My doppelganger drama

Chapter 227 Displeasure is like a nightmare left behind

A black shadow escaped from the ground, passed through the chaotic crowd outside, and moved towards the outside of the school.

Wan Yi was singing a lullaby to Dong Kaimen, but he glanced at it and ignored it.

The black shadow came to a deserted path outside the school and condensed into the figure of a noisy monster.

The purple-black pressure material on his body faded away, and he returned to Wan Yi's appearance.

"I'm half exhausted after a long day of work, but my main body is still singing a lullaby to a grown man, which makes people cry. It's amazing." said the noisy monster clone.

"That's good. If you stay in a bad mood longer, your combat effectiveness will increase!" As he said this, his face opened with a smile.

The Noisy Monster clone gave himself a slap without any hesitation, leaving a clear slap mark on his face after the slap.

"I'll stop working if I'm in a bad mood." He said this and took off his tattered clothes, revealing a slim but muscular figure.

A suspicious-looking figure wearing sunglasses and a mask came over, holding a bag in his hand and handed it to him.


"You're welcome, please open your mouth next time, your position is too much in demand now," the clone said.

Noisy Monster's face darkened: "Go, go, go."

The clone who delivered the clothes let out a dull laugh, turned and left.

Noisy Monster took out his clothes and put them on.

"Tsk, these are all rubbish combinations. Isn't there anything good?" Then he couldn't help complaining quickly.

"What? If you have an opinion, you can make your own choice." As soon as he finished speaking, a mouth opened on his chest.

"Although it is indeed your choice, hahaha." He said with a split mouth next to his belly button.

The noisy monster hesitated to speak, and finally took out his clothes and put them on.

Very rustic brown trousers, paired with a black short-sleeved tights.

Although the tights highlight Wan Yi's figure very well, Wan Yi's appearance really doesn't look oppressive, and she doesn't look strong. Wearing these tight short sleeves makes her look a bit mismatched.

After doing this, he was about to go out, but he remembered that he almost forgot to put on facial disguise after being reminded by other clones.

So he loosened his belt and reached behind his butt.


"I should have torn off that brother's ass earlier if I had thought about it earlier." Noisy Monster said as he started to paint his skin.

About half an hour later, a man with broken hair who looked tough and handsome but had sharp and cold eyes walked out of the alley and left in a random direction.

Police cars and ambulances had already arrived at the scene.

But as countless white bubbles rose and burst, everyone's expressions became dull.

Then they looked at each other in confusion for a long time, then dispersed to do their own things. Today was a working day.

The police car and ambulance disappeared on the spot, and the originally noisy campus suddenly returned to its usual tranquility.

The three magical girls found the hidden small flower bed where Wan Yi and Dong Kaimen were.

Chen Yiai squinted at Wan Yi and said, "What are you doing?"

"Sooth the baby to sleep." Wan Yi replied.

Because Dong Kaimen was always nervous, Wan Yi comforted him a little and sang him a few lullabies from various folk customs he knew.

Added a little more nightmare effect.

Dong opened the door and gradually relaxed and fell asleep.

Wan Yi lent him her shoulder and was sleeping soundly.

It is difficult for normal people to fall into deep sleep on such occasions, but Dong Kaikai was really too tired.

"It's me, it's me!" Zhou Lulu was eager to give it a try.

"Forget it, your delicate little shoulders can't bear the weight of an adult." Wan Yi said.

"I'm an adult too!"

"This is not about age." Wan Yi pretended to be serious.

"Are you the magical and weird Teacher Wan?" Feng Xinyuan said.

"Well, you must be the magical girl in a wedding dress, I heard it from my friend." Wan Yi responded and said.

Feng Xinyuan frowned: "That scarred man who doesn't understand etiquette?"

"I'm sorry, that kid is young and really rude." Wan Yi immediately apologized sincerely.

"Huh?" At this time, Hyundai, who worked the night shift last night and was resting this morning, showed an unhappy expression at home.

Feng Xinyuan said: "Are you people from other worlds so out of tune?"

"Another world!?" Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu said in shock.

"That's not to say that it will embarrass the people from the other world. That scarred man who doesn't understand etiquette and I are the moral bottom line for the people from the other world." Wan Yidao.

"Only on the bottom line, right?" Chen Yiai narrowed his eyes.

"Really? I feel that Teacher Wan is better than the three people before who took action when they disagreed. Wait! Teacher Wan, do you also know what happened to those three people before?" Zhou Lulu said smoothly, but suddenly reacted seriously. Gotta ask.

"That's not true. The relationship between people from other worlds is also very complicated. Although we came from the same group, we also have different positions. It's just that I have a better relationship with the scarred man who doesn't understand etiquette." Wan Yi explained patiently.

"Fart." Hyundai Brother complained speechlessly at home.

"Anyway, let's settle this poor kid first." Wan Yi gestured to Dong Kaimen and said.

"I'll do it!" Papa, the octopus ball elf, immediately stepped forward and volunteered.

It seemed that this rather useless elf had finally taken some responsibility, but when he looked at the pink bunny Xiaoduo who pushed it out from behind, this feeling no longer existed.

"After all, it was Lulu who caused the trouble in the first place." Papa said to clear his name.

Zhou Lulu wanted to say something, but Wan Yi said directly: "If you elves can remember magic, can you delete some more memories?"

