My Draw Game Has Come True

Chapter 70: Shake people on the phone


   Song Luo originally thought that Qin An would give him an answer, such as ‘I found a problem while solving the plan’.

But unexpectedly, after Qin An was confused for a while, he said: "I...I don't know. Just now, I saw a murderous thing in Lin Jia. I was scared for a while, so I came. I'm looking for you."

   After all, Qin An scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, smiled at Song Luo, and said: "I'm sorry, leader, it's a waste of your time."

   "Don't delay."

   Song Luo shook his head: "I wasted your time."

   Hearing Song Luo say this, Qin An was about to get up and leave. Unexpectedly, Song Luo said again: "But there is one thing, I suggest you do it."

   "What's the matter?" Qin An asked subconsciously.

   "Sit back here and wait for a while."

After that, Song Luo took out his phone, opened the address book without thinking, glanced at the information in the address book, and after hesitating for a second or two between'Wang Ting' and'Li Li', he called Li Li.

   Every two seconds, the phone is connected, and Li Li's lazy voice came from the other side: "Hello? Xiao Luo, what's the matter, why did you think of calling you Li brother?"

   "Brother Li, I have some problems here..."

Song Luo simply notified Li Li of the situation here. Li Li heard the words, his voice immediately became serious, and immediately said: "Okay, I understand, are you at Gaohai University now? Waiting not to move, I will come and look for it right away. you."

   "Deep toot~"

   The phone was hung up.

   After hanging up, Song Luo thought for a while and called Wang Ting again.

   "Sister Wang, there is a situation here. Just now a student named'Qin'an' asked me to report the situation. I think something is wrong, it seems to be more serious than we thought..."

  What is the greatest invention of the new era?

   Song Luo may have thought it was an air conditioner, a computer, a car... But at this moment Song Luo thought it was a cell phone.


   Because in this inconvenient situation of exposing the hero, you can call and shake people!

  Government agencies, official personnel, this kind of configuration can always defeat such a small corpse.

   In this way, wouldn’t your task be easy?

   Even if there are some major problems involved in this task, the official will not let myself, a little rookie who has not been trained in combat, play.

   At that time, I will play a mobile phone manipulating role to kill and kill. At that time, who would have thought that an unknown little rookie would be the leader of everything behind this?

   Regarding this, Song Luo can only say...

   Wuhu, take off.

Seeing Song Luo's two phone calls, he notified two seemingly higher-level officials. Qin An was a little restless. Seeing Song Luo finished the call, he quickly stood up and said to Song Luo: "Leader, what's the matter? Is there a problem with the corpse that we deconstructed, or to say..."

"The less you know, the better." Song Luo glanced at the plain-looking sunny boy and kindly reminded him, "Also, don't call me the leader later, it sounds a little strange, how old you are. Just call me Song Brother."

   "Good Brother Song."

   Qin An's little chicken nodded like eating rice: "Brother Song, can I go to eat? I'm a little hungry."

   "Order a takeaway, I invite you." Song Luo said.

   He felt murderous in the girl named ‘Lin Jia’. If this made him out of his sight, would it be okay?

  What if I die?

   In the game before, although people died, Song Luo didn't have too much psychological burden: I didn't kill it anyway, and I can only say bad luck if I die. It's my shit.

   And this Qin An is different.

  He came to ask himself to proactively explain the problem. If he can't even protect him, what kind of face will he use?

   And let him stay here, also for his own good.

   In case of death, there is nothing left.

   Song Luo thought of something again, and asked: "By the way, where do your classmates eat?"

   This is more important. What if Lin Jia didn't kill Qin An, and instead kills all his classmates? You have to pay attention to this, send a WeChat message to Wang Ting and let Wang Ting send someone to solve it.

   As for Song Luo personally?

   Just kidding, in this unexpected incident, communicating with this Qin An led to his personal end. In Song Luo's eyes, it was already quite stupid, and it was impossible for Song Luo to take the initiative to do it.

  Since there are tools that people can use, why do you have to end it yourself?

   "We usually eat in C3 restaurant." Qin An answered honestly.

   Qin An was originally an honest child, so naturally he wouldn't tell lies at this time.


   Song Luo nodded, and after sending the message to Wang Ting, within a minute, he got a ‘good’ reply from Wang Ting, and at the same time saw that Wang Ting sent another message:

"I have arrived in the planing room and did not find the corpse. The teacher named Wang Xuanming is also missing. The matter is a bit serious. I have notified other members of the non-security bureau that I will immediately reconcile with you, yourself. careful."

   Both the body and Wang Xuanming are missing? !

   Song Luo was a little surprised. Song Luo expressed understanding that Wang Ting arrived at the planing room so quickly.

After all, I met this group of students on the fourth and I stayed for a while, and I met Qin An on the second floor. This time span is not long. It is estimated that Wang Ting was just at best when she received her call. It's impossible to go far out of school.

   "Student Qin, something happened, don't leave for the time being, someone will come to protect you later."

   Song Luo turned around, gave Qin An an order, and then said: "Are the takeaways ready?"

   "I'm done."

   Seeing Song Luo's seriousness, Qin An, who was originally a little relaxed, became nervous now, and asked carefully in a low voice, "Song Brother, is there something wrong? Lin, Lin Jia really wants to kill me?"

  What's in your mind? It’s your Lin Jia all day long, right?

   Song Luo was a little weak to spit out, and he was also convinced by this love-brained student.

   After hearing so many changes, shouldn't the first reaction of normal people suspect that there is a problem with the experiment they did? Even if Lin Jia had a problem, it was caused by the corpse!

   This kid is hopeless.

   Song Luo sighed, as he was about to say something, his movements suddenly stagnated.

   He heard footsteps outside the stairs.


   The footsteps are not slow or slow, the gap between the two steps seems to have been calculated, there is no difference of a cent, the distance of each step is the same!

   "Wait, don't say anything!"

   After Song Luo drank in a low voice, he quickly took out two bottles of mineral water from his small bag and opened the cap.

   It's normal for the water manipulator to carry mineral water with him.

   At the same time, Song Luo slowly closed his eyes. The next moment he opened his eyes, a light blue light appeared between his eyes.

   "It's great, the toilet is next door, this wave is stable."

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