Time goes back to two minutes ago,

The giant frog, whose jaw was pierced, and whose breath completely disappeared, stood with a weak girl with a lot of blood stains on her body. The very impactful picture made Wang De and the others unable to return to their senses for a long time.

"Cough, cough."

It was the shield-wielding awakener who was not lightly injured who coughed up blood and woke everyone up.

Wang De called the medical team of the Thirteenth Bureau, but he was not too worried. With the vitality of their awakened people, as long as they were not dying, most of them could be rescued.

And all of this comes down to the girl in front of him.

In addition to thanking them, they were also curious, where did such a fierce man come from?

How come there has never been news of this master?

The woman in her twenties in the four-member team quickly became acquainted with Shang Gong Ling.

Shang Gong Ling learned a lot about the Awakened Circle, the Thirteenth Game, and the Black Seam from them.

"Black seam?"

"Yes, according to scientists' analysis, that is an unstable space crack that connects to another world. The black seam appears irregularly, and most of them only last for a short time, but there are often all kinds of alien beasts from the black seam. Run across.

And our Thirteenth Bureau is a department that specializes in dealing with this type of incident.

Originally, black slits were not common, but in recent months, the frequency of black slits seems to be getting higher and higher. "

The woman who wiped her swords sighed.

They are no longer weak in the Awakened circle. Captain Wang De is even more of a master. However, in the face of alien beasts, they are still very weak most of the time.

Just like today, a triple giant frog almost wiped them out.

She talked about some common sense in the circle of awakened people, and she also knew that Shang Gongling was a complete newbie in their circle, and I was afraid that even other awakened people had not dealt much with them.

She asked curiously, "Xiao Ling, how long have you been awake? Uh, if you don't want to, you don't have to answer."

Kamiya Ling stretched out a finger.

She has realized that the speed of her strength improvement seems to be a little faster?

These seniors are really... ordinary.

In order not to be shocking, in order not to attack these seniors, Shang Gongling planned to say that she had awakened for a month.

But the words haven't come out yet.

The woman with two swords exclaimed, "One year, you have awakened twice within a year, reaching the second level of strength, and you also have the strength to kill the triple-level alien beast...

Xiaoling, you are a real genius! "

Shang Gong Ling looked at the four people who were full of amazement, a little dazed.

It turns out that it takes a year to have a double strength?

Why is it a little different from the cultivator world you imagined?

She asked cautiously, "Sister Lin, how long have you been awake?"

A flash of memory flashed in the eyes of the woman with two swords, "I first woke up more than two years ago, and then joined the thirteenth round, and after a period of training, I started the mission, about nine months ago, in a dangerous mission. , Two of my teammates were killed by alien beasts, at that time, grief and despair made me awaken again and stepped into the second level."

"I am the fastest among them. In the thirteenth round, there are many people who awakened five or six years ago and are still staying at the first level, and there are more unofficial first-level awakeners.

And like our captain, he has awakened three times, which is rare in thirteen rounds, and belongs to the first-class masters. "

Speaking of these two swords, the woman suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The girl in front of her has only been awakened for a year, but she is stronger than the captain, and she is a well-deserved master!

However, as a senior, the Shuangjian woman still has something to say, "Although you are a genius, Xiaoling, remember that you can't be complacent. As far as I know, in our Anhu branch, there is a senior who once awakened within a year. Three times, now, that senior is already a giant."

Kamiya Ling nodded blankly.

is that so?

But I just woke up today.

Even the master said that my talent was mediocre.

and also,

Isn't it possible to break through just by cultivating?

Isn't it a simple, common thing to do?

Although Kamiya Ling is simple, she is keenly aware that things are not simple.

She may not be the same as these people.

She didn't tell the cultivation method, but asked the "common sense" of the awakened circle, sentence by sentence.


With a bang, a high-rise building in a building not far away collapsed, waking everyone up.

"Why, how are you fat four?!"

Wang De's teeth chattered.

Not only the building collapsed, but he felt a terrifying aura rising from the ruins of the collapsed building.

"Black and black seams appear again!"

Shang Gongling also noticed it, and her face turned pale.

The intensity of that breath was similar to that of the giant wolf in the morning, and it was undoubtedly the fifth awakening.

However, more than one!

A rustling voice sounded.

In front of several people,

Huge scorpions with a length of three or four meters, wrapped in black carapaces, opened the ruins and climbed out, their tails with venomous thorns swaying, exuding a dignified cold light.

Wang De's face was full of despair, "Scorpions, with poison, are very difficult alien beasts!"

Of course, even an ordinary, awakened five-layer alien beast would be enough to destroy them.

When you think about it, there is no difference.

Several huge scorpions approached, and the pressure of the breath became heavier and heavier. Wang De, who retrieved the spear, held it tightly.

He turned on the communicator equipped with the Thirteenth Bureau and shouted hoarsely:

"S-level disaster, the construction site in Chaoxia District is an S-level disaster, the army needs to be dispatched as soon as possible! Repeat, the army needs to be dispatched as soon as possible!"


As far as the eye can see, there are more than eight giant scorpions of five layers. Under the collapsed building, there may be an unknown threat. This level, unless the giants of the thirteenth round are dispatched, it is possible to solve it.

However, apart from sitting in the General Administration and a few special locations, the giants are hardly seen on weekdays, and it is also helpless to use heavy firepower to besiege them.


If the giant scorpion only stays in the construction site, it can be solved at a relatively low cost. If the giant scorpion rushed into the downtown area before the arrival of the army, then...

Wang De couldn't imagine it.

At that time, not only will there be heavy casualties, but the existence of alien beasts and black seams will also be hidden.

"Everyone, until now, we can only fight to the death."

The shadow flashed, and the stinger tail swung like a whip.

When Wang De came to his senses, the pointed stinger had almost reached his face, and a terrifying death threat loomed over him.

It was only then that he realized that even fighting to the death was an extravagant hope.

It's just a pity that the talented girl also died here.



A red light beam swept across, and the tail pierced by the giant scorpion was directly cut, and hot smoke was still coming from the fracture.

A burly figure appeared in front of him and punched out.

The huge scorpion's carapace shattered, and the entire body flew out more than ten meters.

The power of a punch is as terrifying as...

Wang De's eyes widened, looking at the strong man in front of him, showing a look of surprise, "Deputy, Deputy Director, why are you here!"

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