My doppelganger drama

Chapter 219 Studying day and night

In the evening, Fang Donghao sent another message in the group.

"Suspected to be the work of a pressure monster."

The accompanying picture shows a street that is quite familiar to Wan Yi, with its cut pavement and split vehicle wreckage.

"According to eyewitness descriptions, it looks like a mantis in human form." Fang Donghao added.

"Finally there is news about the stress monster again!" The group, which had been quiet for a day after Wan Yi reported in the morning, suddenly became lively again.

"It's obviously a high-depth boundary, but I always feel so calm that I can't see anything except Wan Yi's description!"

"Yeah, by the way, is it possible that the deep instrument test could go wrong?"

"Don't take chances too much and forget about our teammates who sacrificed right from the start?"

There was a heated discussion in the group.

Apparently a peaceful day caused them some doubts.

After all, what they have experienced so far is far from the high-depth boundary in their impressions.

In the past, with the high-depth boundary, even if you didn't put the high risk on your face, you could easily see all kinds of anomalies. Even in the seemingly normal modern society, there were hidden murderous intentions every step of the way.

As a result, now, I have spent a peaceful day without any incident, which is so strange.

Wan Yi was sitting on the bed in the bedroom, watching their discussion about the so-called "humanoid mantis pressure monster" with a somewhat hopeless expression.

You have forgotten all the things you should have experienced, and then you are pointing at the only thing that is not really a stress monster.

Even that thing is still a Wanyi.

Wan Yi himself felt speechless.

Forget it, come on everyone, good night.

Wan Yi rolled on the bed, closed his eyes, and went to play with the people in the play.

Just when the main body routinely replaces sleep with theater.

Hyundai is still working as a night shift security guard today.

"I hope nothing weird happens today."

The security room at this time was filled with various snacks he bought during his afternoon trip.

If it weren't for the surveillance screen in front of him, I would have thought he was watching movies at night.

Everything on the surveillance camera was normal. After sitting there for a while, he went out to patrol the night.

On the night patrol, he was still checking his cell phone, and the discussion in the group continued.

Fang Donghao made a rough summary. His identity within this boundary is that of a reporter, and he and Wan Yi are colleagues in a sense.

There are many channels to contact in this industry, so he can provide the most clues at one time.

Most are about well-documented paranormal phenomena and urban legends.

Most of them are about magical girls.

In the urban legend information given by Fang Donghao, it was found that magical girls do not actually appear in a completely positive image. Many times, they are described as wanton humanoid monsters.

It has even caused many suspenseful murders.

Although there are also righteous descriptions, weird ones are more common.

These contents are vague and of little value to other team members who have never even met a magical girl.

Wan Yi found it very interesting and planned to ask Chen Yiai another day.

Just as he was thinking about it, Brother Modern was walking on the campus at night when he suddenly caught a flash of light in his peripheral vision.

He looked and saw that the lights in a classroom were on in a teaching building.

"I haven't received the notice. Is there anyone else who has something to do tonight?" Brother Modern said, walking over.

After confirming the memory with other clones, I also knew that there should be no lights on in that direction just now, but just now, the lights turned on without warning.

For ordinary people, this feeling seems to blur the memory, and may eventually be regarded as an illusion.

But Wan Yi can confirm the memory many times, and even a boring memory can have countless backups, so this little trick has no effect.

He walked directly into the teaching building and climbed the stairs to the target floor.

The lit classroom is at the end of the corridor.

He walked into it.


A lot of people.

Densely packed figures filled the huge classroom. Their faces could not be seen clearly, their hair was messy and disheveled like a chicken coop. They were all hunched over their desks, holding pens in their hands and writing something.

After Brother Modern walked in, he suddenly heard another crackling sound that made his ears hurt. Several figures pacing back and forth appeared in the corridor outside. They were holding books in their hands and shaking their heads.

Looking at this scene, Brother Modern felt a little irritated for no reason.

A lot of anxious and introspective thoughts came to my mind.

for example……

Why don't you work hard to train yourself even though you have such a powerful clone ability?

Countless people in the broken world are struggling for survival and advancement. Do you have a powerful ability but don't use it wisely?

Why not let every avatar strictly carry out the orders, and have each avatar practice and learn from experience, so as to constantly strengthen themselves?

How can you compete with others if you don't work hard?

"Ah? Then who can make up for the happiness I lack?"

"Aren't we working very hard? We worked overtime, and we just couldn't hang the main body on the street lights."

"We have always been true to our word. We never give up on anything we do halfway. The road to strength never stops. Why do we need others to define our strength?"

"Fighting hard? Aren't we working hard every day? How many brothers have died so far?"

"It's so funny, is it a roll, right? Come and change places with us, we can help you roll the roll, and you can roll it for us, okay?"

