source crystals! For most of them, it's a lot of money.

Even the head boy, the grandson of the patriarch of the ancient imperial clan, couldn't help but take a few more glances. Not to mention the 100,000 source crystals, if you can destroy this machine, it will be a very face-to-face thing!

They are gearing up.

One of them came to the boxing test machine first, took out his membership card and swiped it. Immediately, the whole test machine, including the floor, lit up.

"Please leave the test area with others, and the tester is standing in front, ready to start the test."

The mechanical sound rang.

The young man's eyes narrowed, his aura rose, an invisible storm swept around, and his clothes rattled.


His body tensed instantly, his right foot slammed on the ground, and the force passed through his waist to his arms, and his muscles suddenly bulged in a circle.

The fist is like a cannonball, blasting straight out!

hum! ! !

The strong force penetrated the air, causing a circle of substantial ripples, like a hurricane, woohoo~ A strong wind mass blew onto the transparent crystal wall around the testing machine, but it disappeared in an instant.

The fist target with the size of the grinding disc trembled.

On the test machine, the numbers displayed on the crystal screen jumped rapidly and kept rising.

1000, 3000, 1W, 3W, 5W…

Finally stopped at the figure of 56467kg.

The teenager spit out a mouthful of white training, not sure whether the numbers are good or bad, but this boxing test machine is obviously intact, and it doesn't look damaged at all.

"Come on for me!"


The numbers jumped and stopped at 44789kg.



The last one to play was the grandson of the patriarch. The sonic boom cloud generated when he punched his fist made the entire test area blurred.

The final number on the display is 101123kg.

The guide looked at these people and was amazed at the bottom of his heart. In terms of grades, among the people who were tested in the past, they were all in the forefront, especially the last teenager.

However, these young girls from the ancient royal family were extremely frustrated.

As geniuses of the royal family, they are the leaders of the same rank. Their strength is in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh layers, and their combat power is enough to kill ordinary people. Now, they even have a small boxing test. The machine can't be broken.

For a while, I could not help but doubt myself.

Seeing this, the guide comforted, "It's normal that you can't beat it. Your strength is already very strong, and your results are enough to rank in the top 100."

He was referring to the last teenager.

However, it's okay not to be comforted. As soon as the guide said it, the geniuses of Guling were even more frustrated, "I... are we only in the top 100?"


Approaching the city building ceremony, representatives of some forces have arrived in the green shade ahead of schedule.

Most of them are shelters in Tiannan Province, some come to the high-level, and some are the director of the shelter in person.

A convoy drove in, and the carriage was full of congratulatory gifts.

"It's Jinghu's team, wow, two carts of gifts."

"What are two trucks, look, Jingcheng's team, ten trucks, I'm a good boy, why are they so rich, can't they give us the poor equally!"

"Luoxia from East China Sea came so early, I know that person, the No. 1 boss of Luoxia Sanctuary. I heard that Luoxia ranks in the top five in our Daxia Country's Sanctuary. The guys actually came in person."

"Not only Luoxia, I heard that Beiting was also invited. After a while, I might be able to see Beiting's motorcade."

Survivors were talking.

The convoys from various forces are not low-key at all, congratulating the green city for building the city, congratulating the establishment of the defense circle, and even the boxes of gifts that were sent were removed from the car in front of the survivors - of course not open directly.

It was almost as if a banner was placed directly on the team with the words "Congratulations to Luyin****" and the like.

Looking a little unpretentious.

But it is not difficult to understand.

Most of these shelters in Tiannan Province rely on greenery.

The production of rune equipment is limited, and there is not much performance. How can you get good goods from Luyin?

Make a good relationship in advance. If the shelter encounters a crisis one day, you can still get support from the green shade. At the critical moment, you can save the shelter and save your life.

Licking may not have it, but not licking has nothing.

More than a dozen high-level officials and directors of the shelter came in person, and for a while, the green shade was soaring, and those awakened people who had just arrived at the green shade were shocked.

This influence is really not easy~

Some caring people are more aware that at this moment, there are still a few days before the city building ceremony, and the real heavyweight forces have not yet appeared.

The ten holy places, Guling, Beiting, etc., may have one or two top forces, who will participate in the ceremony of green shade.


All invitation letters have been distributed, and the remaining nine top forces have already indicated that they will send people to congratulate them.

The North Court, where the communication is relatively close, already had a team arriving in the green shade yesterday.

However, it is relatively low-key. The main purpose of this team is to trade supplies with Luyin. The official visiting team will be in a few days.

Tang Yu mobilized the crystal ball to observe the various situations in the territory. The team of the ancient royal family, including some spies from the top forces, appeared to arrive in a few days, but secretly, there were already some people. Enter the shade exploration ahead of time.

He doesn't care either. Now he has enough confidence, whether it is against malicious forces or aliens, he has the means to protect himself and even counterattack.

Only order the Awakened of the garrison corps to make more inspections these days, and also let the Intelligence Department keep an eye on some malicious Awakened.

A batch of labor can be added to the mine at any time.

The time is approaching, and there are only three days left until the city-building ceremony. These days, convoys of foreign forces have arrived one after another.

Survivors went from shock to numbness.

The most excited are the editors and reporters of "Green Shadow Daily", "Adventurer", etc. The sales of various newspapers have increased significantly, and they are also sold in other places.


A behemoth appeared from the end of the sky. In the blink of an eye, it had already reached the green shade, slowed down, and landed slowly.

"That's... Floating craft? Why doesn't it look like it?"

The dark blue flying boat fell slowly, but several figures in white robes flew down from the sky in a dashing manner before the flying boat landed.

A few knowledgeable masters thought for a while with their brows furrowed, looking at the airships with different paints and no flight numbers in the sky, and suddenly blurted out, "That's the "Mage Alliance" floater, "The Mage Alliance" "Here too! ! ! "

Thanks for the 500 coin reward for "operating", and the 500 coin reward for "Yanxi Lake Mode". . .

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