My doppelganger drama

Chapter 235 Be careful with the gun

The magical girls spread out, and Feng Xinyuan quickly pulled out several arrows, forming a carpet bomb on the street in front, covering the Hollow Shut-up monster and other pressure monsters.

But the smoke and dust were quickly broken, and the hollow-mouthed monster leaped up vigorously. There is no doubt that in terms of explosive power, the hollow-mouthed monster is far from comparable to Dong's version, and there is no intention to belittle Dong himself.

A big snake came out of the building next to it and blocked Feng Xinyuan's attack from the Hollow Shut-Up Monster. However, the whole snake was also pressed down by the opponent, which was enough to see its strange power.

Feng Xinyuan flew high into the sky and shot arrows down from the sky.

Arrows rained down.

The big snake under the Hollow Shut-up Monster quickly decomposed, and then was hit by a crazy rain of arrows.


A strong figure broke through, this time transformed into Chen Sixue's blade monster, but except for the blades on its limbs, the main body still had a male-like appearance.

The Blade Monster is extremely fast, and it can be seen that it has a lot of reservations about Chen Sixue's abilities in terms of movement and skills.


During the dodge process, the Hollow Blade Monster's body suddenly turned into several dark petals, soared straight into the air and then re-condensed into its physical form.

Qualitative change!

Wan Yi knows that this is one of Chen Sixue's qualitative changes, and Kong Kong can even imitate this part!

The mechanism of this thing seems to be getting more and more exaggerated.

Zhou Lulu reached out her tentacles in time to help Feng Xinyuan relieve the pressure.

The Hollow Blade Monster was caught off guard and pulled down by the tentacles, and then the blade danced and chopped the tentacles into splashes.

Just as he was about to get up again, the sound of a chainsaw sounded.



Ferocious scars were printed on the hollow chest, the neat and elegant suit was torn, and black energy leaked out.

"Yes, it seems that I can indeed meet you." Chen Yi'ai looked at the void with sharp eyes.

The chainsaw pulled out rose-colored fireworks, and its tail light swayed, leaving brilliant trails in the air, but beneath them, it slashed mercilessly again and again.

Kong used the blade monster's template to parry several times before being suppressed. His body transformed into a black mummy wearing a dress, holding a black dead wood in both hands, but he successfully withstood Chen Yi'ai's fierce attack.

Then it moved the dead wood gracefully, as if using a ferocious spear.

The spear traced a dark trajectory, which was in sharp contrast to the rose color of Chen Yiai's chainsaw.

After several back and forths, Chen Yiai fell into a disadvantage.

Her fighting style is very open and close, and many of her movements are instinctive, relying heavily on her strong body and strange strength. Facing the hollow that she inherited from Fang Donghao, she has absorbed many fragments of skills and years of hard training. The fruits of experience she gained were far from what she had in terms of rough combat experience.

The dead wood left several wounds on her body. One end blocked her chainsaw, and the other end followed up and pressed against her chest.


Black light spurted out from the dead wood and penetrated Chen Yi'ai. The black light pierced the building behind him and extended for a long time before slowly dissipating.

Chen Yiai spurted blood from his mouth and his body was shaking.

Kong Kong stretched out his hand and touched Chen Yi'ai.

But before they could touch it, the noisy monster's fist connected with the hollow's face and knocked it away.

Hollow rolled on the ground a few times and then stood still, seemingly unscathed.

Wan Yi also pulled out the soul rope and lured away the seriously injured Chen Yiai.

"You are also very brave. I told you to be careful not to be touched. Among the magic girls present, you are the one who is good at close combat and the one who needs to be careful the most, but you still went up without hesitation. "

Wan Yi didn't know how to treat, and he didn't carry a clone that was good at healing. He could only place Chen Yi'ai next to her and let her recover on her own.

Chen Yiai's eyes were a little dull and he said, "Why...why is it aiming at...Xinyuan?"

