My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 22: Luqiu's suitor

After the introduction of the spleen meridian of the earth genus, Bai Yu's body finally changed. The most obvious thing was that he grew taller. He didn't feel too obvious, but Han Lin saw some differences.

Han Lin watched happily as her son was busy taking over the preparations for breakfast. She called Bai Ling up, and when she turned and sat down, she found that Bai Yu's trousers seemed to be shorter. Is it taller? Put his trousers down tonight..."

Not only the physical fitness and height have changed, but Bai Yu found that his understanding ability has also been significantly improved. The result is that the effect and efficiency of science knowledge learning have become stronger.

In the first math class, the previous test papers are issued.

"This semester is also the best time for everyone to fight. By the third year of high school, everyone's learning tasks will only be heavier. Therefore, when doing the test papers, we must pay attention to the topics we see, many of which are knowledge points in the textbook. Variations, everyone should use the knowledge they have learned flexibly, open their minds a little more, and be bold; this test revealed some of your weaknesses in reviewing the questions, and many points that should not be lost have been lost, which is not cost-effective! But! , And some classmates brought me great surprises! Now the test papers are issued, first place: Zhao Lan, 132 points, second place: Kuang Xue, 117 points; third place: Lu Fan 115 points...17th place: Bai Yu, 112 points..."

After hearing that Bai Yu had actually got 17 students in the class, there was a buzzing voice in the classroom.

Mu Xiaolei stabbed Bai Yu's arm: "Say yes, if you don't abandon each other or give up, how did you become a better student?"

"I want to give special praise to Bai Yu. The improvement this time is very significant. The improvement has been about 20 minutes. It seems that every student has potential to tap! Of course, I also hope that Bai Yu will keep improving and avoid arrogance. Quit irritability."

"Ten minutes for everyone, first look at your own papers, sum up the points lost, and then I will give you a topic..."

"I promise my mother that this mid-term exam will reach the middle reaches..." Bai Yu replied in a low voice.

"Midstream? Did you take Kaiqiao pills?"

"Ah, in fact, I have been learning very well, isn't this not wanting to expose my strength? But it's the second year of the second year of high school, and it's time for me to show my skills!" Bai Yu shook a fist.



The bell rang after class.

Lu Qiu Hanyan cleaned up the desk books and suddenly felt that the brightness in front of her had changed. She raised her head. It turned out that someone had stopped in front of her class desk and blocked the light.

"Student Luqiu." This is a handsome young man who shows eight white teeth when he smiles. Lu Qiu Hanyan thinks this man is very familiar, but can't remember his name.

"็ Hello Who are you…"

"I'm Yu Zhiliang." The teenager saw that Lu Qiu Hanyan didn't say his name in a single mouth, and was disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just transferred to the class, and I don't know everyone yet, but I know you, you are the squad leader, hello, squad leader Yu." Lu Qiu Hanyan embarrassed.

"It's okay, I just thought, because Luqiu was transferred to the class. As the monitor, I should let Luqiu integrate into the group as soon as possible. Therefore, I plan to organize a gathering of classmates in the class on weekends, Luqiu. Is it appropriate for your classmates?"

"This..." Lu Qiu Hanyan hesitated.

"I heard people say that classmates are the most difficult person in the world to be malicious to themselves, and the feelings between classmates are also very innocent. Many years later, when you recall the experience of classmates, you will be very moved. Therefore, in order to ensure that this touch is a lot Years later, we can all recall that Lu Qiu must agree to my request!" Yu Zhiliang said sincerely.

"Study is so stressful now..." Lu Qiu Hanyan was a little shaken.

"As soon as Luqiu arrives at school, his test scores are already in grade 9, and in class 2. What grades are you worried about? Besides, isn’t the combination of work and rest easier to ensure learning efficiency? Moreover, integrate into the class earlier, Lu Classmate Qiu can also eliminate loneliness as quickly as possible!" Yu Zhiliang laughed boldly, Lu Qiu Hanyan affirmed in her heart: This is a boy who is difficult to disgust.

"Well, I can't go home more than nine o'clock in the evening at the latest."

"No problem, classmate Luqiu, we will make an appointment on Saturday afternoon. Everyone is still a student and it is not suitable to go home too late." The boy replied with a smile.

"I will participate on Saturday." Lu Qiu Hanyan nodded.

"There is one more thing." Yu Zhiliang showed a very solemn expression.

"Squad leader Yu, please say."

"I hope Xueba classmates can give us some learning aids when they are free."


"Study is always easier to progress through mutual promotion, right?" Jian Lu Qiu Hanyan's expression was a little weird, Yu Zhiliang added.

"In the squad leader, grade 15, class 4, this is also a scumbag?" Lu Qiu Hanyan shook her head.

"Well, I apologize, I am too hypocritical, that is, I hope to communicate more with classmate Luqiu, what do you think?" Yu Zhiliang changed his mouth.

"If monitor Yu is talking about communication in learning, I have no problem." Lu Qiu Hanyan put the emphasis on the word learning.

At noon, the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, there are a lot of people, and the students who get along well will naturally get together and sit together. As the class leader, Yu Zhiliang will also have a bunch of supporters around him.

"How is it? Head of the team?"

"It's an appointment, everyone will get together on Saturday afternoon."