"No, our memory magic is only used to protect magical girls!" Angie, the angel elf, flew out and said.

"I really want to protect you and try to solve the problem of that shut-up pressure monster." Wan Yi said with a frozen smile on his face.

It looks a little creepy.

"Resolve the source of stress?" Chen Yiai said.

"Wait! How do you want to solve it?" Zhou Lulu felt something was wrong.

"Delete the recent memories that have made him uncomfortable. Let Zhou Lulu's confession to him become a thing of the past. No, to be precise, it does not exist." Wan Yi said lightly.

"Why is this like this!" Zhou Lulu was anxious.

Feng Xinyuan glanced at Zhou Lulu and Dong Kaimen, who was sleeping soundly, and said, "That's right, that is indeed a good method, but according to what I know from Yi'ai, although the relationship between the pressure monster and this teacher Dong exists, But it’s not that close, are you sure that deleting this memory will solve the matter?”

Compared with the two students, although Feng Xinyuan came here halfway, his perspective is more comprehensive and objective.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's worth a try." Wan Yi said.

He did not look at Zhou Lulu, but Gu Zi said: "Because Zhou Lulu's so-called true love has seriously affected the normal lives of others, and she is still in the search stage. To put it bluntly, she is experimenting on other people's lives."

Except for Wan Yi, everyone else looked at Zhou Lulu.

Zhou Lulu was also stunned and fell into a tangle.

"Shut up! Lulu has been a magical girl for a long time, and she has been risking her life! Go help other people! You are not allowed to say that to Lulu!" Little Octopus Papa immediately defended.

"That's true. After all, he is a hero who has saved many people. It is completely acceptable to be a little willful." Wan Yi kept smiling and his tone remained unchanged, as if he was convinced. There was no yin and yang at all.

But this puts more pressure on people.

Finally, after a long silence, Zhou Lulu whispered: "Then delete it."

"Lulu!" Papa said in surprise.

"I am indeed too willful sometimes. I never thought that the teacher would become like this." Zhou Lulu's cute little face was stretched and she said in a stiff tone:

"After all, I am indeed still in the experimental stage, but it seems that I don't really have the attitude to seriously experiment."

"Then I really did it." Papa said, rubbing his tentacles a little uneasily.

Zhou Lulu nodded slightly.

Everyone looked at Zhou Lulu, no one said anything.

"Huh? Why did I fall asleep?" Dong opened the door and said after waking up. ,

"Hey, are you awake? Yes, you are the one with the worst quality in this batch, because the morning meeting is over." Wan Yihan said with a smile.

Dong opened the door and woke up instantly: "What!? I was late for the meeting this morning? I'm still sleeping in this corner?!"

"Just kidding, because the leaders were all late, the meeting has been postponed to next week."

"Don't scare me!" Dong Kaikai hit Wan Yi lightly and laughed in relief.

"You've been so tired lately. It's amazing that you fell asleep just sitting here. I even took a photo of you." Wan Yi handed over a photo.

"I'll go! That's enough for you!" Dong Kaikai quickly grabbed the photo and said.

Wan Yi stood up: "You should be lucky that I was the only one taking the secret photos. Anyway, I'll leave first if you wake up. Take care of yourself."

"I was a little confused after sleeping. It seemed like I had a nightmare just now, but when I woke up, I didn't remember anything." Dong Kaikai said in a daze.

"That's what nightmares are like. It's a good thing you can wake up." Wan Yi responded.

"What you said is a bit scary, but I am indeed fine. I just feel empty in my heart, but I also feel better." Dong Kaikai said.

"That's good. By the way, you said before that you planned to take time off to go out for fun. Do you have any plans?" Wan Yi asked in a guided manner.

"Did I say that? Oh, I do seem to have an impression. I rarely have careful plans. It shouldn't be too far to go to play. Maybe I can just go to the next city for a few days."

"I really envy you. I wish you happiness."

"Well, thank you."

After saying goodbye, Wan Yi turned around and left.

Looking at Wan Yi's back, Dong Kaimen was a little confused: "Is my relationship with Wan Yi so good?"

After taking a look at his somewhat restless sleeping appearance in the photo, he put it away and prepared to ask for leave.

Wan Yi walked halfway when suddenly, there was a noise in his ears, and the strange vision appeared again for a century.

He stopped and looked at the figure that appeared in front of him without any warning.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Wan Yi said helplessly.

Wearing a suit and dress, his figure is tall and straight, and his posture contains a hint of elegance, but except for the clothes on his body, nothing else can be seen clearly.

It slowly walked towards Wan Yi and stretched out its hand towards Wan Yi.

Wan Yi watched quietly without hiding.

Originally, its hand was directed towards Wan Yi's chest, but after pausing on Wan Yi's chest for a moment, it rested on Wan Yi's shoulder instead.

Wan Yi suddenly felt that his body became a little heavier.

It's not like a physical stress, it's like a psychological effect.

He felt that his mental energy seemed to be stimulated and became a little restless.

It was negative energy, and there was negative energy trying to stir up his spirit.

But if that's all, it's useless.

However, the figure had disappeared without warning, making people suspect that it was an illusion.

Wan Yi patted the place on his shoulder where he had just been touched.

"You really know how to get used to it."

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