Not long after this anxiety-producing thought came into being, Wan Yi suddenly felt unhappy.

We spend our lives doing things and torturing ourselves every day, so how can we expect others to judge us!

All the questions that came up in an instant were drowned in Wan Yi's verbal criticism.


A gunshot echoed through the classroom, drowning out all the noise.

The sound of pen scratching paper and the strange noises in the corridor fell silent.

"That's right. I forgot that in school, this kind of pressure should be the mainstream." Brother Modern looked at the figures who had stopped moving in front of him.

The pressure of studying.

Even more than that, under the pressure of study, there are many other pressures mixed together.

One of Hyundai's arms turned into a black barrel, and he stood on the podium pointing at the figure below.

"Although the pressure you feel is worthy of sympathy, and I have not experienced it, I still want to say..."

Brother Modern looked around and said with a smile: "I have graduated."

Swish swish swish——

The bullets poured out, killing each person with precision, one at a time, and no one was missed.

All the figures made simultaneous backward movements in a short period of time, and the scene became silent for an instant.

There were footsteps outside, and soon, the door was slowly pushed open.

It was a girl with colorful snakes wrapped around her body. Her skin was covered with scales, which grew from the flesh. The originally gorgeous green dress on her body was in tatters, and the torn places were filled by those snakes. .

If you look closely, you will find that these snakes also come out of the girl's body.

Her hair also resembles that of a gorgon, and half of her face has been covered by snakes.

She held an exquisite scepter casually in her hand. She walked with heavy steps, and with the movement, the hanging ornaments on the scepter made a slight crisp sound. also a magical girl?

Chen Yi'ai's painting style is curious, and Zhou Lulu's painting style is only slightly weird, but the one in front of me really shows the weirdness and weirdness to the fullest.

Is the pure and beautiful Feng Xinyuan I met in the afternoon a minority?

The girl walked into the classroom and was a little surprised when she saw Brother Modern, and then looked at the other figures sitting in the classroom.

All were shot.

Her eyes turned back to Brother Modern again: "Who are you?" The voice was low and hoarse, not very nice.

"Obviously, I'm the school security guard." Hyundai said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The girl was silent for a moment: "What did you do?"

"I believe they are criminals who broke into the school at night." Brother Modern said.

The girl sighed: "They are already miserable enough during the day, don't torture them any more."

"I didn't torture them. I shot them in the head with a gun, and the experience was in place. It was clean and tidy. Whether they died or not was their own problem." Modern Brother said proudly.

The girl no longer argued with the modern brother, but stretched out her hand to others in the classroom.

The scepter gave off a faint light, and the snakes dancing randomly on her body suddenly seemed to be inspired, and all the snake eyes looked at these figures.

The next moment, the strange figure in front of Brother Modern instantly disappeared into ashes.

"Wow." Brother Modern said with emotion: "In a sense, we are similar."

The snake-haired girl ignored the modern brother's innuendo and said to herself: "This kind of pressure is a bad root that is difficult to get rid of in schools. However, they usually only choose a classroom when no one is around and repeat these actions on their own. , late at night rarely affects other people.”

"But isn't this just how I was affected?"

The snake-haired girl said: "That's why I'm here. I don't pay attention to them on weekdays. They don't do much harm, and they don't even endanger ordinary people's lives. I will check them regularly to ensure that they don't accumulate too much pressure. "

"You are so kind."

"It's not a kindness, I just can't let it go." The snake-haired girl said in a complicated tone.

Suddenly, she stopped talking and took a few breaths with some effort: "Sorry, Mr. Security, I'm a little tired. Goodbye."

After speaking, she flashed her scepter, and the decoration on the scepter shook slightly and made a crisp sound.

The next moment, she disappeared from the eyes of modern brother.

Brother Modern looked at the classroom that was suddenly empty and deserted.

"Well, it looks like I have something to report tomorrow morning."

Hyundai was joking to himself, came to the classroom window, and looked out the window.

Suddenly, there was an unpleasant noise in my ears, and a blurry filter appeared in front of my eyes again, as if the world was sinking into darkness.

Brother Modern looked downstairs, next to the large flower bed between the two teaching buildings.

The figure wearing a black suit and dress is standing here quietly.

In the darkness, Brother Modern couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

But there is no doubt that the other party is looking here, looking at him.


A bullet was fired, and Hyundai followed closely behind.

The bullet shattered the corner of the flower bed and sank into the soil. Brother Modern also came to the edge of the flower bed downstairs.

But the figure just now disappeared, and the auditory and visual abnormalities quickly subsided.

His shot speed should have been fast enough, but he still couldn't catch up.

A mere illusion, or something else?

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