My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 769 Cross-border giving away, the more the better (5000-character chapter)

Time flies, it's a month,

The reincarnation movement has gradually grown, and now it is a behemoth. More than ten large cities have been destroyed, and one is one of the top ten cities.

The background and laws of the wasteland world, there is no shortage of extraordinary ranks outside the city. After the reincarnators began to exert their strength, using various secret methods as bait, they gradually gathered a group of wandering extraordinary.

Even shouted the slogan "Rebuild the world", but there was a group of fanatical supporters.

It has become a major concern for countless cities in the wasteland world.

However, the reincarnations such as Black Crow looked gloomy.

It's been a whole month, but the harvest is very small.

The destroyed cities, including the super city, have no real protagonists.

Du Ming, who had already been identified as the protagonist, was guarded by a master. Longmen joined two other super cities to watch each other in a triangle. They attacked several times to no avail.

The Luyin Group is also evil, and they also have the extraordinary second-order with good combat power, and they attacked a lot of extraordinary orders in it.

On the rooftop of the high-rise buildings in the ruins of Dujiang City, the reincarnation team of five gathered.

"Tomorrow, dispatch all forces to attack Longmen, and I will also go."

The four members of the Samsara team are all extraordinary second-order peaks, and only the captain is third-order peaks, but he is a third-order peak who has not yet understood the law. He has been greatly suppressed in this world, and has not fully recovered so far. The other four were two or three times stronger.

"Captain, don't you want to wait until you are back in full swing?" They also knew that once they were injured under pressure, it would be more difficult to recover.


The captain picked up the reincarnation cube hanging on his chest, "Our task is to destroy the ten super cities in this world and the three world protagonists. Before the time limit of the first stage arrives, we need to achieve 30% of the task completion. And now... we've only destroyed one megacity."

Three world protagonists are more important than ten super cities.

A protagonist accounts for 20% of the data, while a super city only accounts for 3%, and the rest of the world adds up to the final 10%.

"In eight days, the time limit for the first stage will come. Even if I give a few more days, I won't be able to recover much of my combat power. It's better to give it a shot..."


Longmen, a super city, looks at some scrapped high-rise buildings in the outer city, and the ground is full of mottled and burnt marks of swords.

Those were the traces left after several battles.

"They're here!"

I saw more than 20 extraordinary flying in the distance, and the soldiers guarding the border sounded the alarm.

Immediately, Longmen Extraordinary flew out. They already had experience and tried their best to push the battlefield outside the city.

In the city, there are also awakened people who scan every inch of the land, preventing the reincarnation movement from blooming directly in the city.

Longmen Extraordinary and Samsara Sports Extraordinary fought, and from the other two directions, twenty or thirty Extraordinary people flew each other.

The extraordinary ranks of the three super cities add up to nearly 100, and there are also eight or nine extraordinary second ranks, which crush the reincarnation movement in number.

But in fact……

The second-order leader of the reincarnation movement can hold six or seven extraordinary second-orders alone, and the remaining one has to rely on Master Tang and the rest of the second-order to join forces to compete.

"No, the four leaders of the reincarnation movement are here today, and there is also a big leader who has never shot!"

Captain of the reincarnation, one divided into two or two divided into four. In addition to not resisting, each energy separation has his 70 % combat power. network.

In less than three minutes, several extraordinary people fell on the Longmen side, and the rest were injured.

At this time,

A large number of extraordinary breaths appeared from the rear, led by four extraordinary second-orders including Gong Ling, and a melee started.

The reincarnation team didn't care.

Luyin Group and Longmen joined forces, as they expected, however, why did Luyin Group emerge from a powerhouse they did not know?

They looked at Gong Ling. Behind her, there was a phantom of a pendulum swinging constantly. Every time they shook, their movements slowed down a bit. A reincarnator was chopped into several pieces in the blink of an eye. To be pale.

"Time-based ability!"

"The protagonist, it must be another protagonist!"

The reincarnations are happy and sad.

The joy is that the identity of a protagonist has finally been confirmed, but the worry is that they seem to be unable to fight.

five minutes later,

The Samsara Squad determined that they were really… unbeatable.

