The flying demonized beasts that emerged from the cracks in the abyss attacked the floating island from all directions, and the front was drawn very long.

At this time, Tang Yu had returned to the territorial castle, and with the help of the "observation crystal ball", he could control the situation in each area globally.

He also saw a few red dots that were obviously larger in circles on the map.

As soon as the crystal ball screen switched, a few ugly fish faces with pustules came into view, and he almost spit out the food in his mouth while he was watching while eating snacks.

"Speaking of which, it's the first time I've seen aliens emerge from the abyss cracks. I was all ready to suppress it..."

It is impossible for him to sit back and watch the awakened people of the garrison corps be killed by the transcendent alien race, but he did not expect these alien races to be so hot.

In the future, a monument will be erected for them. It doesn't matter if they don't have a name. An anonymous person who has made great contributions to the development of Greenery can be written.

Tang Yu took the initiative to take over the defensive buildings near the Alien Extraordinary, and personally tested the impact of the "space belt" on the Interracial Extraordinary.


"There's a problem with space here!"

After all, Fumide was a genius in the clan, and he quickly figured out the problem.

He became more and more suspicious.

Today's Origin Star human beings are very weak, most of their inheritance has been lost, and there are not many extraordinary people, far less than the extraordinary number of alien races. If it weren't for the treasures left by many aliens who plundered the Origin Star's glorious period, there would be no room for human beings.

Ordinary human forces, in front of him, should be easily destroyed.

But why?

This place in front of me can only be regarded as a middle-class human force, how can such a clever space formation be arranged?

Fumi felt faintly that something was wrong. Could it be that he had missed some information?

he thought,


The hot fireball flew from a distance, the air distorted, and Fumi snorted coldly and punched out.


The fist strength and the fireball collided in the air and exploded like fireworks.

This seemed to be the signal to start, with more and more attacks coming from all directions.

Fumi didn't think about it anymore, and while approaching the floating island, he fought back.

Several senior extraordinary clansmen around him also shot.


Fu Mi Ren dodged and appeared in front of an artillery piece. The three-pronged divine soldier smashed down, and with a sound of explosion, the entire artillery piece, together with the boulder that was only a few square meters below, were smashed into pieces.

Countless parts and rubble were scattered.

He snorted coldly, "It's vulnerable."

Whoosh whoosh—

Several rune arrows shot from all angles, and he picked up the three-pronged magic weapon, one of the arrows was smashed, and the other turned sideways, easily avoiding the others.

Looking in one direction, the surging source force blasted out, blowing up a black tower.


After a few minutes of fighting, Fumitai gradually explored some of the laws of the space he was born in.

- The actual distance is magnified!

He looked at two black towers in the distance, one was 500 meters away, and the other was 800 meters away, all of which seemed to be within the range that he could destroy with a wave of his hand.

But in fact, Fumi knew that he could only destroy the tower that was 500 meters away, and the one that was 800 meters away, under the influence of the strange space, was likely to be more than 8,000 meters away.

The weirdness of the space caused him a lot of trouble. He needed to judge the actual distance between himself and the human defense building based on perception and experience.

But it's just a waste of time!

Human defense buildings, in the face of ordinary extraordinary, can still have some threats, but he is also a leader among senior extraordinary.

Whether it is the reaction power, the extraordinary force field, or the physical constitution, they are all extraordinary and extraordinary.

Even if he was accidentally hit, he would suffer some minor injuries at most.


There is no reason why he can't win a gathering place of two million people!


Fu Mi Ren suddenly changed color, and the extraordinary force field tried his best to control his body to move sideways. In an instant, a thick blue-purple beam of light flew past him.

He felt threatened with death.

How could human beings have such terrifying defensive structures?

He didn't have time to think about it, the rune arrows, fiery fireballs, spell missiles and other attacks came from all directions.

more dense!

Even if it was him, he couldn't avoid all attacks, and he had to be wary of the blue-violet beam of light that could pose a fatal threat to him.

Boom boom boom!

The huge fireball slammed on him, breaking the extraordinary force field, leaving some black marks on Fumit's body.

Suddenly, another blue-purple beam of light came. With the prepared Fumiji, he avoided it again. A fellow clan next to him was on the same line, hit by the beam of light, and his entire body vaporized and disappeared.

He was starting to feel frightened.

"No, it's not right, even if this human gathering place is not extraordinary, it is impossible to break through this gathering place only with the space formation, and that terrifying blue-purple light beam, a dozen extraordinary people attack together!

In such a terrifying place, it can only be regarded as a medium and high-level force on the Origin Star?

What a joke! "

The towering floating island,

weird space,

Outside the just-created abyss crack, there were already ethnic soldiers on standby.

It was more as if there were a pair of big hands behind the scenes, manipulating the defensive buildings and putting pressure on him little by little.

Fu Mi Ren finally found out what was wrong with him all along!

"Get out, this is a trap!"

he shouted,

But he has been rushing towards the floating island before, and even if he wants to escape at this time, he will not be able to do it for a while.

After two seconds,

The second of the same clan has fallen.

Ten seconds later, there was only one person left.

At the same time, three blue-purple light beams shot towards him, making him more sure of his guess!

The cunning human beings must lead him into the abyss step by step in order to wipe them out!

Tang Yu looked at the picture in the crystal ball and pouted.

"There are still some not enough rushing feet..."

Suddenly he opened his eyes wide, and in the picture, the last Alien Extraordinary was all over his body, the space was distorted, and gray winds came suddenly.


Winds of Oblivion!


Fu Mi Ren's eyes were red, and at this moment, several Origin Power cores in his body that had a faint tendency to fuse were completely fused.

Fumi knew clearly,

At present, the preparations are not sufficient, and the probability of failure to break through is not small.

But he also knows that only by breaking through to the second-order transcendent can he win that ray of life!

Winds of annihilation with an aura of destruction appeared around Fumi, wrapping him into a spherical shape. Although it was far less powerful than Nancy's breakthrough, it also distorted the surrounding space, and small cracks appeared. , and healed quickly.

Countless arrows and spells slammed into Fumi's, and when they were approaching, they disintegrated into the most primitive particles.

This is the power of law!

The wind of annihilation is the law that comes between heaven and earth when breaking through to the second-order supernatural, far from being able to break through with some energy attacks.

Tang Yu didn't care, just stared at the space crack that was constantly being created and repaired, and he was relieved.

Obviously, when the space is split, the "space belt" he arranged is still intact.

This is enough!

After counting the interest,

The wind of annihilation gradually disappeared, revealing the figure of Fu Mi Ren within.

The breath is more than ten times more tyrannical than before.

Part of the body that was destroyed under the wind of annihilation is also being repaired quickly.

"Hahaha... uh."

Fumi laughed, but stopped abruptly.

His line of sight was filled with blue-purple light, and a beam of light that was countless times thicker than before penetrated him.

The beam of light lasted for more than ten seconds, and the "primary immortal body", Fu Mi Ren, was just born.

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