"Just agree, this is a good start!"

"Yeah, it's just that a girl like Luqiu is worthy of being the monitor of you!"

Da Da Da, footsteps sounded, and a girl who looked like a junior high school girl ran over quickly and threw down a letter: "Senior Yu, this is for you!"

"Wow..." the boys sitting around cried out strangely, and the girl ran out with her face covered in speed.

An ordinary ugly boy said: "The monitor is so pitiful, I have never received a love letter when I grow up."

Another ordinary fat boy ridiculed him: "On your condition, you can't get a rotten peach blossom."

Ordinary Ugly: "It sounds like you got a rotten peach blossom?"

Ordinary fat: "Don't you know that fat people are potential stocks? Hey, let alone, there are still one or two rotten peach blossoms."

"Fatty, you said I was a rotten peach blossom?" A cold voice came from behind.

The ordinary fat face immediately changed color: "Xiaohui, you got it wrong, I don't have any peach blossoms."

It turned out that there was also a girl who was slightly fatter than the average in the back, with delicate facial features, but the tonnage was a little too high, so he quickly stood up.

"Then, Xiaohui, you heard it wrong just now, come and come, let me explain to you..." He took Xiaohui to a remote place, and he could still hear it vaguely:

"...Tang Dynasty...beautiful..."

"Only you..."

Yu Zhiliang and the others looked at each other, and finally couldn't help laughing.


Bai Yu hurried home, unlocked the door, and was startled when he heard the sound coming from the kitchen.

"Son, are you back? There is a soup, you and Xiao Ling watch TV." When the door lock rang, Han Lin poked her head and said.

"Mom, why did you come back at noon today?" Bai Yu asked strangely.

"I always feel uneasy in my heart, come back and ask you something."

"What's the matter? Nothing happened at home recently, right? And, for this test, I'm already in the middle of the class. There is only a good thing."

"Sit down first, you'll be fine soon." Han Lin didn't answer Bai Yu's words.

After a while, Han Lin walked out carrying the soup, took off the apron, and hung it back behind the kitchen door.

"Son, mom would like to ask you something..." Han Lin sat down and said with hesitation.

Bai Yu replied while serving the rice: "What is so mysterious?"

"Did you have a problem with the one who wiped your face?" Han Lin stretched out her hand.

Bai Yu saw that Han Lin’s hands, which were a bit dry, thin and yellow, had been working for a long time, and had a little loose skin. Compared with this morning, they have changed their appearance. The white and tight skin seems to be faintly visible underneath the skin. Although his blood vessels still looked a little thin, they no longer looked like the hands of a woman in her forties.

"It should be okay? Isn't it good?" Bai Yu handed the rice to Han Lin, and gave another bowl to his sister.

"Why is it okay, how could it change so quickly? Mom's hand mom didn't know it in her own mind? Mom is afraid... If something goes wrong with this hand and can't work, what can you two do?" Han Lin is nervous Tao.

"Mom! It's okay! Do you feel uncomfortable? Have your hands been affected?" Bai Yu comforted her.

"This...not really."

"Isn't that right? I asked the Taoist chief, and he said, this is to rejuvenate the skin cells, lock the water, and remove the spots, so the hands will become white and tender."

"I'm still afraid of a problem!"

"Mom, peace of mind, that one can even be eaten directly. I saw that Daoist pry a tuft and eat it directly. If there is a problem, he dare to eat it?"

"Really no problem?"

"I promise! Little sister, do you see if Mom's hands are starting to return to the same as before?"

"What does Xiao Ling know!" Han Lin groaned, but saw Bai Ling's head dotted like a chicken pecking at rice.

After hearing her son's explanation, Han Lin seemed to let go of her mind.

"Then this... can you really wipe your face?"

Before Bai Yu’s father passed away, the family was in good conditions. Although Han Lin could not be said to be a pampered young woman, she did not lose herself in dressing and conditioning. Later, she tried her best to raise the burden of raising a son and a daughter, and she almost broke her family for her daughter’s treatment. How can I still have the energy to buy a moisturizing lotion like this skin care lotion?

Gu Jing feels sorry for herself from time to time, and she will also lament that years have murdered her youth and taken away her beauty. Suddenly her son has brought such a big change to her. There are shocks and joys, but shocks are more than happy. After all, , This is too unreasonable.

"Mom, don't worry about it. If you don't worry, wipe your hands for a few more days! There are surprises!" Bai Yu held his mother's hand, the cocoon on the palm was slightly pierced.

"You kid, what's the surprise?"

"Mom, you said, this medicine is so amazing. If there is a weight loss medicine that is as effective as this one, can it make money?"

"There is such a magical weight-loss drug, it will definitely make a lot of money. The question is, where to go..." Han Lin stopped.

"Hey, Mom, there really is this kind of medicine, which was brought out by the Taoist commander!" Bai Yu said proudly.

"That Daoist...what do you want to do? I tell you, you are not allowed to become a monk! I still want to hold my grandson!" Han Lin was surprised and immediately warned.

"Mom, I'm only 17 years old, is it too early for you to think about this? Taoist? You don't know how high the threshold is now? Besides, Taoist priests can get married!" Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the suitor of Luqiu in Chapter 22), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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