In an instant, the five turned into streamers and escaped in five directions.

The extraordinary people of the reincarnation movement were abandoned, and they fell one by one in the blink of an eye.

There are even more powerful people such as Luyin Group and Longmen, who chose two or three directions and chased away.


That night,

outside the wilderness,

Several people in the reincarnation team contacted through a special method and reunited again.

At first glance, there are only three people.

Captain, Black Crow, and another reincarnator.

"The two of them are not good at escaping, so I'm afraid they won't be able to come," the captain said.

"What do we do now?"

"You can only give up the mission and ask the hall master for help."

There are three supreme gods and ten palace masters in the Hall of Reincarnation. According to the geographical division, they belong to one of the hall masters, 'King Monroe'.

With their level, they are not qualified to see the palace master, but they can ask for help through the system of the Temple of Reincarnation.

The reinforcements sent will be the lineage of the 'Monroe Hall' hall master.

A light curtain that only reincarnators can see unfolded, and the reincarnation team leader submitted the information after thinking.

Although he gave up the mission, he did not give up directly and accepted the punishment, but submitted a lot of information about this world.

and my own guesses,

For example, two 'protagonists' who have identified their identities, such as deeper speculation about this world.


In the unexplored space-time dimension, there is a majestic figure shuttle in the long river of void.


With a flip of his palm, countless psychedelic particles converged into a more advanced and mysterious reincarnation cube.

"An advanced world, mission failed?"

The Temple of Reincarnation has sent countless reincarnators into the world to steal the origin of the world, some of which are advanced worlds.

The mission of the first batch of reincarnators failed. According to the process, the second and third batch of stronger reincarnators will be delivered. A mere failure of a mission will not alarm him.

As King Monroe, one of the masters of the Ten Directions Palace, his eyes have long been directed to a higher level.

A high-level world can plunder a lot of world origins, but it doesn't help him much.

"Huh? The world is upgraded?"

The hall master continued to look.

The wasteland world is a world that has only been extraordinary for hundreds of years, but there have been many extraordinary second-orders. Previously, intelligence believed that it was related to the rules of the world.

But at the moment, it may be inseparable from the upgrading of the world.

In a world that is in the process of upgrading, there are many heroes, and in addition to the protagonist of the world, there are also many supporting roles that cannot be ignored.

And the intelligence shows that there are local natives who can compete with the same-level reincarnations—even if there is a reason why the reincarnators are suppressed by the world, a native can have such combat power, and it is normal to be the protagonist.

In the information provided by the reincarnation captain, there are at least five such natives.

As for the two protagonists, one has an extremely rare time-related ability... As a king in the Holy Order, King Monroe knows better than ordinary reincarnations what time-related ability means.

The other protagonist, although he was only an ordinary Thunder-type ability, improved very quickly. After being hunted by them, he went from the ordinary extraordinary realm to the triple-core senior extraordinary realm in less than a month.

too fast!

Even those ordinary extraordinary second-order combat powers are rapidly increasing.

Regarding the 'world upgrade', the reincarnation team leader is only guessing, and his confidence is very low. He wants to take a gamble. If he succeeds, the mission may not have a chance to turn around. If he fails, he is just accepting punishment.

In the eyes of King Monroe, he is 80% sure that the world is upgraded!

"It was quiet for a period of time hundreds of years ago, and now the recovery of Origin Qi is also in line with the common phenomenon of world upgrading."

"It may also be stimulated by reincarnators, and the world's upgrading will accelerate."

As the world is upgraded, the strength of the native indigenous people will go against common sense. In this case, according to the original process, the second and third batches of reincarnations are put in, and the mission is very likely to fail.

Stronger reincarnators must be cast.

King Monroe himself became interested.

Of course, not in person, but staring at him. After all, the promotion of a high-level world is a top-level world, and a top-level world can already give birth to some treasures that are useful to him.

"However, this world is still being upgraded, and I have the coordinates of a real top world in my hands."

It is the only top-level world in the region he is in charge of.