After Wan Yi fell silent, he said: "It can only be said that it is an accidental fate. Feng Xinyuan's current situation is the most suitable among you. The hole now has the ability to suppress and decompress. With your magical girl's situation, if she is touched , the consequences are unimaginable. And now that it has this ability, it will target you, hoping to absorb a lot of pressure."

It had briefly locked onto Wan Yi just now, but in the end it chose Feng Xinyuan.

Obviously, under its current intelligent judgment, Wan Yi is a very difficult target to obtain, but Feng Xinyuan is undoubtedly very easy.

As soon as Wan Yi finished speaking, Chen Yiai stood up.

"Your wounds haven't recovered yet." Wan Yi reminded.

"It's okay, just keep hitting it and it'll be fine. If it doesn't work, I have a plan B."

"Before that, please explain Plan A."

"Just do Plan A and it'll be over." Chen Yi'ai said with a smile.

"Your wound healing speed has slowed down." Wan Yi said suddenly without joking with her.

Chen Yiai still smiled: "It seems that its ability does not necessarily require direct contact to take effect."

After saying this, she said nothing else and walked back to the battlefield.

After Wan Yi took a look, he said in his mind: "Brother Modern, speed up."

"...It's already started. Fermentation will take some time. I'm on my way here."


The stress monsters rioted.

The stress monsters began to attack and eat each other.

They all emerge from the void, and as the void evolves, the pressure cannot leak. When piled up blindly, the negative effects brought about by a large amount of pressure become unbearable even for stress monsters.

Collapse first, they instinctively vent, aimlessly, wildly and disorderly.

The hollow turned into an eye-striped butterfly pressure monster produced from Shangguan He Qin, and its weird wings carried it high into the sky.

The scale powder fell and then magnified, forming countless sword energy, forming a storm and blowing towards Feng Xinyuan.

The two were flying high in the sky at high speed, with arrows and scale-pink sword energy intertwining with each other, going back and forth. If it weren't for the elves having opened the barrier, the sky might not be big enough for them to fly.

The black scale powder exploded countless times, while Yi Ai, Lulu and Dai Qian below were entangled by the pressure monster that started to wreak havoc.

The Noisy Monster tore open the mouth of a snake-shaped pressure monster biting his arm, but was soon pounced on by other pressure monsters and was suddenly covered in "big men".

"Our fetishes are normal! Get out of here!"

"I can't stand men and you still expect me to have sex with a monster?"

"Are you sure you don't like men? Who said last time that noisy guys have a sticky butt?"

"Narcissism and sexual orientation are two different things!"

"Enough is enough! After this trip, you are going to say whatever you want. Now use my mouth to do things for me!" The noisy monster clone was originally unhappy because it was difficult to vent, but now after hearing the incoherent voice on its body, He didn't even let out his anger.

"All right!"

"You gave the order!"

"Then together!"


Swish swish swish!

The noisy monster's mouths opened all over his body, and countless arrows from the spirit spirit were sprayed out.

Every mouth becomes an endless opening for firing, letting the noisy brothers vent their emotions as much as possible.

Its surroundings were swept away, and the strokes of the font turned into arrows that pierced the streets and even surrounding buildings. The scene was instantly cleared, and most of the pressure monsters were eliminated.

At this moment, there was an explosion in the air.


"Sister Xinyuan!" Zhou Lulu exclaimed.

Feng Xinyuan was hit by scale powder and fell from the sky!

Chen Yiai, who was closest to the impact point, carried his injury and tried to catch it, but saw Feng Xinyuan raise the big bow in his hand and nail an arrow in front of Chen Yiai.

Chen Yi'ai was shocked and confused: "Xinyuan, what are you doing!?"


Before he finished speaking, Feng Xinyuan fell to the ground, making a dull and harsh sound, which seemed to hit everyone's hearts.

The magical girls rushed over quickly.

But he saw that Feng Xinyuan had stood up.

Wan Yi was expressionless when he saw her scene, but he remembered the history that An Ji had shown him before it was revised.

