My doppelganger drama

Chapter 263 Cognitive Implantation

"What did you say?" Wan Yi's first reaction was to act stupid.

Unless someone gives you real evidence, most of the time it's best to act stupid without using your brain and highlight your harmlessness to the greatest extent.

"Your spiritual activities, psychological activities and even soul characteristics are exactly the same." The girl's eyes lit up, as if she had seen something powerful.

"Can you read minds?" Wan Yi thought for the first time.

"It's not that powerful at reading minds, it's just that I can see and analyze it." The girl said and rubbed her eyes. "You are too tired to analyze. Although you are alone, there are so many threads, and every soul is accepting it all the time. And sending messages, there are too many repeated spam messages, how can you endure it?”

After the three Wanyi looked at each other, one of them asked: "Who are you?"

"Me? I don't remember much. I only know specifically that my name is 'mianpu'."



The wild genealogist appears!

Wan Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet the genealogy family in this place.

Although Huang Pu had said at the beginning that her personality clone existed in the Sinking Sky Island Group, she hoped Wan Yi could help pay attention to it. But the sunken sky island group is so large that Wan Yi has no intention of looking for it specifically.

But in the end, he still encountered it, in this strange underground ruins.

This mask currently looks more harmless than Huangpu and Spectrum.

What? Chromatography?

Isn't that a little trash, a transmitter for other personality clones?

"Oh, you had a slightly different reaction when you heard my name. Do you know me? Or do you know the meaning of my name?" the girl suddenly said.

"You really can't read minds?" Wan Yi asked again.

"I told you I couldn't. I can analyze it naturally just by looking at it. It's obvious." Mian Mu tilted his head, looking innocent and simple.

Wan Yi thought of Fu Kong.

Relying on his strong observation, analysis and interpretation skills, Fukong can also achieve mind-reading effects on most people.

But that's only in terms of behavior.

But judging from the words of the person in front of her, what she could see seemed to go deeper.

Most people definitely don't like to get too close to this kind of person.

Even if it is not mind-reading, for ordinary people, it is almost the same as mind-reading.

Somewhat scary.

"What are you doing in this ruins?"

"It's not what I'm doing, but I don't know what I should do. I've been in this ruins since I woke up, and then I was trapped here by the previous group, playing hide and seek with them all day long. They are very You want to catch me." Mian Mian said somewhat unhappily.

"Then why did you appear in front of us again? What if we are also members of the Witch Sect?"

"It doesn't matter whether you are one of them or not," Mian Pu said.

Wan Yi looked at her in confusion.

"After all, you don't have the defenses that those people have." Mian Mu's smile was still gentle, but his tone suddenly became a little sinister.

There was no sense of crisis, but the three Wan Yi present suddenly felt that a strange cognition had been introduced into their minds at some point.

This cognitive invasion quickly expanded, like a virus, invading the mental will and then quickly replicating itself.

San Wan was the first to bear the brunt, and his brain was in chaos.

They immediately wanted to confirm each other's condition, but when they looked at each other, what appeared in each other's eyes was not the faces behind their respective paintings.

But mask.

Are the three of them masks?

No, they should be Wan Yi.

Is it really Wan Yi? Aren't they masks?

No, no!

Who am I? !


When Wan Yi saw this and was about to make an exchange, he discovered that the spiritual imprint outside his body had actually failed!

Mian Pu watched quietly as the three people in front of him fell into a state of self-perception.

As expected, implantation was much more troublesome than expected. After all, their consciousness was too huge, and their self-awareness was undoubtedly extremely strong.

But as long as it's still in the spiritual realm, she can handle it.

Although she didn't know where her confidence came from, she just felt that she could do it.

While she was waiting for the results, a loud bang came from the entrance passage of the ruins.

Mask quickly turned around and saw a monster giant carrying guns and ammunition, a strange figure that was completely black except for its two white eyes, surrounded by large nightmare cockroaches, and a figure with blood flowing all over its body and rugged limbs but not A ghost with a resentful face that hindered him from crawling quickly.

These three things broke through the ruins directly and charged towards the mask at a very fast speed.

The next moment, bullets flew by like the wind.

Mian Pu's whole body was instantly covered with bullet holes, and then his limbs were covered in blood and flesh, and he was beaten into a piece of rotten flesh on the spot.

The three Wan Yi who had problems with their self-awareness were quickly devoured by curses and nightmare cockroaches.

In the void form, King Wu Yi grabbed the remaining half of the head and said: "She is still alive. This is also an incarnation implanted with cognition!"

"Damn, other than the color spectrum, what kind of crazy people are the genealogists?" Brother Modern, who came quickly after the accident, cursed.

"Spiritual cognition implant... Even we can't fully deal with it... Her self-awareness is immortal..." Brother Cursed read eerily.

Wearing a dress and top hat, the pressure-transformed form of Wanyi walked through the pile of cockroaches.

He held the soul-eating wand and operated it at full power to remove the influence of the mask on himself by peeling off all Wanyi's souls that were contaminated with the spiritual cognition of the above mask and condensing it into the form of soul crystal.

Looking at the strange soul crystals in their hands, they frowned slightly.

Changes in spiritual perception even affect the shape of the soul.

They are all gradually turning into masks.

"If you can't lock it with any malicious intent, the main body can help." Brother Modern said after looking around.


Wan Yi fiddled with the soul crystal and shot it straight forward.

The soul crystal turned into an impact, creating a stunning tail light and tracking it towards a hidden target.

"It's easier to track if the souls are homogeneous." Wan Yi said, then turned around and said again:

"I curse you for guarding the gate."

The movement caused by Wan Yi when he broke in was unconcealed. Brother Modern's movements were quite rough, and everything he passed along the way felt like it had been plowed by cannonballs.

"Okay..." Brother Grudge replied sadly, then crawled and disappeared into the shadow of the ruins.

Others followed the tracking crystal sent out before.

The soul impact penetrated all the way through the ruins of the ruins and chased into the depths.

Hyundai Brother unceremoniously destroys everything along the way.

Since he doesn't give face, don't blame Wan Yi for his rough actions.

When a wall exploded, a surprised face appeared behind it.

He is dressed the same as the previous one.

"Wait a minute! If you have something to say, please tell me!" She waved her hands quickly.

"I originally wanted to have a nice talk with you, but you seem to have other ideas." Wan Yi looked at her and said.

"It's my problem. I just saw a breach and wanted to get out! I've been trapped here for decades!" Mian Miao said in a panic.

"My hands and feet are not very clean." Brother Modern licked his white teeth with his long tongue, showing a solemn smile.

"It's too unsafe in the outside world. If you want to talk, please go to a place where it's more convenient to talk and talk slowly." King Wuyi raised his hand, and the black oval nightmare condensation accompanying him quickly crawled towards the mask.

This mask was swallowed up by the swarm of cockroaches without much resistance, and the entire figure disappeared.

But Wan Yi took back the previous soul crystal and continued to sense.

"There are many more, and this one may not be the original body."

"Does she really have such a thing as a real body?" Brother Modern asked.

"I don't know, but there is no doubt that we have met our opponent."

"But her own fighting ability is not strong. In a sense, this ability is just an unconditional seizure of the body." Wan Yi said.

King Wu Yi narrowed his glowing white eyes and said, "Then go ahead. Time is running out. Pack up all the masks in this ruins and take them away."

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