Still a peak team, discovered by accident.


"The intelligence I submitted was judged to be five-star intelligence! The mission punishment has also been cancelled!"

The reincarnation squad leader couldn't hold back his excitement.

Intelligence is king in the Hall of Reincarnation. They have repeatedly failed in this world, but they have suffered from insufficient intelligence. The extraordinary progress of the indigenous people, and the unknown powerhouses are much more than they expected.

But the captain never thought that the information of his own Xia Ji's eight guesses could be worth five stars!

Why is he so strong?

It turns out that he is good at intelligence analysis!

Providing information has merit, but the failure of the mission is attributed to force majeure. Not only is there no punishment, but as long as they can assist the reinforcements in completing the mission in the follow-up operations, they can also get a reward.

"Captain, where are the reinforcements?"

"Let's see, oh... The palace master actually assigned three peak teams."

The worst of the peak team is the super three peak, which he throws belongs to the bottom level.

"The mission requires us to find a hidden place as soon as possible, so that the reincarnators of the peak team can come and pass the initial period of weakness."

"Simple, this is a wasteland world, and most places are deserted."

"Well, though, we'd better stay away from super cities and the Calamity Rift."


Longmen, Tang Yu is guiding the protagonist Du Ming to practice.

He provided a training method of the thunder attribute.

Du Ming had already stepped into the transcendent for a while, and he had accumulated enough. With a clever cultivation method, his realm would naturally rise.

How can the reincarnation know.

Longmen, as well as the extraordinary second-order of the other two super cities, also practiced some of the cultivation methods provided by Tang Yu, which were many times more advanced than what they had specialized in.

Moreover, the cultivation methods are more in line with the original system of the wasteland world, and there is no difference in the battle.

Before giving them practice, Tang Yu asked them to sign a confidentiality contract - it was only forbidden to spread the practice method, it could not be mentioned, and it was not a contract of betrayal.

The subordinates don't even know that their boss has revised the cultivation method. They only feel that in the battle of the same reincarnation movement, the top powerhouses are making rapid progress and their combat power is rising.

The reincarnators don't even know.

"Huh?" Tang Yu glanced at the contract connection in his mind, and his consciousness descended into a clone in the Great Rift Valley of Calamity.

Open your eyes and find the bamboo rat chestnut.

"Has there been any action in the Hall of Reincarnation?"

She nodded.

Previously, of the five reincarnators, he killed two and let go three.

Outside the black crow, the leader of the reincarnation team and another reincarnator were both searched for their memories by the bamboo squirrel, and planted spiritual hints.

When a certain condition is met, the mental cue will be triggered.

The Samsara Cube itself does not have intelligence and discrimination ability, and only can be used by himself, so Tang Yu did not choose to disguise, but to control.

The minds of the two transcendent second-order reincarnations have been penetrated, and Bamboo Squirrel can be completely controlled with just one thought.

The transcendent third-order reincarnation cannot be completely controlled, but with the help of the holy artifact, many of his thoughts are unknowingly controlled.

The three reincarnations who had just chosen the hiding place, in a trance, passed the news in different ways.

After confirming the location, Tang Yu ran first.

He didn't dare to approach, the reincarnator in the awake state was still the enemy, but he built a sub-territory dozens of miles away from the hidden location, and consumed the energy value to spread the territory in that direction.

After dozens of minutes, the territory in a line extended to the hidden place, slowly expanding.

Tang Yu set a prompt tone.

the next day,

beep beep-

The voice sounded in his mind. He found the sub-territory and saw that there were only three red dots, but at this time, there were fourteen red dots.

Eleven more reincarnators.

Tang Yu zoomed in on the territory, and he could see that the red dots representing reincarnators were somewhat illusory.

Like two concentric circles superimposed on each other, the inner one is solid and the outer one is hollow.

The hollow red dot is much larger than the first three reincarnators, but the solid area of ​​the red dot is very small.

"They have just arrived and are suppressed by the world. The hollow is their combat power in their heyday, and the solid is their current combat power."

Only in the early stage of the second order, the rules of this world are weird, and the degree of suppression is stronger than that of the earth.