A tattered wedding dress, stained by blood and dust.


Feathers fell from the body and began to turn black.

"" Feng Xinyuan breathed heavily, his chest heaving.

Black ominous lines began to spread across her body.

When she raised her head, she found that half of her face was covered in strange veins.

The magic power is growing, but this is not a good thing, because the pressure is also expanding, and the growth of magic power is only incidental to the expansion of accumulated pressure.

Even if it is not touched, even if it is attacked, or even just due to contact and observation for a long time, it will be affected by the void after a long time.

Chen Yiai is okay, but Feng Xinyuan...

Magical girls who use magic power to seek long-term benefits for themselves will also have to bear more burdens.

For Feng Yi, how much did Feng Xinyuan bear on weekdays.

Especially in recent days, because with the help of modern brother, she has collected a large amount of magic power after killing a large number of pressure monsters, but at the same time, there is no good way to release the accumulated pressure.

Accompanying Feng Yi to grow up is her best way to relieve stress, but now Feng Yi's growth is also the biggest torture to her.

And today, the fuse appeared.

And he will set her on fire in the most hideous way.

"Xinyuan!" The elves flew out, and the little angel Anji shouted anxiously. Tears flowed out of her eyes. She wanted to get closer but was stopped by Feng Xinyuan's raised long bow.

"do not come……"


The wind sounded, and the hollow fell from the sky, returning to its original appearance, but the suit and dress had been extensively damaged and no longer elegant.

At this time, it is more like a "stress monster".

It stretched out its hand towards Feng Xinyuan: "Pressure...give me...pressure...elves...magic...death...hatred...pressure...resurrection!"


Just then, gunfire rang out.


The barrier that the elves had just set up was torn open in mid-air.

The rusty bullet traveled a long distance and shot directly into the empty head.

The empty head exploded and fell to the ground.

Wan Yi didn't turn his eyes, still looking at Feng Xinyuan.

Everyone else's eyes were subconsciously attracted by the gunshot.

Feng Xinyuan was the same, but his movements were slower than everyone else, and he turned to look over.

What appears is not "people".

According to the understanding of magical girls, that thing should be called a pressure monster.

But in the final analysis, the pressure monster is not worthy of comparison. Even the extremely weird hole that forces them into a desperate situation is far less than the fear in their hearts when they see that thing.

What is aroused is the fear that goes straight to the root of human genes.

The bullet chain was fluttering, and the muscles on the pale body were swollen and angular. The upper half of the face was covered by the growing machine gun barrel, and the scattered black hair was fluttering. Behind it, countless types of firearms clustered together, forming a jungle of firearms.

The body is huge, with two thick gun barrels protruding from the shoulders. The gun barrels on both arms grow like bamboo shoots, and the barrels are dependent on each other.

Beneath his body, bullets of various calibers formed a circle of thick skirt armor.

A real monster.

No need to elaborate, people who see it will call it this.

Weird as a god.

Fear is worshipful.

It raised an arm again, aiming its pitch-black barrel at the people within the barrier.

Everyone's hair stood on end, and fear made them forget to breathe.

Only Feng Xinyuan showed the same gentle and maternal smile that he always had in front of Feng Yi.

"Don't tell him."


A small bullet hole opened between Feng Xinyuan's eyebrows, and he fell backward.

On the deserted ruined street, a radio buried in stone debris has not completely lost its function and is broadcasting radio news.

"Urgent news break! Terrorists invaded this city's TV station today and shot a large number of people with uniform firearms. A large number of well-known entertainers and celebrities were shot and killed in a global live broadcast. They showed their firearms to the world. Their actions were in vain. Without warning! Some government officials were even shot and killed! All residents, please be careful..."

The broadcast seems to be having a bit of a problem here, with noise and stuttering cutting it off for a moment.

But he recovered quickly.

Let people hear the last words of the radio news:

"Watch out for the gun!"


The broadcast ended abruptly with the sound of gunfire.

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