It's an opportunity!

He immediately found Bamboo Squirrel, "Xiao Li, let's go!"

Bamboo Shushu was also eager to try. In order to be safe, in addition to Bamboo Shushu and himself, there were Xie Yi and Lorraine... But Tang Yu always felt that the two of them wanted to watch the fun.

Arrived through the teleportation array, and several of them approached with a hidden breath.

Except for the first three reincarnations, the other reincarnations are all running secret methods at this time to resolve the world's oppression.

Bamboo Squirrel immediately cast an illusion.

Black Crow and other three reincarnators, whose minds have been penetrated, were instantly affected by illusions.

Of the other eleven reincarnations, three of them are extraordinary third-order invincibles.

In its heyday, it is quite difficult for Bamboo Squirrel to beat any one in a duel, but at this moment, the suppression of the world is all-round.

Body, source, spirit, soul!

Even if it is the extraordinary second-order with the ability to regenerate from a drop of blood, if it is suppressed to the first-order level, its ability is at most the regeneration of broken arms.

A group of peak powerhouses and invincible powerhouses fell into the illusion without even noticing it.

Bamboo rat chestnut did the same, breaking through their spiritual defenses and planting spiritual hints.

The hints planted when they were weak, even if they recovered to become invincible strong in the future, it would be difficult to detect.

Of course, there is still a little bit of risk.

"Screen and mark the strong ones who are good at spirit among them."

Among the eleven reincarnations, three are good at spirit, but do not have avatars.

They are good at mind power, good at mental piercing, and good at perception.

Tang Yu pinched these three to death, and used him to spend a lot of resources to replace them with the 'Spy Type 1' clone he developed recently to simulate their breath. As for the means he is good at? The knowledgeable Tang lord also knew a little.

In addition, the spiritual hint of bamboo rat chestnut is concealed, which completes the last bit of dissonance.

The only flaw is that the reincarnation cube can't be used, and he can't crack it.

Three invincible powerhouses, one is good at the physical body, the other is good at bombing, and the other is good at marksmanship.

Tang Yu took advantage of the situation and killed two invincible powerhouses - by no means easy to squeeze - leaving only the one who was good at the physical body but not very mentally strong.

"It's done, let's get to work."

They come quietly and go away quietly, not taking a cloud with them.


Time flies by two months.

In two months, the reincarnation movement completely disappeared, as if the previous battle was defeated and the reincarnation movement completely fell apart.

Many cities on the mainland are relieved, but the cities such as Longmen and the Samsara Movement have had a head-to-head confrontation. They do not think that the Samsara Movement will be disbanded, and they must still be conspiring in secret.

It's good to be vigilant...

Tang Yu is also worried that the three combined super cities will be separated when the situation improves - in his script, supporting roles are indispensable.

On the territory map, the solid red dots representing the reincarnators have grown a lot. From the perspective of size, some reincarnations have already crossed the threshold of the third-order.

"It's time to act."

The reincarnator is more capable than he imagined, and he may not be able to wait that long until he reaches the elite-level combat power and the peak-level combat power.

For two months, both the Green Shadow Group and the super cities such as Longmen have been searching for the traces of several leaders of the Samsara Movement, and 'accidentally' found that it was unexpected and reasonable.

Combined with several super cities, a total of more than 30 extraordinary second-orders, slammed into the hidden hill.


Reincarnation is not panic.

They already have several Tier 3 battle strengths, and the natives, even if there are a lot more Tier 2s, are only Tier 2... Wait, did the protagonist already have Tier 3 battle strength last time?

The second-order peaks that were difficult to deal with earlier have also broken through the third-order!

Originally, the aboriginal side and the reincarnator were only equal in strength, but for some reason, the reincarnator made several low-level mistakes during the battle, and the team leader who was good at spell bombing was targeted and fell.

The reincarnation party suddenly collapsed.

The other reincarnations fought and retreated, and after several others fell, they finally got rid of the pursuit of the indigenous powerhouse.

Their faces were ashen, but they had no choice but to report truthfully and ask for support again.

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